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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. These box office numbers for AS are clearly fakes paid for and put out by the Academy so people will be under the illusion there's a big hit nominated.
  2. J Lo has one of the worst overall RT track records I've ever seen: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/162652167/?search=jennifer%20lop
  3. A wild reason to root for Boyhood at the Oscars has appeared!
  4. Cage in Moonstruck is still one of the most unintentionally funny things I've ever seen in my life. If I had seen that performance first I would have legitimately thought the actor was mentally handicapped.
  5. Aw, I love that movie, cliched treacle and all. In fact I enjoyed almost everything Depp did between POTC1 and Public Enemies. Secret Window was pretty bad though.
  6. Just make it about Hathaway and HBC's characters. I wouldn't even mind seeing that since they were mildly amusing in the first.
  7. Watch Disney significantly cut Depp's part in Alice 2 now that he's bordering on box office poison. They don't mess around these days with success, they'll probably find some smart way to make Alice 2 look appealing.
  8. What if Orlando Bloom is the big draw for Pirates 5 by the time it rolls around?
  9. And then maybe another one when Pirates 5 opens right after.
  10. Kingsman may also have a decent run if it can clear 25m OW. Critical reception is amazing, so it might be a WOM movie. All of 2015's big successes might be R's until Furious 7 opens.
  11. Don't forget 50 Shades of Grey, which will clearly take away most of its core middle American male audience.
  12. On the bright side, I guess Torture-porn of the Christ might finally be going down as the #1 grossing R film.
  13. AS beating Saving Private Ryan's admissions will be truly nauseating if it happens.
  14. The big difference being TBS didn't open to massive blockbuster numbers. That's what makes AS so unique and overall confounding.
  15. Nac uoy erugif tuo woh ot daer siht ecnetnes uoy gniyonna, gnizinogatna, kcirp?
  16. Because there are literally hundreds of dramas or R films or biopics the past decade that are more deserving but had modest or small box office runs. That's why.
  17. I mean it's better than Transformers 10 or The Amazing-er Spider-Man having this kind of box office run for sure, but of all the dramas/biopics/war movies/R films to do this well, it's AS? Really? AS?!? It's just such an anti-climactic choice out of all these kinds of movies to finally have blockbuster success.
  18. 2014 = such a shit year at the box office that its #1 movie wasn't actually a 2014 movie.
  19. Cooper needs to get himself in a proper blockbuster tentpole type movie now. His draw power is officially huge, and that's mainly from doing the type of films that aren't usually big hits. Imagine if he was in the type that usually are.
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