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Everything posted by rebelscum86

  1. I honestly don't even know what Qanon means at this point other than it's derogatory and means false, but I originally thought it was a fake person making fake predictions about the govt? So it seems it needs to be said, not all conservatives believe in Qanon and not all people who believe in Qanon will be conservatives. And you don't refer to people who disagree with you with dismmissive labels that mean bad things. See the above about not all conservatives being Qanon. You have never called a conservative nazi or fascist? That has a worse implication in current day than luciferian. What do you think he is saying by saying you're with satan? Are you christian?
  2. You are preaching to the choir on this one. My clients are NGOs. I audit and write grants for child programs. And your oh they just watched a movie is fake ass bs after a decade of representation matters, how we depict the world will affect it and change it! I have no faith you would be criticizing a slacktivist Hollywood movie on any other issue, for just existing and allowing people to lazily feel involved. As someone who funds programs to work with abandoned and abused kids, my response to movie is great, make headlines, at the very least hopefully donations go up and at the best we get volunteers or more questions asked to power so we get those desperately needed investigations that get waived away without pressure. You're attitude sucks and you come across bitter b/c you dislike a group of people more than you dislike the issue. I hate communisim, but if they were running an anti-drug program I'd agree with them and cheer them on b/c I hate drugs more and those would be the type of communists I'd rather have in the world.
  3. And the whole, but Caveizel! argument is so disegenous when talking about "understanding" the coverage, or the coverage being apropriate. Hollywood is full of awful addictive, abusive people who treat other human beings horribly, actual actions taken, and these people release movie after movie without every headline pairing a rape or abuse with the movie title. The Flash wasn't called the child trafficker or woman choker movie in every headline. Polanski and Allen got to release movies without associating their titles with their abuse. Everyone in the industry knows Bryan Singer abuses underage teens. Drew Bailey finished Superman Returns b/c Singer was ran out of Australia over an "incident". But Caviezel a dad who managed to stay married to the same woman for 27 years is supposedly awful and dangerous b/c he thinks wrong and his movie should be labelled the qanon movie. Anyone who views life that way needs to get over self.
  4. It's unbecoming to be so partisan. The list this meme is based on had hundreds of Democrat names too. It's an issue in churches and public schools. The issue is abusers seeking positions that give them power and or access to kids. This is the terrible juxtaposition the left has gotten ourselves in and all the other comments reflect that to me. You dislike people so much you invent reasons to disagree with them when you should be happy there is some moral agreement, which then makes them suspicious. It's pettiness and insecurity, not malicious like the conservatives interpret, but progressives definitely fumble on this issue and make the whole side look bad. And if you dig deep into progressive literature, we have a real issue when it comes to kids, sex, and age of consent that has never been properly rebuked. Kinderladens, 68ers, Marxist and Queer theorists have a lot of unfortunate quotes and ideas that shouldn't exist unopposed by the rest of the left. this is Derek Jensen, he is probably one of the furtherest left educators in the US, but he was abused as a child and this is him unsucessfully trying to call out some of the problematic ideas from the left. When ever you get your feathers up and refuse to agree with others bad thing is bad, these are the issues they see you identifying with. I saw some one in the thread asked why the left is reacting like this? It's not malicious, it's insecurity. Any security issue the left worries the right is going to look better on. there is fear that heightened call for security is going to lead to less personal freedom, and much of the trafficking issue is helped by open borders. And my final thoughts are, you look bad on this issue when you fight it. You come out ahead by saying hell yeah that's awful lets do more about it.
  5. Curious, are people who believe in aliens or big foot morally dubious? I don't understand what's wrong with believing in adrenochrome? aside from being not true, I mean morally wrong. Like isn't their moral stance a terrible thing shouldn't happen to kids?
  6. Do you understand why people are more scared of stranger abductions? They are the most dangerous form of abduction, and they are just simply chaotic and something outside people's ability to control. I have some sense of ability to control who I have relationships with and who has a relationship with my children. but this is also conflating a few different crimes. All related and I don't think you are off topic, but abductions, abuse, and child trafficking are different crimes. It is true that most children will be harmed by a family member in abuse cases, but 99% of family abudctions are returned without harm. as for the media they also dubbed the "moral panic", called Jimmy Saville accusers conspiracy theorists, and let freaking Alex Jones be the one to break the story on both Epstein and Harvey Weinstien. Speaking of Epstein, the media went wild promoting the "false memory" theory which discredited many abuse victims, and "shockingly" the "expert" psychologist who developed the false memory theory was an expert witness for Ghislane Maxwell. I'll never understand why an establishment that accepts rapce culture and 25% of women being sexually assaulted who were advocates of me too, suddenly are hard liners when child victims come up. The accusation and their truth is never enough. The demand is always hard evidence before the investigation. Meanwhile fake college rape stories can be promoted by Rolling Stone. The media just does not have a good track record on this. Though I am curious what actual systemic issues?
