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Posts posted by FTF

  1. Just wait to see the lead Juggernaut 2016 is goiing to put over your Avengers 2 :P.. I hope thise teaches never underestimate them walk ins my friend... No worries Guardians is far from over either. 40-45M 2nd Weekend is awesome.. :P

    What's Juggernaut 2016? SW7? Cause Abadar 2 is getting delayed again and is going to be 2017 now.
    • Like 1
  2. Except.... it isn't any of those things.

    It's not a sequel, so it gets the benefit of the doubt as getting to be labeled original, even though yes it's based on a comic. And a movie like this could never have come out even say 10 years ago...it was a risk and daring to make a $170m big budget movie on a somewhat obscure comic book with a very odd cast of characters and hard sell to the masses.
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  3. No, not really. Everyone resorts to using Twilight and Transformers against me when I feel the opposite of the way they do. The funny thing is, you guys use these films like they are some kind of affront to me. I'm proud of my passion for those films. It's like in The Siege when one of Bruce Willis' commando's tells Denzel to step aside before he starts treating him like an Ethiopian and Denzel tells him that he's so stupid that he actually thinks that's an insult.

    I only used that example because you're somehow saying an original, sci-fi movie that is something different and daring is somehow undeserving of box office success...as opposed to the rehashed and monotonous sequels that make a ton of money. It was in no way related to your taste in movies.
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  4. i give up. Marvel comics rules the world. What a disgrace that number is. Cannot believe that many people like to see this piece of crap looking movie

    lol you haven't even seen it yet! Don't judge a book by its cover (or movie by its trailer) just cause said cover/trailer doesn't appeal to you. Plus it was easy to see why this would be appealing to so many, even if not to you.Also, that's a huge damn number! Saw it last night and movie is a blast, so good for it.
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