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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. ok so the bottom half of the top 10 have been good, makes up for some of the other stuff which isn't that bad actually except for one instance. Hope the top 5 stays the course
  2. phew, this was the one I completely missed on my list as I accidentally deleted it but glad it made the top 10 regardless
  3. ok the top 10 continues to be good, waiting for the monkey wrench though
  4. ok the top 10 started off just fine, but let's see where it goes from there
  5. I hear you but someone in here already basically admitted they tried to rig the list but purposely not putting certain films on their list so nothing surprises me any more
  6. thought this would easily be top 10, but yep, it looks to be mostly fanbase stuff in the top 10, but that's kind of normal
  7. agreed, it's an ok movie, but not top 10 worthy that's actually one of the only redeeming parts of this list so far MJ2's appearance proved it way before that
  8. dang, I just realized that I completely left out one movie that I probably would have had in or close to my top 10, but at this point, it looks like it may be there anyway. So I may feel better after that
  9. Yes I meant Let Me In completely bad typo there
  10. yeah there are a lot of American remakes and I don't mind that either. Some are at least just as good so I don't mind. Plus like you said, a lot of people wouldn't even know some of them. Like I personally prefer the US version of Let Me Go to the foreign original. But that's me
  11. lol no, not 50 but yeah horror films do tend to copy a lot since it is cheap and I am sure a lot of people didn't see the other version. Like that movie You're Next was a remake of an Alyssa Milano film that no one saw
  12. yeah sometimes it is hard to turn off my brain but I have seen so many movies period (guess it shows my age too lol), that yeah you can see anything coming in just about any movie. Also after seeing so many, you realize that every movie is basically a retelling of another movie. But I still love movies so I can get past that and with most films, I still go in just wanting ot like it. Only afterwards if I don't like it then I can tear it apart and say it stole from other films
  13. not sure about the too smart thing, but thanks i usually do get the twist which is why I hate when even in the advertising, they say "oh a twist you won't see coming". That is literally an invitation to figure it out when if I didn't even expect a twist, it would at least be some sort of a surprise for instance, the original Saw, not saying it was great, but I never guessed the ending because I didn't even think there would be a twist. So in that instance, it surprised me. I prefer it that way
  14. it may be getting good WOM there, but not here besides without reading anything about it, I already can figure out what happens I won't write it down because it would be a spoiler
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