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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. So, has anyone heard about what the supposed official name for this shared universe is? It’s quite the mouthful.
  2. Looks like Tom Hardy's kid will get to see the movie after all. Seriously though, I'm not trying to suggest that being "edgy" automatically makes something better, but this movie probably would've been better off with an R-rating. It looks pretty generic as it is, and not being able to go all out with the violence isn't going to help.
  3. This is a terrible idea. Does this mean that only indie films will get Best Picture nods from this point onward?
  4. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if they cancel this movie altogether.
  5. No one ever said that racism is acceptable in any context, but the narrative that D’Souza is trying to promote is that white supremacism is a Democrat ideal. The. New York Times thing doesn’t support that particular narrative, because white supremacists would definitely not be willing to look past an Asian woman saying bad things about white men. Anyway, it looks like this is going to be D’Souza’s lowest grossing movie to date, in which case, good. That would suggest that people are getting tired of his bullshit.
  6. I do find it pretty interesting how right wing nuts (just so everyone knows, this is not an attack on Republican people in general, just the ones like D’Souza and his fans) can’t seem to decide whether Democrats are the real racists to anyone who isn’t white, or if the Dems are actively trying to destroy white people. Which is it?
  7. I thought the accusation from D’Souza was that the Democrats are Nazis and Klansmen? This doesn’t really align with that accusation, given that the controversy is in regards to an Asian woman saying negative things about white men.
  8. This movie does seem like an interesting phenomenon at the moment. The latest trailer not only has a lot of views, but it’s also generating a very strong number of likes on YouTube, yet despite this, everyone I’ve seen has been making fun of the movie.
  9. It’s difficult to know what to believe with rumors like this after the DP2 debacle.
  10. I guess it’s fair to assume at this point that a big reason that the trailers for this movie are doing so well in terms of views is because people enjoy laughing at it?
  11. Okay, I love Tom Hardy, but his New York accent really isn’t working. Anyway, there wasn’t really anything about the trailer that grabbed me. That end bit with him telling the guy how he’s gonna eat him was kind of amusing, and the fact that he literally licks someone’s face is pretty hilarious, but for the most part, this seemed like a pretty standard trailer. As as a side note, as someone who does not understand the complaints about the CGI in the Aquaman trailer, I will say that the CGI for this movie actually does look kind of dodgy.
  12. While I co tinge to be conflicted over James Gunn’s firing, there’s no use in rehiring him at this point. As other have said, that would just make Disney look even worse. What’s done is done. It’s time to move on and find another director.
  13. The good news is that the movie is so cheap that it’ll still be profitable anyway. Still, this would mean that the Warner Animation Group hasn’t had a real breakout hit since The LEGO Movie, despite currently having a much better track record from a critical standpoint than Illumination.
  14. That’s a nice way of looking at it. It’s still unfortunate that we’re going to have to wait even longer before we can actually see the movie, though.
  15. It really worries me that this whole ordeal is setting a precedent for studios to just shove any release that they have no faith in to Netflix. There are little risks in Hollywood as it is.
  16. From the very beginning of this year, I was worried that we would soon get to a point where the only movies that would get theatrical releases would be Disney films. Unfortunately, that’s starting to seem more and more likely.
  17. That’s disappointing to hear, but I guess I can’t say it’s particuarly shocking. No matter how good or bad the movie ends up being, it was always going to have the misfortune of being released so soon after the Jon Favreau film (which I personally didn’t care for). I’m still hoping for a theatrical release of some kind, but I’m not holding my breath.
  18. It'll be interesting to see how this movie fares on opening weekend.
  19. Dont let Mike Cernovich or the people at 4Chan see the end of that video.
  20. It’s funny to think that despite being a show that’s a huge punching bag on the Internet, the TTG movie is getting good reviews and will most likely serve as good counterprogramming to the latest and most critically acclaimed Mission Impossible movie to date, while the MLP movie received extremely mediocre reviews and barely showed up on anyone’s radar, despite the show having previously been an Internet phenomenon that you seemingly couldn’t escape from. Life is funny like that.
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