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Posts posted by holcs

  1. I don't think WOM for MOS is as strong as some on these forums believe.

    i agree with this-i love the movie - give it a 8.5/10 but it's obviously not translating to the public-it's a good movie , not sure what people were expecting but it did  a great job at a reboot-but it's definitely falling fast----hopefully still 300m


    does any of the great box office guys like baumer know what were looking at here with the drops - 290 to 315m?

  2. Im not a fan of Eisenberg & was one of the minority who thought he didnt deserve an Oscar nom for TSN

    but he's good here

    & he's good @ playing himself :P

    + this haircut makes him more attractive so

    thanks teenage girls who give the movie money b/c of that :wub:


    only had time to watch the beginning

    his teddy bear!! :rotfl: Mr.Bean much :lol:

    hey dont get me wrong he is really good in certain roles- but could he ever do something else besides the wise cracking guy he is in SN or any of his other films----NO. He is who he is.  Im just saying, yes, he could be a pretentious brat (btw i hate that word- pretentious) but he comes off like that even in his interviewsTh


    I agree with anyone who has This is the End at the top of their summer films. It was a bit too long and played the dick card perhaps too many times, but it was still the most I've laughed at the theater since the first hangover.

    This Is The End is absolute comedy glory imo---danny mcbride is so damn funny hahah-movies really good

  3. majority of ppl disagree with you (& tiny drops prove it)

    + Eisenberg really owned this role & you're like one of the few who found him annoying here

    I've been following this movie for a long time & 90% of response was more than positivehey

    hey im not trying to hate on the guy but he really does play the same role every movie or the same character.  I actually was just watching zombieland a few hours ago and he's good in it - i like him sometimes but no doubt but that doesnt mean he plays the same damn thing in every movie-- he does.  Be blind about it thats cool

  4. I still don't get why IM3 divided audiences so much.It had good performances, good action (the airplane rescue scene beats every action sequence I've seen this summer as the most breathtaking) and sharp humor (which I personally love).

    really? U don't get it?


     I used to be a big fan of comics but not anymore these days-but growing up loved that stuff-especially xmen-spidey- and iron man- throw in gambit ....but more than a comic fan, im a fan of awesome movies.  Why the audience is dvided on im3 is because it was garbage.  Idc that they made the mandarin out as a joke-i actually thought it was funny but to have ur main villain shooting orange fire balls out of their mouths was just stupid as hell...iron man - great first movie that failed in every way to make good sequals and i know it made a ton of money so save me that-Im2 and im3 are really a joke---im2 especially

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  5. alright lets be real here guys-I absolutely loved man of steel-but it didnt pick up legs so far like it should of. I just talked to one of my really good friends who works in the business and he didn't like it simply because he was expecting more...there's a really big lot of people where this didn't fit "their" superman and that's why it's not having huge repeat business...in the end for me it's a fascinating and new tale on n old story ----i thought it was a 9/10 but i respect people who disagree


    and btw now you see me is so generic-can't believe people are pumping that movie up---and jesse eisenberg plays the same character every movie/pretty much he's annoying as f and id love if i never saw him on screen again...gaaahhh

  6. Lol-so the Kal rebirth is in full effect I see...over the years I had kind of forgotten what a kal infested thread is like ha.  Absolute bombardment of posts.  As for MOS-hopefully it can stun and get to that 60m mark but Im not counting on it...seeing world war z tonight-hopefully it's better than expected as this year as a whole has been filled with some major disappointments for me

  7. This is great because it really would've been a shame if it somehow underperformed and DC was left out cold.  If DC can get the right writers/directors there's a good amount of characters...can't wait till someone does the Flash right.  And of course seeing batman (hopefully Bale even though i doubt it) and supes on screen together would be so epic...if done right. 


