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Everything posted by lorddemaxus

  1. Racists and bigots do apply here. There have been many people making racist and sexist remarks towards the actors. That is why Kelly Marie Tran deleted her insta. Racists and bigots had no problem with Rouge One because it wasn't part of the main series. It was a side story and no one cared about those movies as much No, it doesn't prove shit. You know what then? Infinity War caused brand value of the MCU to decrease and Ant-man and the Wasp proved that when it barely made its budget back. BvS saved the DCEU because Wonder Woman was a huge hit. Or you find it hard to read the subtleties of a script. It never says sacrifice is good or not (because anyone can make that statement). The movie says sacrifice should only be used when it is needed to save people who they love and not destroy the ones they hate because it also causes pain and suffering to the people who loved them. Finn's sacrifice was a misguided act of hate (I don't care if it could saved the resistance. he explicitly says he is doing it because he hates the FO and wants to destroy it) that would have gone in vain since his ship started melting already. He would had no impact with his hateful act.
  2. Also should have kept the original directors who would have made something memorable and not the bland, uninspired and forgettable trash we got from the most boring modern director. They lost my money by kicking out Lord and Miller. I ended up using free tickets I got (as compensation for a shitty screening of another movie) to watch the movie.
  3. Dude can't find any evidence that supports his argument and starts acting like he won the argument. Lmao
  4. Your average movie-goer cares about Transformers than The Godfather. I guess the former shouldn't even be in the same sentence as The Godfather. The movie is in the same sentence as those films because not only is it a critical darling but most people in the film industry loved it. It will have as much of an influence in the film industry as those films. No one cares if you found it boring. Also, the movie made 60.5 million in home video sales. One more than Spiderman homecoming. No one cares about the movie my ass.
  5. Disney and Lucasfilm never called everyone who disliked the film idiots (they can't even do that lmao). Neither did Rian Johnson or anyone related to the film. The only people called the idiots are the bigots and the attackers (mentioning Rian Johnson every time you found 'a criticism' of TLJ is sttacking too. If you have criticism, say it out loud. Just don't keep spamming at the director. It's annoying). Unless you are one of the bigots or attackers, you aren't the idiot. Please try reading their tweets and stop listening to dumb ass YouTubers who propagate this stuff. And 95% of the people who will watch Star wars movies don't even care/know about this drama. How the fuck does something like that have a huge affect on the franchise? We don't know if TLJ affected Solo. Solo mainly flopped because of the release date and it had no marketing outside of a mediocre super bowl ad. There is no proof that TLJ caused this. That's like saying BvS caused Suicide Squad to become a huge hit and Infinity War caused Ant Man and the Wasp to gross a disappointing 620 mil. Edit: there is also nothing that says most people didn't like it. Point the RT audience score at me and I'll point out the cinemascore, posttrak score, Imdb score, letterbox score, and Fandango score.
  6. Mary Poppins has had weak bumps on both Christmas Day and New Year's. Wonder why.
  7. It recovered from AOTC which had way more hate. It will recover from TLJ (and we don't even know if TLJ killed this franchise or if the franchise really even died). We never ever will get a Star Wars movie of that caliber. In my opinion, TLJ was the closest we got to that and even then the gap in terms of quality is a mile wide.
  8. Huh, 2.0 still managed to be the highest grossing movie in India this year. Isn't the budget like 75 mil though? Weird though. I watched it in cinemas because it looked dumb and I didn't think people would watch it unironically. The dumbest fucking movie I have seen in the past three years. It literally works like a Birdemic sequel.
  9. That seems like a big drop for Aquaman. How much will it increase by on Tuesday?
  10. Why is the nerd community filled with so many bigots? I was told that representing minorities in movies is extremist leftist agenda and that if Superman was black, it would ruin the character. I was also called a racist by this dumb-dumb because I said representation matters. Does anyone here have proof that when comic books follow "extreme leftist ideas" ( in other words, it means race or gender-bending popular characters) it led to sales decrease? Every bigoted nerd I have met says that without realizing that Stan Lee adhered to extremist left-leaning ideas (for the time) during a time when the Jim Crow Laws still existed. Edit: Was also called a hypocrite for not trying to fix structural sexism in the middle east even though I live in the middle east and have been trying to help solve it in as many ways as possible (without getting myself deported).
  11. I'm guessing Vice isn't even going to break even with those sort of numbers and that sort of budget. Annapurna very likely fucked up the last chance they had with making profitable movies. They showed have lowered the budget for Vice and focused their marketing on Beale Street which could have made much more than Vice if marketed well. Wouldn't be surprised if they close down after Missing Link (which will flop too because it is stop motion animation). Even Larry Ellison couldn't fix the damn company because of the dumb mistakes made by his daughter. Too bad. They had an amazing run making amazing films.
  12. I get that you are being sarcastic but there is nothing that says otherwise. A small number of vocal people on the internet isn't changing that from happening. In Disney's eyes, Rian Johnson had made them a huge hit and if his Knives Out becomes a hit, the trilogy is surely happening. But let's wait till Celebration Chicago and see what Lucasfilm will say.
  13. That would be a great spot unless Disney fast tracks Rian Johnson's Star Wars trilogy. His next movie will release November next year and I think he's going to get right back to Star Wars after that. December 2022 has a placeholder for a Disney live action film. Could be Star Wars. If not, Aquaman will fit perfectly in there.
  14. If we take out the Thursday previews for Aquaman, the weekend drop for Aquaman would be 10.4% which is slightly better than Jack Reacher's (unless that film also had Thursday previews but I can't find any info on this). Would this help to predict the third-weekend drop for Aquaman? Jack Reacher dropped 32% on its third weekend.
  15. Oh no it doesn't. Watch Shallows get an academy award while poor This is Me got nothing. On a side note, the fact that This is Me was put alongside Remember Me and Mystery of Love in the Academy awards is disgusting. Mystery of Love especially is much better than that boring schlock.
  16. The album is literally in the genre of pop on Wikipedia. This is Me topped both Dance Club and Pop Songs (digital sales) Billboard charts. The music is widely regarded as pop/dance music. The boring music in TGS is not broadway just like Pt Barnum wasn't a nice dude like the movie portrays. Also, since when did Lady Gaga mainly make ballads and country music?
  17. Umm, TGS soundtrack amazing? What? The "soundtrack" for that was the same shit I crap on the radio every day. Even the intentionally shitty pop songs in A Star is Born (Hair, Body, Face and Why did You do That?) were better than the unintentionally awful pop songs in TGS. Like I get that we are talking about opinions but I don't understand how A Star is Born soundtrack is "basic and uninspired" but TGS's isn't.
  18. That is what happens if you misleading audiences into thinking a complex art house film is a straightforward romance. Either way, I think the distributors succeeded either way and the movie should be able to get a profit.
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