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Posts posted by FTF

  1. Amen I give GOdzilla a 91-95...Incredible cinematograph and epic build up keeping us teased and putting the audience in some intense scenes there.... The payoff is one of the greatest I can think of.. I Would have only want it to be longer :)

    lol even your review scores get the Kal range treatment :lol:
  2. This is my new favorite movie of the year. My body was not ready for those last 30 minutes. 



    The scenes with Godzilla attacking the male MUTO with fire (or whatever that was) and throwing that inside the other were received with shock and epicness from my crowd. 


    lol…yes his atomic breath scenes were awesome.

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  3. I don't think Godzilla does take a backseat.

    He does (to a big point) in that he was marketed as the threat, as the starting point of the chaos and destruction in the movie, as the reason for all the damage shown in the trailers, as the reason everyone is fearing for their lives...he was none of those things...everything shown was because of the MUTOs and Godzilla was secondary in that he was just the reactionary entity, not the catalyst and reason for it all.
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  4. I have no problem with "false advertising". We all know by now, hopefully, that's it's just something they do. I try not to pay attention to trailers but the Godzilla trailers really were something else. The film wasn't quite what I was expecting, but it was close enough. The main disappointment for me was that Bryan Cranston wasn't the main character.

    Yes...Cranston and Godzilla were the WHOLE movie we were shown, it's what everyone wanted. The problem is they take a backseat to the Kickass and MUTO show and it will definitely bother a lot of people.
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  5. I remember I saw The Ring once by myself. It was near the end of its run. I was the only person in the theater and even though I'd seen it twice already, I was still kind of frightened in the theater alone. I'll never forget that experience. Samara scares the shit out of me to this day.Messes me up every time.

    lol shit this happened to me too...was supposed to meet a friend at the theater to see The Ring. Was waiting out in front like 15min before it starts and he calls me and bails...I had already bought my ticket so said whatever I'll still see it myself. I had never seen it and there was only like 10 other people in the theater so basically felt like I was alone...scariest movie experience I've ever had hahaha.Oh and amazing od and ow for Godzilla to stay on topic ha
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  6. The only non-Godzilla monster I recall seeing was in the Oppenheimer trailer and it didn't even look like the MUTO's in the film itself. Everything else in the marketing was centered on Godzilla and specifically hid the MUTO's. They intercut Cranston's dialogue discussing the MUTO's with footage of Godzilla roaring to make it look like Cranston was talking about Godzilla. "It's gonna send us back to the Stone Age." Insert Godzilla footage. Turns out he was talking about the MUTO's, lol. False advertising for sure, especially for anyone who strongly prefers Godzilla as originally portrayed (a villain to mankind).

    lol I thought the same thing when Cranston said that line...I'm like damn WB marketing is genius and will be the main reason it opens huge, but so many people are going to be pissed at the false advertising and being mislead. They hid the real story line and MUTO focal point and Godzilla is borderline a secondary character in his own movie.I did like it and give a solid B, but definitely shady marketing for sure.
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  7. Loss of IMAX will hurt, but loss of "small kid and parents" audience will hurt even more. Spidey has been depending heavily on that audience for its gross. Not good if Godzilla is appealing hard to the little kid and parents demo. Then next weekend X-Men swoops in to steal the comic book nerd demographic.

    You don't need a ton of family business to hit $18m or so for a weekend, but loss of imax dollars hurt more or just as much I think.
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  8. The problem wasn't the human focus. I wanted a human focus. The problem was the human focus was beyond horribly executed. We don't care for any of the characters. And, the one we do dies 30 mins into the film. I wish I did care more for the humans, but nope. And, I think Godzilla was in it plenty. The buildup is okay, but the script sucks.

    Yes, Heisenberg getting killed off in first 1/3 of the movie sucked and it would have been better if he was the main character. But the script, dialogue and acting in this were fine for a Godzilla/monster movie. Again they weren't amazing, but no worse than something like Transformers, POTC or F&F for example.It will suffer from overhype from a lot of people. I even overhyped myself though still liked it enough.
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  9. For those like Baumer and movieman89 that hated it and are complaining there is no Godzilla at all (which is not true, it's just that there's a lengthy build up) and it's all about the humans, etc. I assume you're not fans of original 1954 Godzilla or haven't seen many of the original ones? I only ask this because early/original Godzilla film was the same way...it always focused on the humans and their struggles, etc. and Godzilla is in it about the same as this.I unfortunately think the many people that will really dislike it is because they had unrealistic expectations that this was going to be a balls out action movie like Avengers or something when that was never going to be the case.I do agree the pacing may not be the typical "super fast action summer blockbuster Michael Bay explosions the whole time!!!" but it's not supposed to be. And yeah the script isn't perfect or the acting the best, but I enjoyed it a lot and felt the human focus and build up were done pretty well and the pay off and money shots were well worth it.Especially the atomic breath and final battle and victory lap, etc. It won't be for everyone but those who will be most disappointment are those that had wild dreams of Godzilla battle royale wrestle mania in their head and forgot or don't know the original 1954 Godzilla. This was the reboot to hopefully resurrect the franchise and hopefully it does well enough to get the King of Monsters battle fest Godzilla movie so many will want.I give it a solid B, maybe B+. Will def see it again on local imax though as visuals and sound were amazing.Oh and I saw the new interstellar trailer beforehand and can't wait! Hail Nolan! lol and it will be glorious in imax.

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