    The BO for this movie is just showing that SR totally went in the wrong direction-whether you think its good or not-it didn't connect to the younger generations by trying to stay too true to the older films.  This one is balls to the wall superman showing off how much of a beast he is-and again whether you like it or not-it made superman "cool".  The main thing it got right was focusing on what supes can do when facing enemies ready to kill off earth...he'd beat their ass up close and personal

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  8. I'll admit, I've been trolling this pretty hard since the Low RT score, but good for WB they have a hit on their hands.. Pretty sure I lost a bet, so I'm willing to pay up right now... :popcorn: 


    Props BKB- steppin up, admitting you were off on some predictions and manning up on bets.  Glad you're not trying to make excuses, or hiding....ijack and some of the other trolls should take note

  9. Yeah, I agree it's far from over. After the Division Series with The Reds, anything can happen. Lots of upbeat fans walking around. If it goes to Game 6 I'll probably try catch it at the park. :DBTW The Giants are my adapted hometown favorites. Still a bigger Yankees fan ;) but I want this series so bad. But the way it looks, the Yanks have a much tougher road especially with Verlander coming up....But to stay on topic. Great holds. Especially for Taken 2. I guess moviegoers liked it better than the critics :lol:

    Well Im a socal/oc/san diego kid my whole life so liking the giants my whole life has been a pain with all the dodgers fans and padre fans...but it's so much fun to talk trash. As for the yankees-can't stand them but I know a lot of people love em-and gotta like a guy like jeter-sucks he went down. Ill root for them for you ha. Oh and sick I've never been to the new park-was planning to a few years ago for the world series...and went to some games back in candlestick days...would've liked to see bonds crush homeruns in mccovey cove in person. As for the box office, looks great. To have 4 movies over 15 million in early october is great. Still gotta see all of them-I slacked this weekend on movie going but Ill be sure to see argo, sinister, and 7 psychopaths. Taken 2 doing the take it has is not a huge surprise but I won't be adding my money to that---that's a rental for me...first movie was good but not great imo and definitely didn't warrant a sequel but obviously people wanted to see more. Wish Dredd would've made some of the cash taken 2 did...now that's a legit action movie imo
  10. What a down weekend especially after the Division Series. Gonna finish my wine crack open a beer and watch The Avengers. I need a pick me up.

    Wilee don't get too down brother. Ill have a beer with ya but the giants series is far from over. Besides bumgarner messing up in the first few innings the G's played fine. 7 game series-plenty of games for the Giants to win. Don't stress yet
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  11. It really isn't that good and you know it, but this is not a thread to hijack over the subject of TDKR, better known as the weakest link in the Nolan BATMAN Trilogy making TDK look like the odd duck out and TA owning both of them.. :hijacked:

    Up next, Tony Bennett singing God Bless America while The Cardinals lead 6-4..

    lol, i knew u had to put in a few lines even tho u tried ur best not to. Bkb is good for this site. As for tdkr i completely disagree. I dont know it wasn't that good. In fact it was damn good. And ur lucky cards got a bad night out of madison bumgarner-every other pitcher including my man lincecum they can't crack
  12. Argo is a must see. Pretty rare that a film is relevant, educational and entertaining, but this film is all three. Plus it's pretty funny in places. I love Affleck's depictions of humor. They are nowhere near fart jokes. The humor is created by real humans dealing with real situations.

    good to hear cuz i was seriously considering waiting till dvd for argo-based on true story movies usually bore the hell out of me- or in horror movies case its complete bullshit. Definitely seeing it now after the good response from people who know movies like yourself.my expectations are pretty high now tho...hopefully will be awesome
  13. just got back from a midnight showing on the westcoast and was pretty f'ing cool. Agreed^^^ a lot of fun. Urban is a badass and the girl - olivia thirlby- ended up being pretty badass too, thought she did a good job. Hope this movie can make enough for a sequel-it deserves to. I'd love to see more stories in the future they created for this movie...the crazy huge living buildings are pretty nuts along with just the griminess of the mega city. Also, Dredds gun is awesome!

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