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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Terrible performence, OMG, should be seen on youtube to believe it. Don`t waste your money.Plsu, she dies in Anna Karenian which is automatic redeeming point.
  2. Racist? Since when Aussie is a race? LMAO!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zs_rXxi0zhM
  3. Hanna was awesome when it was called Universal Soldier and Dark Angel.Blanchett isn`t bad but mainstreamers don`t give a shit, that`s my point.
  4. The problem is "atrocities committed by Serbs" while completely sweeping under the rug well known fact that all 3 sides in the conflict committed the same type of attocities. But they go on talking about Serb concentration camps for Muslims as if Serbs are new Nazi or something while pretending that Muslims didn`t have concentration camps for Serbs and why Croats are completely flying under the radar as if they never were in war with anyone is one of world`s 8 biggest mysteries, up there with Yeti and Nessie. Also, the trailer leaves nothing to imagination. Serb father is anti-Muslim. His son is keeping a Muslim girlfriend captive. Conclusion = Serbs are bad. That`s shit movie right there.
  5. AwardsDaily idiots who support crap acting and crap movies, El Senor Blanchitto and that sort of stuff that mainstreamers don`t give a fuck about.
  6. http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/d/da/Sabepromo2.jpghttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/-XGSxmZf7bUk/TfKuglMVijI/AAAAAAAAA64/f8LWqsjrF-8/s1600/Star+Wars.jpgBow to the power of Sabe. All the greats were in Star Wars. Rose Byrne too:http://www.scifiscoop.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/rose_byrne3.jpg
  7. I don`t want AD fucks to win and I don`t want histrionics to get nominated again. KK should win for jumping under the train next year which would make her the second Star Wars actress who won Best Actress.
  8. No. They laid off 600 workers in Australia because this thing flopped. And those people were not responsible for flopping because they worked on animation and animation was never a problem here. Producer who greenlit this shit, scribe to wrote the shitty script aare people whose head should have rolled, not those guys.
  9. Ok, they can run around a tree instead of kissing and sexing. better?
  10. You just belittled yourself by admitting that Pattison is the sole reason why you watch this, not content or anything of substance.
  11. No,no,np,NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Why, why this movie won`t die? Any hope mainstream public totlaly ignore it? Please, stike a stake into this boring shit already. ADM has done great. http://www.indiewire.com/article/holiday-box-office-update-marilyn-makes-her-debut-descendents-continues-to-shineThsi isn`t right. This totlaly 100% isn`t right.
  12. Shit. I refuse to believe I will be defied. No, $300 mio is happening and Avengers and Skyfall are da toast.
  13. It`s one thing when individuals have agenda but talking about global anti-Twilight conspiracy is too much. It`s like anti-Nolan conspiracy by AMPAS. Both demographics - AMPAS and critics - have their taste that may not be compatible with each other`s or with that of other demographics. Such as teen girls and frustrated housewifes and baumer . problem is, critic`s and/or AMPAS verdict is taken at face value as the ceriticate of quality or lack thereof whereas it is just one demographics opinion. There`s no conspiracy. twi simply isn`t their thing.
  14. I hope Bollywood makes Twilight one day. They made Bodyguard and Silence of the Lambs so why the fuck not. I can`t wait for Indian Edward breaking into song and dance on the bed splashing feathers and breaking headboard with his bhangra while singing about headboard breaking sex. And the singadance imprinting and birth. And SRK as eternal highschooler Edward. Epic!
  15. I`m not talking bad about Angie, just what her movie stands for. I get her point. She went to Bosnia, officials showed her some real or fake victims, it broke her heart, she made a movie about eeeeeeeeeeeeeevil Serbs. Because she didn`t go to the Serb Republic where officials would show her some real or fake victims and that would break her heart too but because oil lobby wants Bosnian Muslims to be victims to offset jihadist`s bad rep, she wouldn`t make a movie about eeeeeeeeeeeevil Bosnian Muslims. There are also eeeeeeeeevil Croats who actually make a better story but I guess Vatican kibboshed that and Angie`s a Catholic.
  16. It`s this year or never for Salander (not Rooney) because novelty will wear off. And great moments or not, GWPWF wasn`t a good book/movie so it`s bound to get "not as good as GWTDT" type of reviews.
  17. $800 mio here we come. And, no, I`m not smoking anything. Holliday season is ahead of us and no new movie is really a must-see like the crop of 2012.
  18. Leaked review that was postive is just one review. There was also a negative reaction. The movie is a propaganda garbage. I hope The Crusader comes over to explain a few things but the movie is clearly taking a side where one is the bad guy and other is victim which is wrong. It`s ridiculously B&W approach to a complicated situation and as such has no business in Best Anything save Best Fabrication and Simplification of Truth category.
  19. Considering how ridiculous Salander books and movies get after GWTDT, I highly doubt ROTK like win is in order for Rooney.
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