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Posts posted by WittyUsername

  1. It’s funny to think that despite being a show that’s a huge punching bag on the Internet, the TTG movie is getting good reviews and will most likely serve as good counterprogramming to the latest and most critically acclaimed Mission Impossible movie to date, while the MLP movie received extremely mediocre reviews and barely showed up on anyone’s radar, despite the show having previously been an Internet phenomenon that you seemingly couldn’t escape from. Life is funny like that.

    • Like 1
  2. 17 minutes ago, rjones1325 said:


    If you’re familiar with the humor of “Teen Titans Go!”, the film is faithful to capturing the comedic tone of the series but surprisingly doesn’t rely on the juvenile jokes as often. Oh yeah, the juvenile humor is sparse and instead targets the superhero movie genre in the most irreverent, meta way possible and it’s relentlessly funny.


    Unapologetically meta with irreverent tongue-in-cheek humor that captures the best and worst of the series, “Teen Titans Go! To the Movies” is a surprisingly hysterical satirical comedy that is fun for the whole family.


    Also TARA STRONG REPLIED TO MY REVIEW! http://www.rendyreviews.com/movies/teen-titans-go-to-the-movies-review



    Tara Strong is bubbly as hell. 

    • Like 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

    Disney is so going to PG 13 Deadpool to death. 

    They’d be idiots to do that, given that part of the appeal of those movies has to do with how raunchy they are. PG-13 movies for traditionally R-rated properties pretty much never work. Just ask The Expendables 3, Terminator Genisys and Robocop. They’d be better off not even bothering with Deadpool at all. 

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Jonwo said:

    The budget for this is apparently $7m which seems a bit low considering they've got quite a few name actors for some of the roles but if true, it'll be very profitable for OW even on a $55-60m domestic total

    I remember hearing that a while ago. I could see it being true, given that the show it’s based on supposedly only takes around one to two weeks to complete a single episode, but I’m not sure.


    Anyway, if this movie does well, I could see it leading to a resurgence in theatrical movies for popular animated shows. Apart from the Simpsons and Spongebob movies, those pretty much seemed to die out in the early 2000s. 


  5. Not exactly related to GotG 3, but Mike Cernovich and his equally idiotic followers have seemingly failed to get one of the co-creators if Rick and Morty fired. That might suggest that if these idiots keep relying on their current tactics, it’ll eventually get to a point where people stop taking their bullshit seriously. Now if only Twitter and YouTube would stop giving Cernovich a platform...

  6. 1 minute ago, Barnack said:


    It is true, but it is close to irrelevant who and why the person bring those tweet back to the spotlight to how they should be judged too. Because it is a full untrusty Internet person doing it and not a serious media, it is important to bring it up, just for:


    1) People reading anything about it, to make sure it is true.

    2) Make some effort to get the context (like the people trying to make it look like he was hosting some pedo video on is platform sent by someone  that pleaded guilty to own child pornography, don't read it and judge it, at least try the youtube link that is in the screenshot before judging.... you know this is a total alt-right hit piece going on.


    But once those are said, cernovich being an a--hole is a well known fact and irrelevant to how one should perceived James Gunn action, it is just a sad bad effect to empower him, but if someone really think it is worthy of destroying someone career and character, should not matter from who the story started.

    But if James Gunn shouldn’t have a job anymore, neither should Mike Cernovich. That should be reasonable enough. 

    • Like 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, Pure Spirit said:

    Whoa... Marvel needs to take immediate steps to remove MC as a director of a tentpole film.

    The point would be that Cernovich is trying to claim the moral high ground, and it’s making him look like a self-righteous hypocrite, on top of being a shitty person who once pleaded guilty to rape.


    This isn’t even the first time he’s tried ruining someone’s life with old tweets. He once twisted a Sam Seder tweet out of context to try and make it look like Seder was expressing support for Roman Polanski, even though the tweet was actually mocking the people who defend Polanski. People are pissed that he has so much influence over other people’s jobs. He himself needs to be fired from InfoWars, but that’s not going to happen, because they have zero standards over there. 

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  8. 10 minutes ago, dudalb said:

    Reminds be a bit, despite the differences, of the defenders of Roman Polanski. It's the whole "He is a talented director,so the rules should not apply to him" mentality.

    I’ve mentioned a few times already that I’m conflicted about Gunn’s firing, but I honestly have not seen anyone use that particular defense for him. Anyway, unless something more than tweets do come out about him, comparing this case to Roman Polanski is a bad idea. 

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