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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. So will Merida in sequels. Plus she`s already annoying in trailers. I wouldn`t mind this crap w/o THG. It has 1/2 of HP cast in it which is cool but it`s trying to steal Katniss thunder and I can`t let that go on.
  2. I`m hearing this is boming in some OS markets and I cannot be happier. I hope the trend continues. I see this movie as the direct competition to THG and want it to underperform in comparison in every way. Reviews are already much weaker.
  3. Shit. I was hoping Merida will underperorm. I don`t like the $300 mio talk at all. It`s too close to THG`s $400 mio and I don`t want Merida to be anywhere near Katniss success. is there any direct competition on the way that can shorten the legs?
  4. I`m glad it fell way short of THG reveiws and boxoffice will be significantly lower too. Katniss should be the role model for girls not a snotty cartoon character who got way more hype than deserved.
  5. Totally. better case scenario is he doesn`t star in anything but this is good too.
  6. And very puzzling. His accent was awful in LOTR slipping in and out of American into bad Brit. "lets hunt some Awhhhhhk". Yet Russian one he nailed. Weird. I can`t stand him but he should have won over DDL. I`d give him Best Actor for EP. Well spotted. Yeha, I think that`s why she gets away with the same accent in every role.
  7. You`re right. They use that accent for period movies about upper class cause it sounds upper-classy to Hollywood.
  8. But the Queen speaks English! IMO, it isn`t authentic to swap Russian with Russian accented English. It isn`t Russian. It`s another matter when a character is Russian in English-speaking environment so he/she speaks English but accent reveals the origin. But this Russians who speak Russian-accented English in their daily life in Russia? Just let them speak English.
  9. They didn`t speak with fake French accents if I recall correctly.
  10. Yes, and no English speaking. I mena, it isn`t like AK is gonna be a TF-size hit. It`s for AMPAS and art-housies only. So they should be OK with french-accented Russian language. I mena, they sit through foreign films to select nominees so this isn`t different.
  11. I don`t think that foreign accent gives any autheticity. Russians speak Russian, not English with Russian accent. Either go full Gibson or don`t bother.
  12. I think that POTC spoiled her. She wasn`t all about jaw and pouting in BLB either.
  13. Didn`t 15 years old or similar underage KK play lara in TV Dr Zhivago and got naked? her underage nakedness launched her, that and mom and dad from the industry.
  14. That`s good and bad. Good cause my men and women are in a hit, bad because they`ll fast-track the sequel so The Claf will have to decline the offer to play Finnick in CF due to contract.
  15. Amen. This will be loved by bloggers because it`s an experiment...until it stars getting serious tracking with precursors over TDKR and Django. Than blogger support will turn to backlash but too late. Same story over and over again.
  16. Nolan is half-American half-Irish born in Britain.
  17. Same here. Looks like a typical Oscar bait packaged in Artist-like gimmick only theater version. Makes pretty set of images but 2+ hours movie? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Boring.
  18. It sounds like an enjoyable movie. Not eevrything needs to be a masterpiece. Pixar loonies need to take Michael bay`s turtle advice and chill.
  19. It can go up a smuch as it wants, all reviews say it isn`t up to the snuff. Watchable but whatever.
  20. Getting Fr Parnassus vibe from this.
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