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Everything posted by Tinalera

  1. Nope SW/Toronto Ontario T-8 (t-0 Friday) no comps NOPE # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 20 67 243 15167 15410 0.0157 Fri 5 20 152 6408 6560 0.0231 And yes Im surprised that even a week out more Friday inventory has not dropped yet. Which prolly means a bonkers amount next wed...yay!
  2. Theres a joke to be had about Crawdads and legs somewhere in there
  3. I wasn't able to really track Crawdads due to stuff going on and general life, happy to hear it seems to be doing good numbers in Canada
  4. Nope SW/Toronto Ontario t-9 (fri t-0) no comps NOPE # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 20 67 214 15411 15625 0.0138 Fri 5 20 120 6440 6560 0.0182 A week out Cineplex has dropped more Thursday inventory, but not for the friday yet, hence the disparity.
  5. Nope SW/Toronto Ontario t-9 (fri t-0) no comps NOPE # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 20 67 214 15411 15625 0.0138 Fri 5 20 120 6440 6560 0.0182 A week out Cineplex has dropped more Thursday inventory, but not for the friday yet, hence the disparity.
  6. Also, to me it doesn't help that its resemblance to Kung Fu Panda is....rather eye opening IMO. Also from an old school standpoint, when I saw Hank was Hong Kong Phooey (yes Im that old lol), and saw alot of comments on the trailer pretty much saying Panda/Phooey comments, so Im not really surprised it might be not selling well. Combine that Minions is still in theatres and I just don't think its got a good position here.
  7. Nope (T-11)(t-0 fri) SW/Toronto Ontario No Comps NOPE # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 5 15 169 4922 5091 0.0343 Fri 5 21 84 6563 6647 0.0127
  8. Nope SW/Toronto Ontario (t-11) no comps NOPE # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 5 15 169 4922 5091 0.0343 Fri 5 21 84 6563 6647 0.0127
  9. Wow was a pretty close estimate I almost act like I know what Im doing!
  10. ATM and Interac (Debit) was (apparently Rogers is up again now) was affected too, so people driving would have had to have cash on hand, which meant probably having to go through the bank teller to get cash. Now credit cards were being mostly accepted in places, but I guess my thinking was at the time how many people will want to go through all that to go to movies. But its apparently moot now as most stuff is back online-there was a bit going about it was going to go till monday, but I guess Rogers fixed whatever they fixed.
  11. This won't affect US really (except for US/Canada combined BO) but we've a bit of an oopsie up here and about 10 million canadians have lost phone service, internet service, and canadians in general can't access ATMs, Interac (debit), or any thing that connects to Rogers internet as its right now just GONE. ANNND they are now saying it may not be fixed till Monday, so we may see a drop of sales from Canada weekend. Now Canada is a drop in the bucket but if by Monday Thor4 numbers seem soft coming from Canada, well that's why.
  12. This won't affect US really (except for US/Canada combined BO) but we've a bit of an oopsie up here and about 10 million canadians have lost phone service, internet service, and canadians in general can't access ATMs, Interac (debit), or any thing that connects to Rogers internet as its right now just GONE. ANNND they are now saying it may not be fixed till Monday, so we may see a drop of sales from Canada weekend. Now Canada is a drop in the bucket but if by Monday Thor4 numbers seem soft coming from Canada, well that's why.
  13. I will say from my perspective Thor has been an interesting one to track if for no other reason of what it might comp to, comparisons to Dr Strange, it was just a interesting (IMO) animal.
  14. Thor4 SW/Toronto Ontario T-0 (Friday only Final count as of 11 AM EST no available comps) thor4 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Fri 20 275 12347 53229 65576 0.1882
  15. Thor4 SW/Toronto Ontario T-0 (Friday only Final count as of 11 AM EST no available comps) thor4 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Fri 20 275 12347 53229 65576 0.1882
  16. Thor4 Thurs/Fri (t-1 friday t-0 last count for Thurs) SW/Toronto Ontario thor4 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 20 192 12736 31294 44030 0.2892 Fri 20 275 9710 55262 64972 0.1494 Comps x2.217 Jurassic Dominion(7.31 million Canada only, 130 million US/Canada) Doctor Strange was Missed It doesn't affect the numbers in anyway, but I discovered that my # of shows was actually 100 more than it was...because I was.....going by the numbers down the side of excel....had put Thor below as I had other stuff on top...and the thor count started at 100...and all this time I wasn't deducting that..... But it seat count, percentages, all the other stuff is totally fine, isnt' affected in the stats...but I just discovered it today and though I'd come clean....ahem....
