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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. pfft...Deadpool is old news already and sooo Wednesday, we have The Witch to talk about now
  2. I have seen plenty of tv spots for this too. Not diminishing the number at all, just saying. I had plans to see The Witch last night but they fell through so hopefully tomorrow morning I can catch it I'm glad to see a "little" horror film do well
  3. agreed, it actually could be a disadvantage instead of a plus to put that on the posters. I think most would want to just know it is a direct sequel of the first one which people thought was good.
  4. looks like I can't make it tonight so hopefully during the weekend and maybe a matinee if I can't get the free thing to happen
  5. oh i watch most movies alone, I just meant I have no real desire to see this so unless someone else wants to, which gives me a reason to see it in theater, I won't
  6. yeah she's cool. She would be a reason I see it, but unless I have someone that wants to see it with me, I may pass on it.
  7. not sure I want to learn another language. If I do, it will probably be for a vacation or something as for the new Cloverfield movie, not really. The first one was no better than ok for me and this doesn't really thrill me. Although, I will admit the last trailer was better than the first.
  8. well I had to take a language in high school so I took Spanish both times because unlike some other languages I figured it would be actually useful in the real world. Then I took two semesters of it in college since I already knew some Spanish and figured it would make it an easier class
  9. not the friggin "this is better performance and number" crap again?!?
  10. not really, I know a decent amount of spanish and some of them are pretty similar, obviously a lot isn't close either though,
  11. maybe not everything but I think I got the gist of most of it
  12. well they also showed a cat scene that I don't think was in the film so they actually showed more than the whole movie in the trailer
  13. yeah that seemed pretty cool and I can see why it helped down there
  14. yeah I really do, although even it could happen there, but at least it was for the right reasons and we were having fun with it.
  15. No I don't go by reviews at all when it comes to watching movies. I may listen to friends' opinions on it, but I never go by RT or anything like that you may not have meant me, but I don't have Netflix
  16. yeah if I go, I am hoping the same thing. It's a shame it even happens in the first place
  17. yeah I hope they don't either, but I tend to not expect much from most sequels to a surprise movie like this
  18. lol I never care about reviews. but if it shows up on TV, I am sure I will catch it
  19. of course, well these movies mostly make me laugh so that helps a lot too
  20. don't think I ever heard of that one
  21. no issue with that and I agree that horror films can be therapeutic
  22. oh you know I am kidding Well I liked the Conjuring and most likely would have really liked It Follows if not for the experience I had so maybe this movie will work out for me too
  23. first they killed his dog and took his mustang now they hurt his cat and damaged his Fiat, big mistake on the bad guys' part but seriously, I really like the first one so hopefully the second one can be, at least, just as good
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