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Everything posted by NGGKroze

  1. I think it felt different than the first one. It's more story focused, but lacks big action and have little to no surprises. It lacks humor as well. Kinda in the middle, where the reviews are pointing in. It's not unwatchable, but I think it might have bad legs, because has little replay value
  2. If DP2 do 41M like Rth said, then it need only ~8 drop on Sunday. However it won't see that DP1 increase. Probably 30-32M Sunday
  3. IW > BP BP > IW Just pick a side already I still think 2B is bigger milestone than 700M Domestic. Black Panther will hit 700M first, so even if IW do it(which will be great) it won't have the same impact as IW hitting 2B(First CBM to do so, First MCU movie to do so, First non-holiday/Summer movie to do so)
  4. My friend just came back from it and said it has some good humor, good action and some stellar scenes, but overall is lacking the quality of the first one. Kinda expected.
  5. IW still got Around 47M head start against BP. By Sunday, if Deadpool hit it hard, I'm expecting the head start to be 40M, which is still great.
  6. Just lol. Next year they will have either top 7(A4) or top 8(Captain Marvel Breakout) Edit: Totally forgot about Spider-Man HC 2. Could be 3x1B+ MCU movies next year
  7. It passes The Avengers 154 Days run in 17 days... Nothing to complain here. 394M to 2B and I'm happy
  8. 650M+ will be fantastic. There are only 5 movies into the 600M Range. MCU has 2 of them (could be 1 if Black Panther goes into 700M). So if Black Panther goes into 700M Range and Infinity War stay in 600M, the balance will be perfect and Thanos will be happy. However if Both BP and IW reach 700M then Marvel will had 2 there in that range. The Worst(not literally) is if BP and IW remained in 600M Range. HOWEVER, then there will be six 600M movies and half of them will be MCU, so the balance is perfect again and Thanos can live another day.
  9. My point was never to prove them wrong. Avatar is at the top of BO. The point was that we can do selective comparisons so Avatar can look even bigger. The other point that stands still , which Jumbo ignored is that Avatar is still and will be "Big 3D movie that made a lot of money" and nothing more
  10. Make an Avengers Trilogy, combine Their Gross Outdone Avatar by 1B+ selective comparison at it's best I might say If Avatar in 10 years is still the highest grossing movie it will be know as the "Big 3D movie that made a lot of money"
  11. Quartich villain again? What will be his motives now? Come with a bigger Army for revenge?
  12. So it will be around 550-600 next weekend Domestic and around 1B International(Thanks China), beating Avengers?
  13. JW and TFA relied on heavy nostalgia for the returning of the franchise. The Last Jedi lacks that and I assume that Fallen Kingdom will too. A4 on the other hand will draw audience not of nostalgia, but because anticipation and the amazing quality of IW
  14. What is great is that A4 is already shot and it's script and potential direction won't be affected by Infinity War BO. Of course, re-shoots can always happen, but It's not like the studio will get ahead of themselves and just because this movie made a lot of money, the next can be rushed
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