  17. Thor4 Thurs/Fri (t-1 friday t-0 last count for Thurs) SW/Toronto Ontario thor4 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 20 192 12736 31294 44030 0.2892 Fri 20 275 9710 55262 64972 0.1494 Comps x2.217 Jurassic Dominion(7.31 million) Doctor Strange was Missed It doesn't affect the numbers in anyway, but I discovered that my # of shows was actually 100 more than it was...because I was.....going by the numbers down the side of excel....had put Thor below as I had other stuff on top...and the thor count started at 100...and all this time I wasn't deducting that..... But it seat count, percentages, all the other stuff is totally fine, isnt' affected in the stats...but I just discovered it today and though I'd come clean....ahem....
  18. My personal total speculation is that it probably does around what Thor3 did. The numbers Im seeing in comparison to DR Strange 2 for SW Ontario/Toronto, its seat sales are a little less certainly not massively so. Thor4 seems to go be going for a "hero-romcom-fun-popcorn-light" type of film compared to Strange 2. now whether people who saw Strange 2 who weren't expecting the more serious/scariness of it are thrown off of Thor4 I don't know (the trailers and stuff seem to show a fun lighter movie). For me I think now getting post covid, how the Disney marvel films gradually do from here is what Im watching. Is there a kind of continued baked in fanbase that keep it going, or do we (very slow) gradual start seeing a drop off over the next few mcu films. I guess I just wonder at what box office line does Disney start saying "yea okay we need to change stuff up" I think as long as they are making anywhere from 700 on up per Global Box office, they're good. But if the movies start to start topping off at around 5-600 million (box office numbers that almost every other studio would cry for), then I wonder what disney does.
  19. Thor4 SW/Toronto Ontario t-2 (t-0 friday) Thor4 SW/Toronto Ontario t-2 (t-0 friday) thor4 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 20 288 11074 32598 43672 0.2535 Fri 20 373 8200 56224 64424 0.1794 Comps X2.219 Jurassic dominion (7.32 Million Canada only, 130 million Canada/US) X.7831 Doctor Strange 2 (4.855 Million, 70.47 million Canada/US) Just like I thought show amount increased by 90, and total seats inventory increased by about 20,000 on the friday. Wed is always a fun day for doing cineplex numbers lol
  20. Thor4 SW/Toronto Ontario t-2 (t-0 friday) thor4 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 20 288 11074 32598 43672 0.2535 Fri 20 373 8200 56224 64424 0.1794 Comps X2.219 Jurassic dominion (7.32 Million) X.7831 Doctor Strange 2 (4.855 Million)
  21. Was there a Minions OD/OW posted on here and I missed it?
  22. Thor 4 t-3 (t-0 friday) SW/Toronto Ontario thor4 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 20 288 9696 34368 44064 0.22 Fri 20 284 7401 33840 41241 0.1794 Thurs/Fri Comps X2.328 Jurassic Dominion (7.68 million) X.7365 Dr Strange 2(4.56 Million)
  23. Thor 4 t-3 (t-0 friday) SW/Toronto Ontario thor4 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 20 288 9696 34368 44064 0.22 Fri 20 284 7401 33840 41241 0.1794 Thurs/Fri Comps X2.328 Jurassic Dominion (7.68 million Canada only, 137 million US/Canada) X.7365 Dr Strange 2(4.56 Million Canada Only, 66 Million US/Canada) Yea using Canada numbers with US/Canada openings gives some really funky numbers.
  24. Posted just now Thor 4 SW/Toronto T-4(Friday t-0) thor4 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 20 288 8810 35188 43998 0.2002 Fri 20 280 6299 33836 40135 0.1569
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