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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. This yo-yo with BD1 numbers is so damn annoying! How come it was on pace to $150 mio when it was estimated $73 mio and now that estimate is only $1 million lower, it`s suddenly gonna be lucky to hit $140 mio? Makes NO sense.
  2. Real or CGI, nobody likes them. Fact. Reactions are negative across the board for that and talking wolves and that includes people who rate the movie 11/10 and A+++++++++++++++++++.
  3. HF2 Imax screens was likely a failed attempt to decrease BD1 opening number somewhat.
  4. Avengers is a toast next year. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Amen to that. Jeff is fun. His squeeze is a two-faced menopausal hysteric with no criteria. At least Jeff sticks to his guns from start to finish. And his crying over TSN was hilarious. Plus, he has better posters. LexG, nuff said. What does she have?
  6. Over Avengers. Now watch THOSE faces drop. $300 mio is the lock for both BD1 and BD2 and you bet BD2 will have IMAX.
  7. On top of Nikki "Fame Whore" Reed`s dreadful line delivery, gigantic ass and that retarded looks in Jessica Alba leftover make-up and wig from Fantastic Four. He actually loves the books and being overactor of the highest order this role is tailor made for him.
  8. I hope the number holds and legs are the best for the franchise because that gives a boost to my BD 2 Over Avengers Club.
  9. You Ringer loonies are deliberately derailing this thread because TH one is dead for days, even when there`s some actual news. :PBD1 FTW!
  10. Jeff`s main squeeze is calling Viola Davies a done deal. Kiss of death more likely. Run, Viola, run!
  11. SW&TH will be the favorite fantasy movie of 2012, not The Hobbit. Just wait and see. It`s gonna be the POTC:COTBP of 2012. You`ll be eating the crow pie. I get your point since TH is the safest bet and nobody thinks there could be an upset outside of TDKR winning domestic battle. But time will tell that I was right. nevermind. I called TF3`s billion when even Pointman didn`t believe in it. And it passed Shriekapoo. You didn`t see that one coming, did you?
  12. Charlize is getting Oscar nom and will be the talk of 2012. Hobbit cast not so much. They look good but they ain`t no Charlize. Also, as fine looking as Hobbit men are, they aren`t Chris Hemsworth. SW&TH will upset.
  13. I checked my facts. Your Hobbit predix are Kal/BKB-level of deranged.
  14. Oh, please, Neo, you and your "The Hobbit will make $5 billion each" prediction are the least competent to judge HG`s potential. Nobody is saying HG will reach $300 mio, just that it`ll be a sizable hit a la first Twilight, most likely somewhat less big.
  15. Not even. TDKR vs The Avengers will give it the run for its money and BD 2 will upset quite a few contenders for the biggest movie of the year.Oh, and HG and Twi fans will be all over each other.
  16. And both DH 2 and TF3 annihilated Shriekapoo. :wub:
  17. Yes, but Twihards and Twimoms don`t come to , lets say, TF forums to call TF movies shit. It`s TF fans who come over to shit on Twilight. Geek sites such as CHUD had anti-Twilight write-ups. Twilight sites don`t have anti-geek movie ones. Say what you will about those fans, and they are stupid for reasons I`ll get to in a sec, they were attacked first by fandoms who felt "jeopardized" by Twi success. Lets be honest here, Potheads started the war when Twi got labelled Next HP.That said, Twihards are stupid as fuck for:a) hating most talented cast member K-Stew who is really talented and pretty, thinking that Potter alumni Constipattz, who looks like someone hit him with a frying pan, is Apollo or other God of Beautyc) same as only replace Constipattz with that sweet potatoe nose Lautner whose "Look at me! I`m in the movie! Look at me only!" overcating is a total whoring for attentiond) trending every wind that Nikki Reed breaks and she farts left and right, from regular to brain fartsFuckin morons.
  18. Fighting will never end and BD 2 will beat The Avengers.
  19. That`s what you want to happen but there`s evidence to the contrary. There will be an anomaly. DH2 was a HP anomaly and BD 1 seems to be on track as Twilight`s. Fans are crazy about it. What`s so hard to understand?
  20. It`s going to be a great hold because fans are gaga over this movie although it is based on the book that many fans consider the worst. However, the movie somehow managed to change minds and it`s almost universal drooling over it.Also, would you people please stop comparing BD 1 and DH1? Potheads and Twihards are totally different animals from each other.Potheads are extremly high maintenance becasue they bitch over minimal changes and omissions and HP certianly wouldn`t cut it if it had Harry caked in flour looking constipated at Hermione for 2 hours. Twihards, OTOH, only want Edward and more Edward regardless of what he does or doesn`t and in this movie, he`s fucking Bella which is what everyone was waiting for. Hold is going to be ah-mazing.
  21. :lol: Remus and Sirius were so gay. Damn JKR for bearding up Remus with Tonks. That said, BD 1 will have sub 60% drop. I`m predicting between 52-55%. Just wait and see. This is going to have a great hold.
  22. Where`s Michelle Williams in those predix? Her role is an baity as fuck.Jeff&Sasha bitchfest is a hoot. Apaprently, Harvey is hating on them for pimping Social Network over TKS. LOL! Serves them right.They have such boring taste in movies. All forgettable shit. Hurt Locker, TSN, bargain bin stuff already.
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