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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. The consensus has just been added. I feel like they maybe should’ve waited until a few more reviews from top critics came out before doing that, but oh well.
  2. There have been three negatives reviews in a row just now. Should that be concerning?
  3. Now that the movie is at 81% with a 6.6 average rating, is it a safe bet to assume that it won’t drop below 60%?
  4. I really am curious as to why this movie isn’t tracking too well at the moment, in spite of the positive reviews. With how prominent nostalgia has become in the last three years, I would’ve thought that a movie with decent reviews that is also a massive love letter to geek culture would have higher estimates.
  5. I realize this is a minor thing to get hung up on, but the latest review for the film on Rat kind of confuses me, not in its content, but in the fact that it has a score. The critic who posted the review in question doesn’t seem to have given any of the other movie’s she’s reviewed a score, so why is RPO the exception?
  6. Does anyone have any updated predictions for this movie, or should we wait until more reviews come in?
  7. Some people whose thoughts I’m looking forward to hearing about in regards to this film are the guys at Red Letter Media. Since they obviously wouldn’t give a crap about all the pop culture references in the film, it’d be interesting to see if they think the film holds up beyond all that.
  8. The average rating has finally gone up a bit, thanks to a 4/5 review. It’s currently at a 5.6.
  9. That average rating could sure use some work. A 5.3 for a movie that’s currently rated “fresh” just doesn’t look right.
  10. For what it’s worth, there’s a positive review by Tasha Robinson of The Verge that RT doesn’t seem to have added yet.
  11. Well, the negative review from The Guardian has just been posted, and the movie is now down to 57% with a 5.1 average rating. It should be interesting to see where it goes from here.
  12. Ouch. It would seem that the best case scenario for this movie is landing somewhere in the 70s.
  13. It’s nice to hear that WB is apparently confident in this movie. If the film can manage to be well received, it just might make a decent profit.
  14. Assuming WB is confident in this movie, I definitely think it would serve them well to allow reviews for the movie to be released early. This is a movie that’s going to need good word of mouth in order to do well.
  15. I’m just saying. It’s annoying. I’m not trying to be political. It’s just an observation I’ve made.
  16. There was always some snark leveled towards the movie, but it definitely seems like those badly photoshopped (intentional or not) posters played a role in souring the already polarizing feelings towards the film.
  17. I could see this movie potentially pulling a Kong: Skull Island and beating the low box office tracking if it’s good, but that’s still an if. It all depends on whether or not Spielberg still has it in him when it comes to blockbusters.
  18. If Supes does appear in the movie, it’ll most likely be a cute little cameo appearance that won’t actually serve the plot, which I’d be fine with. In any case, I could definitely see him being a big source of inspiration for Billy.
  19. It seems like there might not be any winners in March. Come to think of it, I’m getting the awful feeling that the only studio that’s going to end up having a good year is Disney, and considering that nearly every other studio that isn’t Universal is considering selling themselves to the highest bidders, that’s not a good sign.
  20. Sooo...anyone seen this? It’s pretty entertaining but damn if isn’t absolutely savage. This movie really has the potential to be the butt of so many jokes if it ends up being bad or mediocre.
  21. One more thing I’ll say about this movie: if it ends up being done poorly, the guys over at Red Letter Media are going to have a field day making fun of the movie for its blatant amounts of geeky fanservice. Then again, they’ll probably do that even if the movie ends up being well liked.
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