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Everything posted by interiorgatordecorator

  1. I think Mangold is a pretty competent guy (haven't seen his Wimona movie), but nothing about his filmography implies someone he's someone who would have any problem playing it safe
  2. maybe for marketing purposes but it was kinda cool
  3. but not what we've seen, i dont know how it happened, but this movie's trailers have been quietly great we all spent too much time worrying about vieweranon's opinion on an ending that is forced instead of stupid
  4. yeah yea, its facing very negative headwinds, but the reason I cant commit to this flopping is that its trailers have been pretty good, just cant see an entry in such a well-known franchise truly collapsing with such decent trailers
  5. mario is getting insane grosses all over latam, but it really dont feel like it, something be said about its cultural impact (tm)
  6. you have all been overhyping this its kind of weird, but there no reason for anyone to be upset over that if the movie was called dast x part 1 this wouldn't even be worth mentioning I was expecting some silly like one of the family randomly betraying them at the last second or dom getting shot out of nowhere during a random conversation and the screen cutting to black
  7. heh the only trailer I really liked was the last one and that's because the jokes really landed
  8. instead of filling pages with people asking for spoilers we should just ask a mod permission to have someone post them
  9. not what I said simply saying that many people were not allowed (or were too scared) to see F9 in theaters, even if only 50% (heck even if only 1%) of those who might have watched f9 in theaters watch fx that's still a net gain and a reason one should be careful about using f9 as a baseline I also haven't checked whether the covid-ticket-price inflation had already happened in mid 2021 or not
  10. theaters in my country were still closed when F9 released; it will definitely see gains in certain territories and domestic isn't losing more than 50 million in the worst case scenario considering that and since the china drop is already baked in, I dont see where it can even lose enough money to be anything more than a flop
  11. shit taste, barbie and the diamond castle is much superior in regards to the point above, from what I understand, real-life bullies and internet bullies (lets just call them that for now) are totally different kinds of people
  12. hes right; Aladdin only got to a billion because of some absurd grosses in asian countries, where mermaid will likely perform worse than the average disney remake because of how black-led movies typically perform around those parts
  13. sure maybe people get really exited about the tom cruise movie in space as long as filmmakers keep trying to innovate it can happen
  14. pretty interesting that a reactions mention the rock scene wasn't included, I wonder how last it minute that was
  15. assuming it's not just NYC being NYC (2023 NYC audiences seem like people who'd also dislike the original exorcist), im pretty surprised they let this movie be shot without a script they were 100% confident in considering how much money they spent on getting the rights to what is barely a franchise these days
  16. I dont even remember seeing 4, while I do remember being bored during 8 not sure which is worse
  17. there's no way they didnt expect the meh reviews they just wanted to get some quotes from the shills to use as viral marketing and get the "critics are wrong" train going
  18. with all the "horrible ending" and "stupidcameos" talk youre all making this sound a lot more fun than it probably is
  19. Went over the reactions; more "its ok"s than I expected, I think its impossible for this to not be certified fresh, but I expect it'll have a pretty meh average rating
  20. If its just going to be a worse version of something that already exists (with minimal changes) I dont see how it can be described as anything other than "unnecessary"
  21. how well has way of water been doing on digital? are its sales reflective of (or consistent with) its 2.3 billion gross?
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