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Everything posted by Tinalera

  1. Thanks again for this thread. Hoping to regularly post SW/Toronto Ontario updates. Right now Im mainly following the Minions and Thor4. I only have so many hours in the day unfortunately. Im probably going to do a daily count at the t-14 (ish) mark. Im not following NOPE right now (you could saying im NOPING NOPE) until it gets to 2 weeks before, and some ive just outright missed like Elvis and Black Phone. So cant guarantee every film, but will try my best to do what I can.
  2. Thor4 SW/Toronto ontario t-14 thor4 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 20 148 6034 24311 30345 0.1988 Fri 20 278 3590 36339 39929 0.0899
  3. Thor4 SW/Toronto Ontario T-14 thor4 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 20 148 6034 24311 30345 0.1988 Fri 20 278 3590 36339 39929 0.0899 Dont really have OD comps. Even if I wanted to do Lightyear or Minions (prolly not applicable ones) I don't have a t-14 for Lightyear and Minions obviously doesn't have a OD yet. EDIT: Just for clarification of what my "SW Ontario" is, its London (x2), Sarnia, Chatham, Windsor, St Thomas, Kitchener, Brantford, Cambridge and Waterloo.
  4. Thank you. Im seeing these big numbers like the No Way Home by week and thinking "that didn't make 27 million OD in Canada did it???" but okay it made it that week, that makes more sense to me.
  5. Okay so noting the "as of date" Im assuming that's total take for each film in Canada, and not just opening Friday. And those percentages are percentage compared to US. Sorry just trying to understand lol
  6. So Ill post my dailies from Toronto/SW ontario t-7 in here along with my comps....such as they are. Minions # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 17 86 291 23707 23998 0.0121 Fri 15 84 321 22290 22611 0.0141 Do we have a Canada Lightyear number? EDIT thank you @charlie Jatinder Lightyear 1.93x.75(1.447) Now to reiterate so Im very new to comps so I don't have much comp to go by except for Lightyear at the moment, but this is a start
  7. Okay so I just know how to read these numbers, are these ALL Canada only numbers. or only the percentage ones?
  8. So should I just post my numbers in the Canada thread then and not here? Or should I post my numbers in both just for continuity?
  9. Oh my goodness thank you so much for this thread!! Muchly appreciated!!
  10. Minions t-7 SW/Toronto Ontario # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 17 86 291 23707 23998 0.0121 Fri 15 84 321 22290 22611 0.0141 So I have my first day I can compare Lightyear and Minions. As youve all probably have seen a wonderful discussion with @charlie Jatinder and @DAJK and myself regards to how to do a comp in Canada-if you missed that the TLDR: Canada can be a different beast than US. While Canada is counted as part of US domestic, it can have some....individuality of it over or underperforming compared to the US counterpart. Now trying to find Canada only numbers is....difficult, but there have been offers to get me Canada numbers over time to make it easier. In the meantime I will be using the US numbers with the caution that the comps of my numbers should be taken with these considerations of me comparing Canada to US/Canada combined instead of just straight Canada. When I am able to get Canada closing numbers to reference it will be that much easier. Right heres what I have and how I calculated: (Seats are combined Thurs and Fri) T-7 Lightyear: Total seats sold 317 T-7 Minions: Total seats sold 612 my calcs (ha) put that percentage at 1.930 Lightyear (US/Canada) friday was 20 million So doing the 1.930 x 20 million gives me 38.6 If Ive TOTALLY messed up here math wise please tell me! So going by Canada (and specifically Toronto/SW only) numbers, that would give a comp of...38 million? Now even looking at that I kind furl my brow a bit-because going by that alone would suggest Minions will double Lightyear opening Friday. Now it would be interesting to see what Canada opened for Lightyear to see how off I am lol. And hey to DOUBLE down on my own insanity-Im going to call a 38 million Domestic opening for Friday with Thursday numbers for Minions just to laugh at myself when i see how totally wrong I was.
  11. Yet they won't separate canada boxoffice from US when it comes to totals. I think it will be an interesting kind of experiment/observation to see how Canada does as its own animal as I do these numbers over time. Anyway, apologies from kind of detracting a bit from the thread itself. Appreciate all the feedback!
  12. So a big part of it (is Im understanding right) is looking at past numbers from Canada, looking at the states, seeing how my past counts have compared previous movies, and then working it out. And its taking that whole percentage into consideration and seeing how those movies performed. Like you said, a Shang Chi may not perform as much as a Nope in Canada compared to US. So I think see it. Even if I went and made the calculations of Nope and maybe in Canada it was a 87 percent-doesnt mean its going to be 87 in US, where it might, based on previous horror films, might be a 95 percent. And then the fun part is "well Canada and US are combined so how much of Canadas take is part of that Nope number because of its underperformance compared to say a MCU tentpole". What I am understanding then is that its not just using the xpercentage of sales X opening because US and Canada could be very different. So Canada basically has to be treated as its own beast, and using a little more guesswork and estimation accordingly. In the grand scheme of things people will see Canadas numbers are really only a 8-12 percent ish variation of what US is. But Canada is important because to use the same idea an 8-12 percent is....well 8-12 percent of estimating a final Friday for US. So what essentially should I be doing right now as a starting point? It was suggested do my comps just take those precautions and as I said I would do would do comp with an advisory that these are numbers based on Canada only, and to take with appropriate grain of salt? Then if I am able to acclumulate some actual Canada Friday numbers over time at that point can start doing (again they be Canada Specific) comps? BTW Thanks to you and @charlie Jatinder) for taking the time to talk to me and encourage me on this. It really means alot as I try and figure things out here
  13. Thank you. I really am enjoying the comps and being able to do Canada to Canada would obviously help. Now you say Canada thread-is that in international or in another thread with Canada stuff in it?
