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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. No one needs to save Pixar. It` s just that you people are now becoming aware of how overrated that studio is. This is how non-Pixar fans feel about almost every Pixar movie. I`ll give them Nemo which was fantastic in no small measure thanks to Ellen, one of the greatest performences in movies ever, but the rest, especially Incredibles, Up and Wall-E are overrated beyond reason.
  2. Totally. They off`d him so that he can spout a piece of exposition. None of deaths was organic or followed narrative logic.Terrible movie.
  3. I`ve no problem with good deaths that make sense, are respectful to the character,etc. Therefore, these two bug the fuck out of me cause they are the lamest shit ever:
  4. Eowimp,Merry and Faramir should have died in the book. Making them just comatose so that Aragorn with his WTF healing king powers can bring them back was a bad cop out. The movies couldn`t do shit about it cause fans would have shat bricks and tossed them at film-makers but those 3 fuckers should have died. especially the annoying bitch.Will Turner in POTC:AWE. That he replaced Davey Jones was way shoehorned and really didn`t make any sense since his story didn`t follow Jones`s in any aspect despite huge effort on the writer`s part to make some fleeting shit like Elizabeth kissing Jack relevant for identification between the whelp and Jones. Another big ass cop out.Bellatrix should have off`d Ginny.Fuckin son and Shitto should have died in WotW. Son already died and Cruise and dakota should have found house in ruins indicating it had fallenon fuckin Shitto. Instead of finding out that Shitto`s entire block is intact and son is also alive and well.
  5. No offense but your review sounds like 7.5/10 tops and yet you gave 9/10. Pixar bias shows.
  6. The Claf is gonna voice next Pixar movie and play Finnick in CF and MJ. So I`m totally gonna have his posters on the bedroom wall.
  7. Just because it isn`t a pretentious claptrap like Wall-E that critics naturally hail genius but kids find boring? Nah.
  8. people were during those first 20 minutes where she was basically acting like she always does but to nth degree of OTT. All her regular tics x 100000000000000000.
  9. KK has only one facial expression on all those photos from at least 3 different scenes. Geez.
  10. It isn`t that feminism is absent from the after-twist, it`s just that it isn`t the type some were looking forward due to misleading trailer.
  11. 7/10 is fresh no question. It`s just that it isn`t the kind of fresh that used to be reserved for Pixar. Overall, it seems that critical concensus will be it`s good but not among the best of Pixar.
  12. I doubt it. More than anything, they`d be too soft because they love Pixar. Cars 2 was just hard to defend even for Pixar supporters which most critics are.
  13. Indiwire`s Anne Thompson gave it a B. That translates to Bad in Pixar slang.
  14. It isn`t getting a great response. It`s getting an OK response. When a movie is called "safe" that`s not great.
  15. Totally. He really brought heart in Star Trek and it`s all gravy train from there. he rocks and that`s that. Hollywood better doesn`t mismanage his career.
  16. I :wub: him for it even more. Bay has the best heart of anyone in the world, naysayers be quiet!
  17. TF movies cannot be accused of pretentiousness. They are stupid and know it and don`t try to fool you they are gonna teahc you the meaning of life or whatever Prom`s ambition was. OTOH, prom is a dumb as fuck movie, TF-level dumb but doesn`t know it and, worse, thinks it`s too smart for you.
  18. Same here. I have to delete smilies sometimes and keep less because of that stupid message. I get it`s function but...eh meh.
  19. The only thoughts that movie provokes are "What a stupid shit" and "what stupid people". So defenders have a point. It provokes thoughts.
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