  7. I'm too old to fall for plausible deniability from the media. You don't put Qanon and child trafficking together in every headline without the motivation to obfuscate the one with the other. Especially when a few of those articles are bold enough to claim there are bigger problems to pay attention, better ways to help trafficked kids than searching for and arresting the traffickers, or have pundits on TV call child trafficking a moral panic. This is a very old issue that the media has a long history going back to at least the 70s of downplaying, ignorning, and labelling the very charged "moral panic".
  8. I appreciate this being opened up. It's impossible to talk about something that is getting political and polarizing coverage when not allowed to mention that. That will actually make something more polarizing as the coverage and assertion is allowed to be made but the discussion and rebuttal is disallowed. I would just like to say to start, child trafficking is REAL and it happens more than other crimes we take very seriously like gun violence. Any association of this movie to conspiracy theories is directly meant to make people think trafficking is an overblown conspiracy theory. I have seen the movie, there is nothing of the more conspiratorial nature in it, it is based on a true story, this type of sting did happen, real children were recovered. No other movie has the expectation to be so accurate and not dramitize anything. The response to this movie is pathetic. No govt involvement, Epstien figure, or organ and blood harvesting happen in this movie. But so what if it was. Movies are fictious and we embellish our fears in them. Epstein was selling kids to nobody and the fear of harvesting something from victims is not new to fiction (garmonboza from Twin Peaks, vampires, children's fear in Monsters Inc) Child abuse rightfully is traumatic and a big fear of many people, creators and audience have a right to work out and mine those fears in fiction just like anything else.
  9. Who mods the moderators? Thinking something (not acts) makes a person evil? What is it most people think should be done with evil people? Usually at the least prison.
  10. You forget Ghost Protocol and the good weekdays. There are 80m regular church goers, these films are never going to be 4 quadrants but could be very successful mid budget movies and definitely shouldn't be openly alienated. But with Jesus Revolution I believe that denomination? don't know if that's what you would call that lineage of pastors is viewed as heretical by some catholics which probably limited it's audience. This all most of my observations about the state of the box office, which seem to keep being viewed as problematic and handcuffing me, but from the looks of the board I vote very similar or further to left but am alienated by subversion and deconstruction which I find very spitefull and petty. Imagine how 1/2 the country feels? People who really like what hollywood is currently doing have contorted themselves into an odd position where they know they don't like a lot of people and enjoy that those people don't like the current zeitgeist of movies, but can't acknowledge reducing the audience is reducing the box office grosses.
  11. best animation I have ever seen and the morals were great and exactly what parents want for their kids. Mine have watched it probally 30 times already and I still enjoy parts of it.
  12. Didn't it lose the Rock? And wasn't it his addittion that exploded the franchise?
  13. Which is extremely odd b/c they love porn, or at least idea of porn, and defending porn and hook up culture. And the topics / search terms are disgusting. This not my forte so I really don't know what's going on but looks extremely bizzarre from a far. I know the argument will be it's not the same people, but there is over lap, and extremely incongruous ideas from 1 generation is something of note.
  14. I understand it was all day, but b/c of the lower screen count it only has 4 shows a day even starting at 10am. So if a blockbuster gets previews at 3pm but has 4 showings that prior day, it should be viewed the same. Ghostbusters if it counts, but I don't love it for it's comedy. Pure comedies: Blues Brothers, The Jerk, Planes Trains and Automobiles, Big Lebowski
  15. This is the only obvious rule I have learned of this board. Everyone who just posted against me was personal, rude, and mean spirited vs. my own thoughts and reviews of movies that targeted no one, so there do not seem to be rules against bad decorum. Someone is always going to love a movie everyone else wants to make fun of and someone is always going to loathe a movie everyone else wants to praise, and as long as you can do that politely, you are being a fine person acting in "good" faith. Sticking your fingers in your ears and sayin there are criticisms I don't want to hear, you have to like this movie, this studio, and can't dislike subversion or deconstruction to post here is in fact toxic and bad faith. I don't know anyone else's mind and never purported to by saying this is exactly why this movie lost all $200m of those dollars. I can only say this is why this film didn't get my families money and some people I know agree with me so this issue is out there.
  16. I would have seen this if it wasn't for lock downs. I believe fans love these movies for the creative kills and only one of those sounds like it could give fans that. I wrote a comedy once for a script jam. Done in 3 days so not good (1 pass). Chose comedy b/c it wasn't my thing and was experimenting. Had no middle act and just kind of ends but got a lot of feed back that people laughed every page. Maybe I'll share the script some day. Ended up making a comedy indpendently to, really don't know how that happened, b/c again it's not my thing, but that won't be shown, though it did have some scenes. There are 2 scenes from I still chuckle when I remember them.
