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Everything posted by emoviefan

  1. Imagine if Paramount had actually you know ran a decent marketing campaign and scheduled it better, . Maybe it would not have to rely on WOM keeping it afloat and not get slaughtered next weelend and recover.
  2. Yeah I think Covid affected the Ilsa story line, The production went so long because of the shutdowns and Rebecca Ferguson had her Silo and Dune 2 duties conflict with her schedule I assume. Caught myself from saying more.
  3. Normal circumstances until having to shut down for the strikes. I guess MCQ and Cruise as producers can still work on the movie but they can't write or do anything production related obviously.
  4. Sorry I don't agree at all with you or those critics. I respect that you and they feel that way though.
  5. I see some saying they prefer John Wick 4 to this because there is a lot more action as much as I love that movie the problem I had with it was it got really tiring and repetitive by the end. Why I prefer this to JW 4 is beause it slows down and paces the action scenes and builds suspense and the action scenes when they do come all feel different from each other. Both are great though and along with Extraction 2 on Netflix are the cream of the crop for action this year.
  6. Not trying to pick a fight here but I feel like people complaining this does not have much action are the same people who complained the Batman did not have much action. it's we like are watching different movies or something.
  7. Whatever people wanna say about Tom Cruise he does not screw over his leading ladies. The Mission women mentioned and even the one and done ones like Paula Patton and Maggie Q or Emily Blunt from Edge Of Tomorrow.
  8. I hear you for the casuals just want to be enterained crowd yes. Speaking for myself and a few others around here I could rewatch any Haley Atwell scene on a loop.
  9. And that did not bother me at all. I loved how much of a De Plama homage it was,. Did not need Fallout 2. That movie is in it's own world of perfection. And the previous movies and JW 4 were their own thing.
  10. I think that is a guess on his part I don't think he was reporting anything he heard or knows. I would love for it to be close though.
  11. Nicholas Hoult was supposed to play Gabriel. That really shows how much MCQ and Cruise change things while making these movies. Without spoiling that character's story and his relation to Ethan it would have been completely different.
  12. Nicholas Hoult was supposed to play Gabriel. That really shows how much MCQ and Cruise change things while making these movies. Without spoiling that character's story and his relation to Ethan it would have been completely different.
  13. Then they didn't want to see MI7 that much. They could see both and if budget and time does not allow it they chose their preference. Sound of Freedom over MI def not my choice to each his or her own though.
  14. Nothing would make me happier than if Mission jumped above 20 today. It should at least not go lower than 19 I would think.
  15. Love this movie. Love this franchise. Is it perfect? Nope. I could not recite the plot to you if I tried and trying to figure out who has which key and when. Does it matter? Not a bit. I love how much of a homage to Depalma this is. The dutch angles and the emphasis on suspense over action at key times and setting the climax on a train. And Haley Atwell. God I love that woman. The MCU underused her so much. Love everything about her character and its arc. Anything else would be spoiler since there does not seem to be a thread made for that yet. Probably after first view it would be 4th behind Fallout, RN, and GP but those movies are damm near perfect so it is not a slight to this at all.
  16. Sound Of Fury is nuts. I have not had one coversation with a friend or family member about it and if I brought it up they would have no idea it existed.
  17. It has to jump big today for that to even be a possible reality. Like at least 19 anything under means WOM is not moving the needle at all.
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