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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. yes he did leave the stove on but his blind, cocaine addicted, roommate turned it off for him...maybe, but it fits the movie ok I had a ball with this movie. The opening credits, yes the opening credits themselves were even funny. I won't go much into the story because its a basic origin story about how he is actually a semi nice guys, meets a girl he likes, gets cancer goes to get cured but is turned into a mutant, etc etc, since everyone gets that from the trailers and while that is all good, it's not the best parts The 12 bullet segment was great and when he tries to fight Colossus and breaks both hands and one leg is hilarious. the after credit scenes referencing the end credits in Ferris Bueller were great and I hope it is true that they are bringing in Cable in the sequel that would be great. the breaking the 4th wall while breaking the 4th wall so he was breaking 16 walls got a good laugh as did most bits in the film. the Stan lee as the "dj" in the strip club was one of his better cameos. Ryan Reynolds even made fun of himself saying "looks are everything, look at Ryan Reynolds, do you think he gets by on his acting technique?" lol all the meta stuff worked for me too especially the joke about the X-Men time line when they said they were taking him to Prof X and he said "James McAvory or Patrick Stewart, your timelines are so confusing" or something close to that lol Overall, it is exactly as it is marketed a smart ass, raunchy, over the top and good action too when it was there Oh the music was great and fit perfectly and the Deadpool rap was awesome and I want to find a place to download it already I can probably say the bad guy wasn't all that great, but I can get past that due to the other stuff There is more I am sure, but I had to just jot down what I could quickly remember since I am at work. A- at least
  2. oh there is another rap song on there that I can't wait for it to show up online that was friggin hilarious.
  3. Glad to see a movie breakout this weekend and glad to see it was Deadpool so it was something different having a good weekend
  4. yeah that's my "worry" too that the novelty will eventually wear itself off during the film and I won't be able to take it any more
  5. oh I never said it would all actually fit, just it can make sense, if some fancy maneuvering around is done regardless, it doesn't look any better than the original and that wasn't all the great either so if this is a prequel, sequel, side-quel, Nyquil, it really doesn't affect me
  6. dang, ran out of likes already and I had plenty to give just on the last page
  7. you know there is full Ryan frontal in this, right? if not, now you have a reason to go see it
  8. I had this trailer with Deadpool last night and it actually looked pretty good and intriguing. A full POV action film that is almost like a video game. It may be decent
  9. 24 hours to revote on Mary Poppins vs. Avatar Mary Poppins
  10. so technically they are undecided so going by that, the early stuff is before the other movie and the fighting stuff is probably a time after the first movie (even though that brings up some issue with the Charlize character). I guess that can make sense
  11. 1. Star Wars: Ep. VII; The Force Awakens - A 2. The Revenant - B+ 3. Deadpool - A-
  12. not spoiling anything but the voiceover says this is the story before the snow white tale, so unless they are still undecided, that implies it is a prequel
  13. and this was him afterwards but seriously that was such a dirty thing by Wideman
  14. sorry I've been waiting to use this one in the BvS thread but they have been pretty civil so far, plus I figured you would enjoy the reference the most anyway
  15. I forgot this even exists a prequel so we kind of know who "wins" and the trailer didn't do much for me at all. Although it may pull in some Frozen fans for obvious reasons
  16. ^^^ that was one of my hardest choices to pick. I just couldn't put Titanic ahead of ESB and I saw each of them at least 12 times in theaters
  17. yep, he is back and what happened in part 2 obviously made him into who he is in this movie. Trying to be vague so not to spoiler the trailer for you
  18. ok I liked the trailer and glad they brought back Frank Grillo as well
  19. I can argue the first one but I totally agree that the second one isn't horror at all. It was one of my points when I did the review in that section. so yeah not sure which was this will go until I look at the trailer that apparently was just posted
  20. well I am not going to say that Virtuosity was "good" (although I like it for what it is), but you do get to see a young Denzel Washingon and young Russell Crow in their first movie together
  21. both Trons and parts of Virtuosity are the first ones that come into my brain. Now as for them being "good" is obviously up to someone's opinion
  22. they don't really need a Saw 8, but I may watch it since I saw all the others
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