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Posts posted by FTF

  1. Wow! High praise....I must check this out.

    It really is a great little film, with awesome jobs done by the two kids. It's not for everyone I admit but I'd say definitely check it out, especially being the horror/vampire movie fan you are. Just make sure to find the theatrically subtitled version (which should be the only ones available by now).
    • Like 1
  2. If you want everybody to think your way, I guess you must admire Hitler's work of the 1930s and 40s.

    Yes, because thinking someone has a bad taste in movies is totally comparable to the holocaust.Also, I don't want you or anyone to "think my way" (how you got that from what I wrote is beyond me), to each his own, but that doesn't mean I can't express my opinion when I think someone has crappy taste in films and poke a little harmless fun now and then (which is what I did above, stop being so sensitive rocko).
    • Like 1
  3. Because I am a pessimist and I am just a pessimist so I am expecting the worst lol

    But are you a pessimist?Also, $40-42m Sat is still great and $137-140m ow (well $110-115m ow really ;) ) is excellent...twilight was never going to gain (or lose) fans and is so polarizing it was never going to benefit from usual finale factor as it's pretty much loathed outside of its fan base (though a huge fan base at that).
  4. ...The omnipresent strength of Amy Adams....

    Not to reduce your post to one sentence, but upon my second viewing of seeing this movie her role really stuck out to me, as she was the real (puppet) Master. She was the one controlling PSH, she was his master, and the ending, when he sings to Freddie, made me realize even more how it wasn't Dodd who was trying to save Freddie and bring Freddie into his world and his "cause", but he who wanted to be brought into Freddie's world and be more the animal and free spirit per say.Amazing acting and directing all around...and that first processing scene with them, when he's rattling off questions to Freddie is so intense and powerful, it gave me chills and is one of the best scenes of any movie I've seen this year.
  5. You wanted him to beat Fincher? I was more impressed by the guy who got incredible acting from young, lesser known actors than the guy who got incredible acting from veteran, world class actors.

    Fincher definitely should have won...TSN was superbly crafted and directed, took a boring subject on paper and turned it into a tense, amazing movie. TKS, while a great movie in its own right, had nothing standout directorial wise and was pretty paint (direct) by the numbers where any number of fill in the blank directors could have done it just as well.
  6. I think Affleck has a good shot. His first two movies were well-liked but he didn't get any credit from the academy, he is being touted as the next Clint Eastwood and he has a huge fan following. Besides, Argo is a very Hollywood insider type of movie with a lot of references that Academy members will get. He has things going for him that other directors don't.

    I'd be happy with Affleck winning, Argo was great.Back to Friday #s, hope there's an Rth (or another) update within the next hour or so. Hoping to see an update before I go to sleep.
  7. I think Hooper will win that 2nd BD prize. Because, he's Academy friendly, his movie looks to be pure Oscar bait, he's well respected in the guilds (especially in TV) which will help him win the guilds which will serve as momentum for the Oscar, and he hasn't made a wrong move in probably close to a decade or more.

    Hooper didn't deserve to win for TKS, and Les Mis (you're right) looks like more Oscar bait, so I honestly don't even want to see him nominated, let alone win.
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