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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. I have a feeling that there will be a fair amount of people deleting their social media accounts by the end of the day...
  2. I honestly don’t know whether to agree with him or not. God, this has been a crazy day.
  3. I suppose Gunn getting fired over his tweets does raise the question as to why shows like South Park, Rick and Morty and Family Guy (which pretty much no one talks about anymore) are still on the air, and why there wasn’t any outrage over the jokes in the Deadpool movies.
  4. I was under the impression that this all happened because he insulted Ben “Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage” Shapiro?
  5. Well, I don’t know how to feel about this. As disgusting as his tweets were, I’m fairly certain Disney and Kevin Feige already knew about them when they first hired Gunn, so it’s painfully obvious that they’re only doing this because they want to be as free of controversy as possible. Oh well. Mike “This is how you choke a bitch” Cernovich certainly doesn’t play games.
  6. That’s probably the main reason he’s been getting in so much trouble for those tweets, since they do kind of make him look like a hypocrite. It likely doesn’t help that he himself has promoted rumors about Jared Leto preying on underage girls (which may or may not be true, I have no idea).
  7. Their defense in that case would be that he has denied the allegations against him, although he did once tell Howard Stern that he likes to walk in on his beauty pageant contestants (some of whom may have been as young as 15) while they were getting dressed. Anyway, we probably shouldn’t talk too much about politics here, so I’ll just leave it at that. Back on the subject of James Gunn’s tweets, they certainly don’t paint a good look for him, but I’d like to think that he’s probably changed since then. Granted, he was already in his 40s when he made those tweets, but I’m assuming that his post-GotG success has perhaps made him realize that he doesn’t need to make edgy and offensive jokes for attention anymore. Still, it’s ultimately up to Disney and Feige if he should stay or not.
  8. Same here. I’m all for calling out James Gunn’s idiotic behavior, but scumbags like Mike Cernovich have no business trying to claim any kind of moral high ground.
  9. The first two have already happened. The third remains to be seen. People like Mike Cernovich are attacking him, and Cernovich is the same guy who briefly got Sam Seder fired for an out of context tweet about Roman Polanski.
  10. The crazy thing about the James Gunn situation is that this stuff would’ve never resurfaced if it hadn’t been for the fact that he’s taken shots at prominent Conservatives. The tweets are disgusting, but it’s a little disturbing to think that random people on the Internet will dig up whatever dirt they can find on anyone who criticizes their icons. Anyway, we’ll have to wait and see what results from this.
  11. I didn’t say it would actually be worthy of any awards. Just that WB is probably banking on it being an awards contender, given the October release date. It’s like how they were banking on BR: 2049 being a major awards contender, even though it ultimately wasn’t. I certainly don’t get the notion that it’ll hurt this movie.
  12. If the response to the Titans trailer that was released today is any indication, I don’t think this movie has anything to worry about when it comes to an edgy, R-rated Joker movie.
  13. I don’t see any reason to assume that some random Joker movie will have any real effect on this film, especially when they’re a month apart.
  14. I don’t see why that would be necessary. Going by the release date, I’m guessing Joker, is supposed to be more of an awards contender than a box office juggernaut. Edit: To be clear, I’m not saying the movie will succeed in getting any awards, but it seems like that’s what they’re shooting for.
  15. So why is there news that they’re looking for a new actor to play the wizard Shazam?
  16. I can see it now; this movie will most likely get a higher score on Rotten Tomatoes than JL, and people will never let DCEU fans live it down.
  17. Im not saying they’ll show footage at Comic Con, but we might get a still of her in costume.
  18. I never could understand what the people who insist that Gal Gadot can’t act were ever hoping to see. Do you have to be an Oscar winning actor in order to play a superhero?
  19. So, apparently, some people are complaining about the “hapless male” bit in the trailer, and all I have to say to that is “really?” I don’t want to get into some debate about feminism or anything, especially since I don’t really consider myself a feminist, but is a brief joke really enough to ruffle some people’s feathers? I guess I can sort of understand people taking issue with the joke in the trailer for the Wreck it Ralph sequel, since the stereotype about Disney princesses needing big strong men to save them doesn’t even apply to characters like Elsa and Moana, but why is a joke about Wyldstyle kicking more ass than Emmet a big deal?
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