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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. $1.1b definitely sounds about right at the moment. I wish January was the wasteland it used to be though. Avatar didn't have to deal with the likes of a 13 Hours, Ride Along, or KFP3 in its January.
  2. They are false prophets. Devote yourself wholly to @Rth, he shall not mislead you.
  3. You mean if we get fat and drunk enough we will grow our very own Fassmember?
  4. Ice cream all the way! Especially paired with banana's for desserts...banana splits, bananas foster, mmm.... Which brings me to caramel>chocolate.
  5. People still like hot dogs? I thought they went out when we all realized they aren't made of things actually meant to be edible.
  6. Chocolate is the most overrated food on the planet. By far.
  7. Only if it's cream cheese frosting. Otherwise frosting makes me sick.
  8. But except for maybe China, why would it go up in most markets? It is already performing amazingly in most OS countries, and TPM and ANH were easily the OS kings of their respective trilogies. I hope you're right, but except for China I can't see much room for growth.
  9. Episode 8 is doomed at the box office in general. It can never live up to this, which is sad since I suspect it could definitely be another ESB situation where it's even better than its predecessor.
  10. And TFA had been seen by over 3x as many people as Avatar by this point last weekend. The same hold still happened. The movie will have to hit a wall with these holds eventually, but I will be very surprised if that happens before 2016. -35% is the worst I see happening tomorrow.
  11. Wasn't my intention speaking personally. Avatar is a better movie to me than TFA. TFA is a more impressive run by far. The latter is all I was saying.
  12. Did you see Avatar's 33% first Monday drop coming off the all time Sunday record? And then it having virtually the same holds every day since except Friday? I sure didn't. In 2009 when Xmas fell on a Friday, only one movie dropped more than 30% that Monday. Avatar dropped 20%. Now that would be insane, but I definitely don't think a 25-30% drop is unlikely. Unless it is starting to hit that "wall" some of us have discussed, but remember kids are all still off and the post Xmas week tends to be better for movies than pre since people aren't nearly as busy.
  13. We need to know Monday's number first. If we take out Friday, all of its other post OW daily holds have still been in the same ballpark as Avatar's. That had even better second weekday holds than its first weekdays. I don't know if TFA can manage that, but if it does then I see no way it goes below 115 next weekend. Again, Monday will tell us much.
  14. "Impressive" and "surprising" aren't synonyms by the way. If we are merely talking about "surprising" runs, then OK I suppose Avatar still takes the cake.
  15. Avatar's run was extremely impressive. TFA's is even more so. I really don't understand how it can be said any other way.
  16. Happy b-day, and no excuses needed to keep seeing TFA!
  17. Being a franchise film should have technically been more of a hindrance for its chances to become one of the most successful films ever. Most franchise films have a very definite ceiling and can't break past that. Don't believe me? How many sequels do you see in the top ten adjusted for inflation films? That's right, none. And you would only see one in the top 20 if we took out re-releases (TPM). TFA is not only breaking 100m admission a time where that should be impossible, it's also shattering the franchise admissions ceiling in a way we didn't know possible either. It will be the first sequel/prequel to ever blow way past 85m admissions in its first run.
  18. Streaming is one argument, but 30m+ HIGHER ADMISSIONS is the main one. There is no argument to be had.
  19. Avatar!?! You've got to be kidding right? It is another league than Avatar. It is going to eclipse that movie's admissions by at least 30m, and what's more than that it's doing it when streaming and giant screen HDTV home entertainment centers have been firmly established in American homes. While they were around for Avatar too, they definitely weren't as much the "norm" yet as this decade. Now tons of people are subscribed to monthly streaming services and don't mind waiting 6-7 weeks after a movie hits the theaters to watch it at home on a very nice sized screen with great sound. They don't have to pay $15 to buy just one movie and then watch it on a crappy screen with crappy quality, as in the days of Titanic. Which is why I said TFA's run is arguably even more impressive than Titanic if it hits the 110-115m admission range. People still had way more incentive to go to the theater in 1997 or even 2009 than today.
  20. If TFA gets within 15m admissions of Titanic's first run, I honestly think it's every bit as impressive as Titanic's run given the two time frames. An argument could even be made for it being more impressive.
  21. You may wanna hold your tongue on that one. Yes Titanic should keep its admissions title, but TFA could still get very close. I don't think $1b in pure ticket sales is off the table. In which case, that's less than 10m behind Titanic's first run. Not exactly an *ahem* ocean of difference. I bet TPM could have done that or even better with TFA's reception, given the 90's were still a healthier time for huge attendance than this century has ever been.
  22. I'm referring to TPM's 5 day multi btw, since I believe it would have made something similar to that opening on a Friday. Anyone else not able to edit these past couple days? It is just a blank screen for me when I click edit?
  23. Exactly, that's what I meant. The fact that TFA could get nearly the same multi or even better than TPM's with such an insane opening just proves that there was indeed plenty of room for improvement with TPM's legs.
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