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Posts posted by FTF

  1. I'm not saying that I thought he was the kid, I'm just saying they seem to hint at it enough to open the door up for discussion...it's basically the end voice over monologue by Joe/JGL that hints at this possibility, especially the similarities to Joe talking about being alone and crying on a train as a kid and them also showing cid on a train in a similar situation.

  2. First, I loved it, surprise movie of the year so far for me. Second, I know there's a lot going on and I definitely need to see this again, but am I the only one (I say that cause I haven't seen this mentioned in the last 5 pages) that thought JGL basically may have slept with his mom and there was a hint that JGL was also the kid/rainmaker? But the changes he makes in each loop/parallel reality alters that by the time the end of the movie happens? Basically I need to go see this again soon :lol:

  3. Ugh, what a piece of shit and so disappointing after the pretty badass first one. Everything in this was so ridiculous and over the top and done so poorly. I mean the first one had some ridiculous things yet somewhat beliveable and you didn't mind cause I guess since Neeson was so kick ass, etc. But this one was complete nonsense and I didn't believe or buy into half the shit going on (especially the stuff his daughter Kim was doing) and it was just crap and so much worse than the first one.D atm but I'm usually an easy grader so maybe I'll bump it up to a C- or something later on.Oh well, I'll just have to go see Looper again to cancel this crappy movie out :lol:

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  4. I...don't know what to say. The movie was incredibly well made. The performances were brilliant. The themes were compelling. For some reason, I was just....dissapointed in this.

    I think this will be a very common feeling among many (especially everyday moviegoers who catch it based on wom/buzz about the performances by jp and psh), as I saw it last night and it's definitely PTA's least accessible and most polarizing film. I plan on catching it again very soon (perhaps tonight or tomorrow) and will then post my many thoughts and review.
  5. Holding hope for the Holidays (Black Friday). The Star Wars set hasn't got much cheaper than its initial price, I think the lowest its been is 70, so that doesn't spell good things for me but I'm a bit tight on money and have really cracked down on spending, so I'll wait.

    Yeah, I was thinking of waiting until black Friday as well (to get it as a gift for my brother), so fingers crossed it'll be like $50-60 on amazon around then.
  6. Is this his up front money, or are they calculating what he'd make total, including the back end/profit sharing? Cause $90m with profit sharing is around what he made on the last couple Pirates movie and it's only crazy if that's his up front money.I've read reports that Willis made about $100m from The Sixth Sense, Hanks $70m-ish from Forrest Gump, Leo $50m+ from Inception, Ford around $100m from Krystal Skull and many other examples because of profit sharing in their contracts. I'm also sure Cameron made $100m+ each from Titanic and Avatar.And of course, the mother load of all paydays, Mel Gibson's from The Passion, which varies in reports from $250-350m.

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