  14. So as I get more comps, and assuming I don't find a magical source for Canada only numbers, whats' the best way to figure out a percentage for Canada? Like say a movie makes 50 million opening day, how would one approximately calculate what percentage Canada would get (like 8, 9, 10 percent)? I mean once I would have that percentage then good to go that a 50 million opening would be 5 mil in Canada if at 10, so I could calculate the comp from that 5 million. Or is that where having more comps comes in, and then kind of averaging it out? Or am I just doing a whole lot of guesstimation?
  15. Thor4 SW/Toronto Ontario t-15 (no comps) thor4 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 20 148 5820 24593 30413 0.1913 Fri 20 278 3423 36596 40019 0.0855
  16. Thank you I will still put a disclaimer that my comps are based on Canada/US combined Friday sales so people don't get excited about seeing a massive comp that is based really on just Canada only numbers. I do know from reading other places people seem to put a rough estimate that Canada does between 8-12 percent of US numbers, which is helpful but that's still a 4 percent swing lol. BTW-that 50 mil preview....is that an incredibly early prediction??? LOL
  17. Would it be okay if I did comps with a preface/advisory that I am comparing Canada numbers to US/Canada totals? I don't want to put you or anyone through more work (its hard to find a site that shows canada only Friday sales numbers. Otherwise I can just go back to reporting my numbers without comps. Just when i was getting the swing of things too lol. I don't want anyone to go out of their way to report Canada numbers more often-everyone here is already doing so much work.
  18. Minions SW/Toronto Ontario t-8 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 17 86 209 23783 23992 0.0087 Fri 15 84 282 22329 22611 0.0124 First offical comp for to Lightyear tomorrow-however a sneak peak/fun little tidbit. For comparing THURSDAY numbers only from Minion t-8 to Lightyear t-7 (based on final friday sales number just as an experiment. (to avoid confusion the chart above is for the full normal Minion t-8 for thurs friday, NOT related to the info below IE dont try figuring out where the 116 came from, its from Lightyear t-7) Minions 209 (t-8) Lightyear 116 (t-7) so if I do did this right Minions is x1.801 vs Lightyear. Going by Lightyear 20 million opening friday would comp Minions (again THURS numbers only) 1.8X20 would be 36 million. I was going to do Thurs amt only...then something something confusion/anger/rioting about the 5.2=/= including wed numbers...I didnt want to stir up old memories..... ALTHOUGH (spoiler look away now to avoid traumatic flashbacks... *cough9millionthursdaycough* *Strides quickly away whistling while nervously looking for the ensuing riot....*
  19. Minions SW/Toronto Ontario t-9 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 17 86 186 23798 23984 0.0077 Fri 15 84 247 22353 22600 0.0109 Note for record 2 additional theatres and 18 shows added for Thurs No comps until Thurs when I'll have some direct ones to Lightyear
  20. Thor4 thor4 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 20 133 5407 24332 29739 0.1818 Fri 20 278 3261 36851 40112 0.0812 SW/Toronto Ontario
  21. Lightyear SW/Toronto Ontario T-10 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 15 68 171 18237 18408 0.0092 Fri 15 84 184 22417 22601 0.0081 No official comps yet, but for those wondering...Lightyear numbers at t-7 were .0078 for Thurs and .0044 for friday, so even with a the extra couple of days Minions is ahead. Minions should hit the 1 percent mark by T-7 for Thurs, Fri might take take a bit more, depending.
  22. Minions Rise of Gru SW Ontario/Toronto Ontario t-10 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 14 61 152 16893 17045 0.0085 Fri 15 84 164 22801 22965 0.0071 No direct comps for Lightyear, direct comps will start at T-7.
  23. FWIW I only have about 7 days of Lightyear but Ill be doing comps even if they are just for Toronto area. Even now Minions is doing better at t-12 than Lightyear at 7 with my (albiet limited) data
  24. Minions Thurs June 30/Fri July 1 Southwest and Toronto Ontario # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 14 61 145 16904 17049 0.0085 Fri 15 84 141 22826 22967 0.0061 so neither day getting to 1 percent yet, but Thurs is close. Will be interesting to see how the week progresses the difference between this and Lightyear
  25. For what its worth from Comic Book Resources: https://www.cbr.com/jurassic-world-lightyear-opening-box-office/ 51-55 million for Lightyear. If indeed that's the weekend take.....pretty much speaks for itself. Ooof.
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