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Everything posted by jedijake

  1. 2020 will be a strange year and will seem stranger coming off of 2019. Avatar 2 will certainly dominate. With Disney owning Fox, they will once again claim the top spot. Other than that, there's a HUGE question mark. Mulan could be "big-ish". Maleficent probably won't be (although I don't see it suffering the way Alice 2 did). What's the status of Indy 5? No production, no filming date, no cast? Not so sure about this one. Is it coming in 2021? Furious? Yeah-big "ish". Disney will have two pixar films that will be brand new (thankfully) but there's little to no information on either. The shake up at pixar will really have an impact. Thank heavens we'll have Jungle Book and Wonder Woman 2 that summer otherwise the summer would be a dismal wasteland. And the absolute lack of announced Marvel films at THIS point is really troubling. GOTG3 was going to take that spot but not any more. We already know there's no SW films and we may not have any summer Marvel films either. That'd be a big WOW and hit on the box office. I suspect WW1984 to be the winner in the summer. And Zilla vs Kong? Again, LOTS of mid-tier films. Fantastic Beasts is dead in the water. At least 2021 should give us Black Panther 2, Spiderman 3, Little Mermaid (I predict).
  2. So if this thing absolutely roars, which all signs say it will, how soon after the new year do you think Rob Marshall will FINALLY be announced for the Little Mermaid live action film for 2021?
  3. As far as all the trailers and teasers we've seen this fall, this one is certainly the winner in my book!
  4. Good point. "Forky" seems like something a 3 year old might make and a 2 year old might play with. How many years will have passed from TS3? And how will this show any progression from TS3? Just another reason to believe that the movie will NOT be about forky. And as a character, forky is rather, um, simple.
  5. Your box office analysis seems reasonable enough, but "inside word says it's trash"....where did that come from?
  6. More like: Captain Marvel: $315 million Dumbo: $275 million Avengers 4: $640 million Aladdin: $350 million Pikachu: $200 million Toy Story 4: $450 million SLOP2: $250 million Spidey FFH: $300 million TLK: $650 million That's $2.68 billion from Disney alone in that time period Btw, I think I'm being nice about Pikachu. Maybe influenced by all the talk.
  7. I can see the forky stuff being the humorous way the movie begins (like the desert canyon train robbery stuff from TS3). A fun sideplot that has little to nothing to do with the rest of the film. It may or may not set up a theme but won't factor in much for the rest of the movie. As far as people not asking for or wanting a sequel, how often is that the case? Sure, if a series is designated as a trilogy or series (Avengers, Star Wars, Harry Potter) then we want sequels. Other than that, I'm not so sure if there is a want or not want. Incredibles was possibly the only exception. I mean-did anyone really want a sequel to Finding Nemo?
  8. Is that a "hit" though? (I say it is). If these were the numbers people threw around for Aladdin they'd say it was a bomb. Oh, and people are becoming REALLY obsessed with Detective Pikachu.
  9. Disney's gonna knock it out of the ball park once again!!!! Incredible trailer for a movie I wasn't sure about.
  10. Many people feel like, with the crowded summer of 2019, this one will be the one that takes the biggest hit. I think it may keep it from hitting $400 million but should easily go into the $300 millions with a $120-$130 million OW. Agree? Disagree?
  11. $205 million for Aladdin??? $310 million for TS4??? Those are crazy low numbers. Aladdin will open with at least $120 million. TS4 will pass $300 million in its 2nd or 3rd weekend.
  12. Agreed. But this one could have an emotional ending itself. One thing occurred to me which really applies to the world of toys. Most of us (depending on ages) remember a time when we played with toys the way Andy did and the way Bonnie seems to. However, in this day and age, there are so many electronic gadgets, video games, cell phones, etc, which have seemed to replace actual toys for many people. I wonder if that will eventually find its way into the TS franchise as a theme. I was also thinking of the idea that either Andy or Bonnie would/could grow up to be an actual toy creator. Would be an interesting direction to go.
  13. My daughter is REALLY looking forward to this movie! Interestingly, if it were made by Disney, it would be a massive success! This looks like a lot of fun!!!
  14. Geez Disney is really pumping out teasers and trailers like they're trick or treat candy. Lion King teaser in early December? Late November? I'm guessing Avengers 4 the week after followed by Lion King no more than 2 weeks after that.
