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Everything posted by Reddroast

  1. @cookie pidge will be in one of my y5 films. Not sure which one though
  2. @cookie @YourMother the Edgelord my KOTS review is up
  3. Kingdom of the sun review: a fascinating film that is 1what we would have gotten if Micheal Eisner didn't lose his mind at Disney. But the lack of Kronk is frustrating. Grade: A-
  4. It is now time to visit the kingdom of the sun @YourMother the Edgelord
  5. God of war review visually impressive and full of action but i feel like it's missing something Grade B-
  6. @YourMother the Edgelord BOY YOU ARE NOT READY. for kuzco tomorrow
  7. Maybe im optimistic but i think i have a best actor nomination for Finn Wolfhard in one piece. (Im not gonna win tho.)
  8. Spark Infinity War review; A big rebound from the sequel. strong acting oliva cooke and a mid-credits scene i did not see coming. Grade: AA
  9. i see Janet van Dyne has left the quantum realm
  10. @Spagheditary spark 3 review is dropping tonight.
  11. Spark homeward review: a srong film with an amazing villain played by a young Elton John. however The fact earth plays a major role brings it down slightly. Grade A-
  12. @Spagheditary Why do none of the villains want Alex dead? on the 2nd film btw
  13. Spar Rising review: a smart sci-fi blockbuster with beautiful world building and a strong cast. Grade A
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