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Everything posted by Chicago

  1. I remember trying to persuade my mates to walk out. Quite possibly the worst villain in any movie
  2. I'm pretty sure one of the final lines in the Deadpool trailer was "I'm touching myself tonight" so I don't buy that the dialogue in the trailer put people off. If a field full of dicks is childish then so is that. GOTG was a good example of the early concerns at how sellable the product would be to audiences. Very few believed a talking racoon and a tree for a sidekick would top every other superhero movie that year and become MCU's highest grossing origin movie aside from Avengers. You talk about the films emotional hook but that wasn't really highlighted in the marketing, instead it came more across as a cocky fun space Western with the tagline reading 'You're Welcome' Even Deadpool got it's greenlight because of its childish and violent leaked action scene topped with Ryan Reynold's sarcasm. That video is what drove the demand to make it in the first place, not to mention the market was lacking in R rated superhero movies at the time. I'm not going to deny that it got people emotionally interested in its trailer but what really sold it was the inventiveness of the marketing campaign. Treating it like romantic dinner date with small social media ads was a brilliant move for this. Theres not a trailer in the world TSS could have made to really make much of an impact on it's gross. If SS never existed and the same trailer was released pre pandemic, it wouldn't be a flop
  3. I really don't understand how it was possible for someone else to be able to control her finances and personal life after turning 18
  4. Yeah this is true. There would be no 'dead ass titties' scene that's for sure
  5. Yeah ok I personally can't fault the film as it's one of my favourites and the car chase is probably the best car chase put to film. In terms of action, delivering relatable characters and humour, Bay is one of the best directors out there, regardless of his latest transformer movies The guy made fighting robots cool before Iron Man too
  6. Compared to how the market has been it's pretty impressive. A month ago I would have been happy with a £15m opening
  7. This is so far the biggest performance in western cinemas since Covid. This should open the flood gates
  8. I like how we are getting different opinions on this. I'm intrigued
  9. There can be a big difference between a good movie and an enjoyable movie though. Bad Boys 2 going by a critical standpoint is not a good movie, but everyone loves it. I knew watching my way through Venom that this was a piss poor standard in story telling and narrative structure but then Tom Hardy would do something funny and I would forget all about it. I'm not expecting a top tier masterpiece and I doubt critics were either so I guess it's easy to be surprised
  10. There is nothing we can compare this to. Scott Pilgrim was given a chance, it was raved about by a niche few the moment it came out and they have echo'd that praise for years but it's never managed to become popular amongst the GA even after its release. This film had a steep hill to climb from the start, then was forced to open in a Covid market during a high case rate topped off by same day online streaming. Who was going to risk getting Covid watching a sequel to a film that left everyone bitterly disappointed? You also seem to be using what you didn't like about the film as the reason to its failure when in heinsight this was doomed from the start. The complaints you had sound very similar to what people were saying about GOTG and Deadpool before they surprised everyone. This film shares a similar tone and it's actually managed to have solid legs in the markets it was given a chance in so quality clearly wasn't an issue here.
  11. Will Smith and Joker is undoubtably what sold Suicide Squad but Harley left by far the greatest impression. People forget Will Smith was the biggest box office draw not too long ago. No way in hell Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn is what made it gross 130m on OW, it's more likely to be the guy who single handedly led I Am Legend to December's record breaking opening, or the character that just had a movie gross over 1b in a 2D format. Though after the film it's Harley Quinn who's become more iconic than Deadshot
  12. They seemed to have focused on what people enjoyed about the first movie more. The Hardy/Venom bromance will sell this, I'd happily watch a whole movie of them just cooking breakfast
  13. I have a hateful spot in my heart for Thor 2 that will never disappear. It's been so long since I watched it though
  14. Yeah Venom isn't great but it's much more enjoyable than something that's structurally fine with a passable plot, something Like Thor 2
  15. "I want someone to moan about this picture so I can start an argument" I'll save you the trouble, straight men really couldn't give a fuck
  16. The reviews remind me of Infinity war. divisive with some absolute raves mixed in
  17. I guess its been 6 years since the last Bond movie, people have forgotten how big it is internationally. This one feels like a bigger deal than Spectre and Covid doesn't seema to be as rampant as it was when films like F9 opened
  18. I get you, but here in the UK, the hype has made it seem like Covid is a non issue. The way it's taken over all media outlets you'd think cinemas had just reopened. You won't feel the same hype in the US
  19. I think this movie will probably increase on Spectre's overseas gross seeing as it's being treated like a Craig finale rather than a typical Bond, not to mentioned Spectre didn't have good WOM. General consensus seems more positive than Spectre and given the wait I wouldn't be surprised to see it make $150m in the UK. I'd imagine it clears 100m in China given the projectory of the past films there too. I think there's a legit shot of this breaking 900m
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