  15. I could definitely get behind a them of imagination where kids take every day objects and make them into play things, blurring the lines between what is and isn't a toy. I could also get behind the idea (if true) about TS1-3 being the "Andy years" and TS 4-6 being the "Bonnie Years" and then having them somehow link the two again when Andy and Bonnie are MUCH older and the toys are now antiques and they are reunited.
  16. I don't think that Aladdin and TS4 will completely cannibalize each other. I think that people planning to see those two movies will do so regardless. Same for LK. There may be a slight decrease in revenue for Aladdin and TS4 compared to what they'd do without each other, but it may not be a terribly large amount. I think that SLOP2, while doing well, will be the one to take some what of a hit. There's no way TS4 or Aladdin make under $300 million. I can see Aladdin doing under $400 million but I cannot at all see TS4 making under $400 million. I could a year ago, but not now. It's not because of the teaser but because of knowing how much TS is loved. Meanwhile, I can easily see SLOP2 making under $300 million and suspect that it will.
  17. I think the issue with the TS4 teaser comes down to this. Many people feel that there really wasn't a reason to make a 4th Toy Story. Neither teaser, in any way, shape, or form, does a thing to make anyone think that there is suddenly a reason to have a 4th TS. So we're at the same place. Until someone or something makes people say "oh now that's a great idea and is a unique approach and direction", there's nothing to really get excited about yet.
  18. I think the crowded field next summer will prevent movies from making $600 million (except for Avengers 4 which will probably come out the last week of April and Lion King which will continue into September). Movies will be between $200 and $400 million range where they'd normally have potential for over $500 million. Well, Aladdin and TS4 at least.
  19. The more teasers and trailers that come out, the less likely those movies will move out of the way. The craziest thing isn't even the amount of films but the amount of films from ONE studio!!!
  20. What's everyone's BO predictions for TS4? Mine: OW: $150-$155 million DOM: $480-$500 million WW: $1.00-$1.1 billion
  21. I assume TS4 will have a human element and that Andy will factor in somehow. I don't think that anyone involved seriously thinks that people will become emotionally attached to a plastic eating utensil. I mean-we are meant to throw these out in the garbage. Comical sidekick at the very best. Unless we are given a new, more sensitive plotline, this is going to be difficult to market other than it JUST being a Toy Story movie. Right now it's like they are saying "hey, we can put arms, legs, and a face on a plastic fork and the movie will still sell". That's what the teaser is at the moment.
  22. More about "forky": And so, audiences will follow Forky's journey when Toy Story 4, produced by Mark Nielsen and Jonas Rivera, hits theaters on June 21, 2019. Brought to life as a craft-project using googly eyes and pipe cleaner, Forky feels out of place in Bonnie's room with the manufactured toys. "The world of Toy Story is built upon the idea that everything in the world has a purpose. A toy's purpose is to be there for its child. But what about toys that are made out of other objects? Forky is a toy that Bonnie made out of a disposable spork, so he's facing a crisis," Cooley says. "He wants to fulfill his purpose as a spork, but now has a new toy purpose thrust upon him."Emmy Award winner Tony Hale was cast to provide the voice of Forky. "It's a huge thrill to be part of the Toy Story family," he confessed. "But it's going to take a while for it to really sink in."It was easy to get Hale on board. "A utensil's existential crisis?" he asked. "I'm in!"Hale was the director's first and only choice to play the part. "Tony's performance as Forky is a comedy salad of confidence, confusion, and empathy...served by hilarious spork," Cooley joked.
  23. Pretty much. For me that teaser was just silly. It doesn't give much just as most teasers don't. What concerns me is the published plot that actually includes the bit about "forky". I really think that was meant as a head-scatch inducing joke.
  24. Bonnie loses Bo and makes a faux Bo out of an eating utensil. Realizing that the "forky" has replaced Bo, the toy gang goes on a search for her. Dunno-just tossing ideas in the wind. I think we're making more out of forky that we need to. Probably just a gag plot synopsis.
  25. I think the forky thing is a ploy. Forky will be part of the movie but the movie won't center around it. Otherwise this is just a glorified version of a Doc McStuffins episode.
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