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Everything posted by Flopped

  1. This bomb still hasn't hit 100M after all the money they threw on promo? Hopefully Barbie having the most extensive marketing campaign of all time pays off for WB cuz otherwise no words.
  2. Those cardboard Star Wars "movies" that Disney makes aren't interesting enough to love or hate. You just see them and then they're gone, like food that passes through you and gets flushed down the toilet.
  3. Harrison Ford's career petered out after What Lies Beneath but he has enough classics to last a lifetime. But imagine if he hadn't passed on Jurassic Park.
  4. Love this movie, flaws and all (it's 20 mins too long). It famously knocked Jurassic Park out of the top spot. That said my favorite star driven adult thriller from that Summer is In the Line of Fire. I think I like it even more than The Fugitive.
  5. The Flasher bombing this hard without any significant competition is just wild. Knowing that WB spent more on marketing than even Disney did on Guardians 3 makes it all the funnier.
  6. The last time Harrison Ford didn't seem bored, stoned, grumpy, and like he didn't want to be there was what, The Fugitive?
  7. I saw lots of tweets yesterday about Devil Wears Prada turning 17 and though it will never happen, can you imagine if someone found a great way into a "20 years later" sequel? It's the rare chickflick that seems to resonate with men too bc it's not a romance, it's about finding yourself in the workplace. The nostalgia smash it would be.
  8. Even as a huge fan of the M:I movies (each of those movies are better than any Marvel movie) I saw this trailer and thought, sure, ok, more of the same...I guess I'll be there? This third act of Cruise's career peaked with Maverick. It was the apex of everything he has to offer these days (or is interested in offering). He's not topping that, so there's no real urgency to see the new M:I.
  9. Raiders is a landmark and cinematic classic for film critics and scholars and it's beloved by white men over 40 but I don't think it's really relevant to anyone else. It's an old white man adventure movie and it's missing an AND. Two strikes against it. Meanwhile the 1999 Mummy, while a lesser film, is always viral on Twitter because it's an adventure where the two leads have a fun and youthful chemistry, AND it's a supernatural monster movie. That's also why Jurassic Park endures - it's an adventure AND a monster attack movie.
  10. Why is that closeted Scientologist inserting himself into every Summer movie like he is the grandfather of the Summer Blockbuster or something? Sit.
  11. Well every trailer looks more garish, unfunny and lacking in wit that the last one. Everything about the Kate McKinnon character...Jesus fucking christ.
  12. Any other Cameron superfans who could barely make it through this one?
  13. Sony overpays, that's how they get their actors. They wayyyy overpaid Adam Driver for 65.
  14. The most egregious thing about JLaw is not her paycheck but her Oscar win. Try rewatching Silver Linings Playbook. I dare you to get though the whole thing. What a false, phony movie. It's not her fault but David O Russell's. She's just fine though, not even nomination worthy. That Harvey sure had a lot of tricks up his sleeve.
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