  17. How many shows do 3pm previews get? I'm not sure it should really be seen as such big deal since we are use to adding previews into Friday. Every theater around me has 4 shows of SoF whether they start at 10am or 12pm. I don't know how we should view the 3m pay it forward in terms of were it gets added to the gross, but they are legitimate retail purchases. There are NGOs that bought out theaters of Black Panther and Capt. Marvel to give away tickets to families. I believe one bought 40,000 tickets at once for Black Panther. I like Patrick Wilson a lot since Alamo and didn't even know 2 other Insidious movies were made. I recognized this one instantly b/c the original cast. I love horror movies. Films don't have to be about plots and strict left brain logic. Tone, tension, sound, getting any purposeful reaction with film craft is real film making. Paul Thomas Anderson has some of the most famous scenes that aren't logically cathartic but are emotionally cathartic based on the visual and auditory elements he is putting together and I don't think people would say his films aren't real movies.
  18. He directed their Batman. A cute story to clear the air. I had my nephews for a week about 10+ years ago (7 & 9 at the time). I hyped up watching Batman and that we were going to have a movie night. Took them to the store, gave them $20 bucks told them stock up on candy, got slushies. We got home and I put on my Batman, Tim Burton and Michael Keaton of course. They hated it and the younger one said, "this isn't Batman. We've seen Batman"!
  19. and if I may venture one more post while sticking only to Elementals box office w/o being banned, it had a terrible opening with what does look like very good legs. I just thought that shows some hesitation in audiences or failure of Disney to get people opening weekend and wanted to share my part. People will have all different reasons as these are big audiences, but the Disney + excuse doesn't square for me since other movies don't have this problem (NWH, Puss in Boots, Avatar, Mario, TGM) and Disney always gets tons of excuses to demand they do not have a cultural problem. Every movie is going to end up on streaming. Not every movie is released by a company that has a controversial brand trust rating and used to pander to family values goers. Just compare Disney releases and advertising from 25 years ago to now and it looks like a completely different company for a different audience.
  20. I would say parents are changing now, we had 2 generations of latch key kids were no one guided us but screens and pop culture and many of us aren't better off for it. I see the sentiment a lot of, well I was allowed to do this and it didn't hurt me while the person has not met any life achievements (not directed at you, very specifically thinking of a group of unsuccessful youtubers who do this) I also think some of those shows are appropriate or inappropriate in different ways. I think Dinosaurs is probably fine, some of my older kids are just getting to super heroes now at 6&7 (they didn't even know what guns were yet) and while TAS Batman is dark aesthetically and can be scary for a kid, it's not subversive which I find worse as a parent. The lego batman movie is terrible for kids. We are a very big lego house, and both the Lego movie and lego Batman was a major WTF were they thinking moment and the 1st time my wife and I were like whoa we have to pay attention to this stuff. So I guess things look aesthetically safer now and less violence than the 80s, but the moral lessons can be terrible and go directly against what parents are putting a lot of effort into teaching their kids. So much of it is just mean spirited now that feels like the creator working through their own issues and being petty.
  21. I don't think many people know who any of the creators are. I never heard of either, never even heard of any of Gerwigs movies, while I'm closer to the film industry than the average person. I can't imagine my sisters or any of my friends knowing them. I don't say this as a bad thing though b/c this does show how important the initial fanbase is at generating hype and spreading the marketing.
  22. another thing I never see mentioned Disney's trouble with some parents actually started in the 2000s with their Disney channel shows. Many were problematic. We are anti-excess / materialism / consumerism and the Disney channel kids shows presented a very false lavish lifestyle as normal.
  23. As a parent I can say Disney is not managing it's current market space well. They have 2 fan bases, Disney Adults and children and have been catering to the Disney adults in ways that alienate parents of the children. I understand why they want to grow with their audience but they are always going to make more from kids and don't know why catering to one has to include alienating the other. They really need to make Disney Adult stuff on a smaller budget intended for their niche audience if that's the case. I can say in my house we have a watch 1st before the kids with Disney now which is not a good thing, parents like brands they just trust. Encanto and Onward are big wins, but my wife watched Turning Red and said "don't let the kids watch this". I will also say this isn't political and not the issues you are probably thinking about. (we are very economic left, we are just in our 40s with kids and magically makes us more socially conservative when we were never considered that before) It's much more cultural / generational and the subversiveness is not good for an age group it is difficult to get to do normal constructive behavior. Kids are tough, they are destructive selfish little humans without inhibition. It takes a lot of guidance and they need rules. Stories that deconstruct and tell you to question rules is not anything someone under 12 is going to benefit from.
  24. I don't even like Nolan and this is a true statement. His only movie I like is the Prestige, but the guy produces hits out of things I would never expect to make money
  25. oh also, quirky / interesting moment, in the special message Caviezel eludes to Hollywood trying to stop the movie and it getting shelved for 5 years; after the message some one in the crowd stood up and yelled if anyone doesn't know it was Disney that wouldn't release the movie. people booed Disney and a few different women yelled stop taking your kids to Disney. So Disney does have a brand image problem in rural areas and probably are losing customers on principal.
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