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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. I`m loving these numbers for geeks are crying an ocean. You have to wear a diving suit when you go to geek sites or you`ll drown in salt water.Anyway, $150 mio here we come and may Pt 2 beat Avengers!
  2. I`m shocked too. I was hoping baumer and those interchangable Twihards with Daenerys Targaryan sigs would review it but nope.
  3. Awesome! So many people saw HG and SW&TH trailers! Yes!
  4. Avatar deserved Cinematography win, not just a nom. other movies should have been scrapped in that category to make space for HBP but not Avatar.
  5. That would be Gwynneth Paltrow. I assume Pepper marries Tony sometimes in the comic books.
  6. True that. I`m sure there will be a pressure to nominate her because it`s Meryl playing the Iron Lady. However, KK is still the biggest bait since The Reader:a) KK. Her role has everything that AMPAS falls in love with: mental illness, fake accent, scenery swallowing, nudity, period drama, real person, Jewish person. This is the one to beat. Meryl. Yes, it`s Meryl playing iconic controversial person while swallowing scenery in a fake accesnt like she`ll never eat again. But take a look at KK bait points and you`ll see Iron Lady falls short.Of never nominated before ingenue, Felicity Jones is the weakest. Olsen or Mara or both (if Meryl`s a turkey) will get in over her.Viola Davies is suffering from Blid Side backlash as many see The Help as BS Lite. Should snag a nom but forget about showdown.Michelle Williams is most likely to emerge as one of competing front-runners. Multiple nominee playing an iconic real person.
  7. I don`t believe in DH2 nom because the series never received a single BP nomination before. So why would AMPAS, with their love of traditional baits such as War Horse, biopics and jaw-jutting fake-Russian Oscar whoring, suddenly change their mind? Not gonna happen, neither this nor Serkis who has SAG against mo`cap.
  8. Oh, good, cause neither is the hottest. Charlize and Rooney are vying for that title among nominees.
  9. I agree, Iron Lady looks like a Razzie campfest. Mommy Dearest 2. So I expect the battle of terrible performances and accents - Streep vs Knightley. Everyone else looks too normal to attract as much attention as these two.
  10. What you make of La Jolie`s ITLOBAH? Awardsdaily fucks hype the shit out of this anti-Serb propaganda but they have such terrible taste in movies. I mean, they are chamioning KK`s scenery chewing in ADM for crying out loud! Anyway, I hope all their hopefuls flop because everything that those pretentious creeps support is Razzie-worthy.
  11. Daryl is the best character. Shane would be good if the stupid actor didn`t look like dear in headlights all the time. Absolutely impossible to read what he is thinking outside of "I`m a dear caught in headlights. SHIT!"IMO, the show has way too many characters and over half of them boring. I feel for Rick but cut the faux-spiritual chitchat cause it`s cheesy. Nobody ever has those convos even in time of huge crisis.The unexisting triangle, on which the writers insist even though Lori was duped and made her choice in episode 2 without looking back, is dragging Lori`s plot down. I hope they stay true to the comic book because Andrea is an annoying bitch. Seriously, first season set her up for potential awesomeness but this season is the character assassination. Get the grip or get killed.Others barely register because only the above group is given something to do and even they didn`t hit the jack pot cause they just repeat the same old ep by ep. Merle must come back for real, not just halucination.
  12. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Stupid bitch! NOOOOOOOOOOO! Please don`t be true! I hate this stupid bitch! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  13. Daryl`s badassery is what keep me awake through this plodding season and, boy, is he badass in this new episode!
  14. Best movie ever. A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  15. Barbossa walks down the stairs in POTC:DMC. Standing ovation every time for 3 months. No kidding. Worked at the cinema at the time and saw reactions for almost every show.
  16. Sixth Sense was telegraphed the moment Cole says that dead people don`t know they are dead. It`s still a tear-jerker, though.For me, end of The Mist was a true shocker.
  17. Shame that KK`s jaw-jutting antics will most likely earn her the Oscar nom cause AMPAS adore scenery chewing of the highest order.Your review is pretty much in line with what everyone is saying whether openly or in roundabout way - it`s a boring as fuck movie.
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