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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. That Twitter thread is flawed from the get-go, as not only does that person open by stating that she has no intention of seeing the film, but the film itself actually addresses many of her complaints.
  2. Gotta love how they're so certain the strike will be over before March, but are too stubborn to take the obvious route. The strike could end anytime if the AMPTP weren’t a bunch of greedy sociopaths.
  3. I’m glad there’s a “woke” movie that’s such a definitive hit that the right-wing grifters won’t be able to spin it as a failure.
  4. I didn’t say you were being “hard on Nolan.” He’s one of the biggest directors in Hollywood. He can survive some person on a box office forum ranting about him. Your anger over this just comes across as weirdly misplaced. It doesn’t help that you’ve been spamming this stuff several times in the past few weeks now. I’m sorry, but I’m convinced you have a bone to pick here.
  5. Once more, I agree that this sucks. I just find it odd that you’re acting like this exclusion was all Nolan’s doing.
  6. Is it making the rounds? Because these tweets are from a few days ago, and I don’t think they’ve gotten much traction to my knowledge. It obviously sucks that all the artists who worked on this aren’t being credited, but it seems weird to specifically point fingers at Nolan for this, when I would assume the blame would more so fall under Universal. This also isn’t exactly a unique problem. The unfortunate reality is that the vast majority of VFX artists almost never get credited on a major production. To be perfectly frank, it kind of comes across like you have a bone to pick here, especially considering how defensive I’ve seen you get over certain other people in Hollywood.
  7. Are directors personally responsible for crediting everyone involved in a film or something?
  8. Is banning Hollywood movies really a thing in Japan? The film doesn’t remotely paint the bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in a positive light.
  9. From what I’ve seen, the excuse the anti-woke grifters are giving for the massive box office numbers is that people were supposedly fooled into thinking this would be a “fun and lighthearted” and perfectly non-political family film from the trailers. Whatever helps them cope.
  10. Very gripping and suspenseful film. Part of me wishes they dialed down the rapid-fire editing, but I think I get what they were going for. That ending is great.
  11. I agree. Nolan is a very mainstream director who isn’t exactly known for doing small arthouse movies. He’s associated with “dudebros” more so than film snobs.
  12. The only thing I have to say is that it’s funny people are having a debate about film snobbery on a thread for the Barbie movie, and not on the thread for the three hour biopic about the guy who developed the atomic bomb.
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