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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. God it's so peaceful around here without that latter one. Just sayin.
  2. Imagine if it really falls apart after the 4th? Sony might just spread that OD out over the whole 6 days!
  3. Oh don't worry I'll honor our bet win or lose.
  4. This is one of the most laughable and hypocritical posts I've ever read here! You were the one that first called me out about our bet for TASM when the OD number came out! You were the one that called me ridiculous in the TASM thread after I was saying you guys were getting too excited about the OD and it was still in for a rocky road! And YOU were the one who started this whole thing in this thread about it undoubtedly dropping less than 30% on Thursday! And then you wonder why some of us call you for never eating crow and throwing things back up at people? Sheesh!!!
  5. I'll add that I projected 25m for the 4th on Tuesday as well, which was still nearly 3m too high but much closer than nearly anyone save RTX though.
  6. I actually would give the movie on its own grounds around the same grade, but I just can't overlook all the glaring similarities to SM1 and the "been there done that" feel in general and for that I have to knock it down to a B- or so.maybe even lower. I did love the casting in particular though.
  7. Ok I stand corrected, you've apparently admitted it at least once. Still you have a way of dodging when you're wrong an awful lot yet wanting to throw it up in other people's faces and I'm obviously not the only poster who notices it.
  8. The OD was definitely still a victory for your side bud, no sarcasm intended. And I think it's great you can take the 4th drop and not get bitter or mad about it (unlike certain other posters).
  9. I usually don't either but dammit it's just too delicious to resist this time. I mean did you see the way the TASM loonies were partying and crow serving the "haters" a mere 48 hours ago? Oh the irony!
  10. For the record I've decided to use Loki as the Ambassador for all gifs involving TASM crow serving and partying. Who better?
  11. And for that you have no right to EVER bring up crow again, and your "crow serving" posts officially hold no merit.
  12. BTW, Fake I think it's hilarious how you're still clutching at the straws of THG's 2nd weekend drop in your desperate attempt to try to make it seem like its run hasn't otherwise been one of the best and most impressive for a big blockbuster in recent memory when in fact it has. Keep grasping bud.
  13. Actually yes I did, and so did many other THG loonies for the record. We admitted it was a much steeper drop than we were expecting and that we were wrong. That's what eating crow is. You NEVER do that.
  14. So true. I've never seen Fake come close to eating any of his crow, and believe me he's had plenty of it to eat in the past.
  15. I specifically remember you calling me out as being ridiculous or annoying or some such thing as that after we got the OD number and I was predicting the huge drop off it would have on the 4th.
  16. And yet you were one of the many loonies mocking my 25m 4th projection on Tuesday after we got that 35m OD number? Hmm that seems odd don't you think?
  17. You should be far too busy eating your own crow to be talking about anyone else's bud. Some for brushing aside the huge TASM 4th drop that just happened, and the huge massive helping you oh so casually forgot about for THG hitting $400m domestically when it "never ever ever" had a shot in hell of doing it according to you.
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