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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Anyone knows how that piece of boring shit ADM did?
  2. Fuck, I love Klingons and Kardashians. Bloody hate Major Kira and her gigantic ass and B`Elana Tores the whiniest bitch ever. What kind of half-Klingon is that piece of snively shit? Anyway, Seven of Nine FTW.
  3. I read spoilers for the comic book and I`m wondering if
  4. I guess Tintin craze didn`t go furhter from several European countries.
  5. How it isn`t? Over $300 mio dom and over $400 mio OS. That`s over $700 mio. It`ll have good legs.
  6. I fucking hate Maggie. Yelling at Lori like that, being smug with Glenn although her dad is a loonie. What an annoying, useless bitch.And although Andrea is out of the moping phase, this turn into a super-shooter is ridiculous. What`s next, shooting wings off the flies like in Wanted? Please, from just few hours of training. Riiiiiiiiiiight.Not enough Daryl tonight. :(So inevitable happened. Andrea and Shane nooky. Any hope Shane kills Dale?Any hope farm zombies eat farm people? Carl is the new badass.
  7. Shit, forgot Hugo is coming so soon. Gotta see it on cheap Tuesday.
  8. Word. Oh, well, in 2013, she and the whole world will bow to the power of Cavill.
  9. I`m sorry but it`s non-fans who are tired which is why boxoffice for this, POTC:OST, HP, PA, Saw always "surprised".
  10. Tomorrow. $66 mio does not include Saturday. It`s too early.
  11. What else could it be? Too early to call Saturday let alone weekedn. And it`s too much for only Wednesday and Thursday.
  12. Because they think it`s a Catholic propaganda. Mormons are stictly polygamists from their POV and since Twilight doesn`t promote that aspect of Meyer`s religion, Catholics eat up the rest.They most likely don`t know she`s a Mormon.
  13. Why? Didn`t DH2 make, like, $200 mio OS in first 3 days or something?
  14. It must. I don`t care how but it must because BD2 must top Avengers. I decided so it gotta happen.
  15. I understand the criticism here and cannot disagree. However, I actually liked it. I thought it was very eerie and it tied in with Katniss I think there are manygreat ideas in there that would have worked better in the hands of a more capable writer. Collins excels in conceptual but execution isn`t always up to the snuff. neverttheless, Mockingjay is my favorite followed by Catching Fire. HG is my least favorite because it has a brilliant set up but doesn`t quite deliver on the promise due to first person POV that proved to be a handicap in this book. It was fixed in subsequent ones.
  16. YOU make no sense. BD1 is better received by fans than NM which is now considered the weakest of the movies. No wonder it dropped like a rock. BD1 will have much better hold.
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