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Everything posted by theultimatebiu

  1. No dumb...the word you are looking for is dumb. Skyfall was a bad remake of TDK. There I said it.
  2. I still think STiD would have done better as a winter release.
  3. He was horrible. I felt no fear or dislike. He just seemed pointless and camp...stuck out from the rest of the movie like a sore thumb. Casino Royale was MILLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS better.
  4. Yep...sums up everything wrong with that movie perfectly.
  5. Skyfall was decent but very very over rated. Horrible villain, bad action sequences, flimsy plot and silly ending. I hated how they killed the villain and the silly coincidences (train smashing through tunnel to kill bond....supposedly timed so well to make sure he was right underneath it whilst it was passing) and illogical plot points. What was the with the pointless characters too? That bond girl was pretty much killed within 15 minutes of being introduced. Also, the less said about the awful CGI kimodo dragon sequence the better.
  6. If I'm honest I have not heard anyone talk about STiD. I never understood why so many here are predicting a bigger OW for STiD than for FF6. FF6 premiere was on the front pages of national newspapers whilst STiD has largely gone ignored. I will be seeing it tonight but I think FF6 marketing has been a hell of a lot better and can see that having a huge OW here.
  7. I liked your post just so I had the satisfaction to press unlike......your opinion is WRONG!
  8. I am being safe and saying Top 5. There is ALWAYS a upset/breakout.
  9. IM3 $1.1bn+ CF $800M+ It should be in the top 5 WW grossers
  10. Nope the constant camera flare in STID (every time I type that I feel I should leave out the 'I' lol) will hurt their eyes. Old folks like me just can't deal with it so well. Ok, BS aside, by that time I think most will have seen it anyway.
  11. That's good that it attracts the older crowd....means a possibility of better legs.
  12. In his world Pacific Rim will hit $800M So that explains that.
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