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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. I find it funny that druv criticizes Loki for lacking the physical component and then goes onto say that's why he doesn't beat Joker and Magneto. Um say what? Those were even less physical villains than Loki!
  2. If he truly feels that way being the key point there. Personally I think it's all a fanboy front, but of course I have no way of proving that.
  3. Yes, but Lizard a better villian than Loki?!? C'mon!!!! I mean to what extent of fanboy heights to you have to delude yourself to reach that conclusion?
  4. Word is she secretly moonlights as the villain in this year's biggest blockbuster:
  5. This is pretty much exactly the trajectory I'm expecting for it as well. Ho hum WOM and Ice Age stealing kids will cause a big 2nd weekend drop too. Plus comic book movies always drop 50%+ in their 2nd weekends unless WOM is through the roof or something.
  6. Some of y'all just don't get the concept of a little movie called TDKR do you? For the five zillionth time TASM will not have a 2x 6 day multi.
  7. Except mid 200s is still horrible for a Spidey film in 3D. It will end up being a good 40%+ drop in admissions from SM3, if not worse.
  8. You expected $64m for Wed-Fri period and it actually did $59m so you still fail.
  9. Lol, math fail.With TF1's legs and 139m 6 day TASM would finish at $285m. It won't have TF1's legs though. Not even close.
  10. Well all I can say about the Friday number is good for TASM. It increased far more than I was expecting. So Tuesday and Friday belongs to the Loonies and Wednesday and Thursday belongs to the haters. Let' see what happens Saturday. :DNow Viva la second weekend collapse!!!
  11. Luckily for him he lives in a world where a 4x 6 day multi can happen and TASM can still hit 500m.
  12. How do we know how the symbiotic and Venom story arc affected Sandman's story arc? Maybe he had to completely alter the original Sandman story arc to make room for the Sony additions and in doing so he added the Uncle Ben angle to give Sandman something of note in the movie since it was becoming such a clusterfuck of villains. Who the hell knows?
  13. So wait you were suggesting Nolan swap out a villain as insignificant and low profile as Maroni with such a high status and beloved one as Penguin? Oh that's just begging for problems and fan backlash. Not to mention if WB had wanted Penguin in the film in the same way Sony wanted Venom in SM3 it would have certainly been in a more involved role than that. So nice try, but no.
  14. At least 90% of the train wreck can be tracked back to Sony's interventions as ddddeeee already pointed out. It branched into all kinds of problems for the film. You can only throw so many wrenches into something before everything gets thrown off.
  15. And how pray tell would the addition of another villain have fit in neatly and coherently with TDK's plot without causing some MAJOR screwups? It would have of course. You're clearly in deep Noloonie denial if you think otherwise.
  16. This is really starting to make me sad all over again for what kind of movie SM3 could have been sans Sony's BS. :(And just think if SM3 had lived up to its predecessors we'd almost surely have SM4 now instead of TASM.Damn Sony straight to hell. :angry:
  17. Exactly. Can you imagine if Nolan had been told to add someone like Penguin to the TDK movie we got? I'd LOVE to see anyone here even attempt to tell me that wouldn't have wreaked utter havoc on that film and possibly destroyed it.
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