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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. It’s apparent at this point that the problem with Disney+ was that while they had the big IPs, they've been very lacking in variety. There are only so many Marvel and Star Wars shows you can make before people get sick of it. It’s like if Netflix relied almost exclusively on Stranger Things.
  2. Why are we still putting so much stock in test screening reports after what happened with The Flash?
  3. Looks like the second weekend hold is better than expected, no doubt thanks to National Cinema Day. This should definitely finish over FotG, so that’s something.
  4. Does there really have to be unanimous approval from the AMPTP for a deal to go through?
  5. The A.I. in this movie are seemingly meant to be sympathetic though.
  6. Why are Netflix, Apple and Amazon even part of the AMPTP anyway?
  7. He’s an A-lister who has his own production company, on top of being a well respected director. I don’t think he’s starving for cash that he’d need to keep doing capeshit.
  8. Well, that’s depressing. It finished filming months before the strike, and it’s still a year away. I don’t think they’ll want to give up that release date.
  9. Serious question; was this moved to the end of September because they were scared of going against FNaF, or were Lionsgate just under the deluded impression that they could make Saw Patrol happen?
  10. They definitely want it to be over. They just want it to end in a way that they won’t lose anything.
  11. The first movie did better than anyone was expecting. Even Denis Villeneuve was seemingly prepared for it to flop after the day and date announcement.
  12. I can think of at least one potential reason. He might’ve hoped that people on the Internet would stop hassling him about making a Batfleck movie if he made it sound like Affleck was going to contribute to the DCU. As for Affleck never saying it was a lie, Affleck isn’t really an avid social media user. He’s not really known for addressing rumors like that.
  13. No one is saying Affleck didn’t meet with Gunn. We’re saying Gunn may have not been telling the truth when he said Affleck wanted to be involved in the DCU. Why is it such a stretch that Gunn might’ve lied?
  14. I’m not sure what exactly would’ve caused Affleck to so vehemently change his mind in just a few months. He doesn’t imply that in his interview. The truth is that all we have to go off of that Affleck was ever interested is Gunn’s word.
  15. Well, Affleck did say that he would “absolutely not” direct for James Gunn’s DCU, and he also stated late last year that he would only direct movies from his production company from now on. Plus, Gunn has been radio silent about Affleck directing for the DCU since that interview. A bunch of people on Twitter accused him of lying, and he didn’t say a word in response, which is very unlike him. To be perfectly blunt, it doesn’t seem like Affleck was ever interested. That leaves two possibilities; either Gunn misinterpreted the situation, or he wasn’t being honest.
  16. Gunn specifically claimed that Affleck wanted to be involved in the DCU. He said as recently as January 31st that Affleck “really wants to be part of our architecture team.”
  17. They’ve already done several rounds of reshoots for it, which has apparently taken a lot out of James Wan, so yeah, they need to leave it be at this point:
  18. Once more, there is absolutely no point in moving Aquaman 2. If the movie is really DOA, then they might as well get it over with. At least it might have some chance in December, as opposed to pretty much any other month. Of course, common sense doesn’t seem to be Zaslav’s strong suit, so I suppose we can’t rule out the possibility.
  19. I genuinely do not understand the logic these sociopathic executives are running on. They’re willing to screw over the companies they’re in charge of just so they can hold on to their excessive bonuses?
  20. I don’t think being released in March will necessarily be a huge hit to its Oscar chances. We just had a Best Picture winner that was released around that time. Still, it is rather annoying that this delay was the result of corporate greed, but the writing was on the wall for a while.
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