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Posts posted by FTF

  1. Actually we dont use alot of our brain.. Just study mind science and you will see all the abilities, psychic, able to draw

    what you want to you, mold minds and even the ability to become likely god like is all stemmed to development of the brain.

    No one knows how much we use or dont use, but we could be using far less than 10% or more.... All I know mankind is not using

    a worthwhile percentage of the brain, but when you work those muscles...... Oh my!!!!

    Posted Image
  2. lol this was one of the most batshit crazy retarded movies I've seen in a long, long time.Unfortunately it wasn't a very good one though. It started to lose me at her phone call to her mom, and then goes into looney toons insanity at the end when she's turning into a computer and traveling back in time (though I did like the start of that sequence in NY). I didn't like the ending at all either. Cool concept, just not done very well. And I'm also sick of this we only use 10% of our brain nonsense.C-

    • Like 2
  3. I'm not sure if this is the best film of the summer yet but it might be.  This is the reason I go to the movies.  I love to be entertained and this shocked me.  The effects were brilliant and the storm carnage was devastating.  There are some very touching and moving moments as well.  There's one scene where Donnie and Kaitlyn are stuck in the debris and they are close to death.  They film their good-byes to their family and that scene had me choked up.  Very well done.  From the time the first storm hits to the last frame of the film, it's a 10/10.  What brings it down to a 9 is that the beginning is a little off.  I didn't care for the you-tube thrill seekers and the father son angle was a little distracting also.  But the plot devices pay off later in the film as the mother who passed away comes into play (not her as a character,but her story).


    I caught myself uttering the words "woah" and "no way" throughout the film.  And then at the end, I clapped.  Had to.  

    Truly blown away by this film.





    • Like 3
  4. Can someone explain to me why Paramount announced a date for the next Turtles movie, but not the next TF?


    There's nothing wrong with announcing a TMNT sequel, it's obviously a success, but it seems odd that they announced it right away, but haven't dated TF5 yet, despite TF4 being yet another gigantic success.


    Because they know they can pump out a pos TMNT sequel with anyone in less than two years and they don't care, etc…but TF5 they care more about and there are a lot more things to confirm and pieces to put in place, etc, etc.

    • Like 1
  5. I'm sorry but with pretty much ZERO Comp in July, I don't like Apes holds overall.  But it still has had a pretty good run for a sequel. 


    Holds haven't been great, but it'll have close to a 3x multiplier when all is said and done, and that'll be better legs than most other blockbusters this summer.

    • Like 1
  6. Top 10 of the year so far, in no particular ranking yet:


    Dawn of the Planet of the Apes


    Captain America: The Winter Soldier


    Edge of Tomorrow

    The Grand Budapest Hotel

    Guardians of the Galaxy

    The Raid 2


    X-Men: Days of Future Past



    This has been a great year quality wise…with lots of really good looking movies still to come I'm looking forward to like Interstellar, 

    Gone Girl, Fury, The Hobbit, Unbroken, Inherent Vice (and others I'm probably forgetting), it's going to be really hard to make a top 10 at the end of the year.

    • Like 2
  7. I didnt realize you've seen it.


    I saw it Thursday night



    Knock knock, you about to get shit shocked!


    Ugh, just got back and it was pretty damn bad.  Without spoiling anything, the script, dialogue and acting were terrible.  And other than the Turtles themselves, the sfx were bad (especially Splinter, holy shit what did they run out of money and use a Playstation 2 to render him??) and Megan Fox is a terrible actress and this was highlighted by the fact that

    this was pretty much the April O'Neil show and she was like the main plot point.


    I also didn't like how Shredder

     was pretty much super Shredder after like one minute and he was basically Shredformer.

     And I hate how they make Mikey so retarded.  The snow mountain part was cool and the best action in the movie and there were some funny parts.  


    It was bad though. 

    • Like 1
  8. Sorry but garbage doing well is a big reason garbage continues to get made. This summer bad to good ratio in terms of blockbusters certainly ain't good. I mean we already had one mindless Bayhem film do well this summer. Even if there are people who enjoy that, do we really need more of those kind of films doing well? No because it just sends a message that's what audiences want so that's what we're gonna get more of in the future. And maybe that is what audiences want, but we live in a sad time for film  if that's the case.


    I get what you're saying, but I don't agree with the bad to good ratio...I think this is one of the best summers quality wise…Captain America 2, TASM2, Godzilla, Xmen, Apes, Edge of Tomorrow, Dragon2, 22 Jump, Guardians…and then smaller releases like Chef and Boyhood.  Even if a lot of those aren't favorites (TASM2 and Godzilla most mixed I guess), overall it's been a great summer wise.

    • Like 7
  9. Posted Image



    They are saying Turtles Hype and WOM is being driven by the Young Fans. Where as My generation Liked the movie but found flaws.  I agree with this.  My generation was naturally going to have a more critical eye as we grew up with it from the beginning but this new generation has never had a LIVE ACTION Turtles movie so this is all new to them. 


    This makes complete sense…it's made for kids.  They will see the turtles and be happy.  They won't care about the terrible acting, script, storyline, dialogue, sfx, etc…which most of those/us who are older do and that's why so many over 18 who have seen the movie think it's crap.

    • Like 2
  10. I think when all is said and done the nominees with will be:





    Maleficent (I think there'll be more deserving movies, but this is so a typical Academy pick)

    The Hobbit


    I think it'll be between Apes and Interstellar.



    Among films that have been released:



    Edge of Tomorrow

    Guardians of the Galaxy

    Transformers 4





    Nod goes to Guardians


    I don't see how Apes isn't nominated

    • Like 2
  11. The only homage that didn't work for me in Rise was the 'madhouse' one. The 'damn dirty ape' line worked because everyone giggled and then stfu only a few seconds later.


    Exactly…The damn dirty ape line is fine in Rise because it's followed up by the best line and goosebumps part immediately afterwards with the NOOO! 


    And after seeing Dawn again, it may be my favorite blockbuster of the summer.  


    It's sad really that one of the worst summers at the box office is one of the best quality wise…Captain America 2, TASM2, Godzilla, Xmen, Apes, Edge of Tomorrow, Dragon2, 22 Jump, Guardians…and then smaller releases like Chef and Boyhood.  Even if a lot of those aren't your favorites (TASM2 and Godzilla most mixed I guess), overall it's been an great quality summer.

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