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Posts posted by FTF

  1. I have no idea why ya'll americans dont have reserved seating

    While moviegoers want it so waiitng on lines for an hour or two won't exist anymore, studios and theaters don't want it because it will limit the gross and tickets sold of big movies...if only just slightly. If people are looking at available seating for huge movies that sell out shows and the only seats left are the first few rows or single seats spread out randomly and you're a couple, there's a good chance no will buy those and many shows will run with the first few rows or some seats empty. With no reserved seating it's a mad rush, every seat sells out, more tickets are sold, etc, etc.
  2. Yes. The only movie that interests me in November and December is Les Miserables."best autumn for movies" in your opinion.

    Looks at other Nov/Dec movies...FlightWreck-it RalphSkyfallSilver Linings PlaybookLife of PiRise of the GuardiansLincolnKilling Them SoftlyThe HobbitJack ReacherZero Dark ThirtyDjango Unchained...re-reads your above statement...wow, I'm sure glad I don't have your taste in movies.
    • Like 7
  3. Perhaps my favourite film of 2011. I loved every character and the journey they have to go through. Like life, there is no real bad guy in here, people have layers and reasons for doing what they did. You want to hate Emily for cheating on Cal, but then you learn more about her and it kind of makes sense. You like Cal, but you see how he got complacent and so on. Some have said that the twist at the end is unrealistic and that the speech at the end is corny and that may be true, but when you have a film where you love everyone and everything up until that point, you like the payoff. The Three's Company ending where everyone meets and all is revealed is hilarious so that contrived and unrealistic twist fits perfectly.10/10

    I agree, this was one of my surprise movies of 2011 and I love it. Very funny and real and just a great movie all around.A-
    • Like 1
  4. I don't know what's worse- that people actually liked Spider Man or they think the Dark Knight Rises is a good movie.Sure, go all fanboy on me, but I have not read any comic book so I really have no allegiances. Laughable and like usual, as baumer would say, lots of sheep here.

    TDKR is a great movie and this is a good one. And no offense to Baumer, but he made his mind up about TASM a year before it came out. It's impossible for one to have an open mind when you've been hating on something that long. And as I've said before, many people's hate of TASM it seems is almost never about the actual movie itself, but more just on predetermined dislike cause of the Raimi movies or they shouldn't of rebooted it too soon, etc. It's like kids hating dad's new girlfriend shortly after a divorce. That new woman could be amazing and better in many ways, but screw that bitch just because.
    • Like 1
  5. I just saw the TASM again on blu ray as well. Wife loved it so it was a must buy. I just felt it was too soon to do a reboot. Sony could have banked with a part 4 to the original. I guess they think this new trilogy will do better in the long run.

    People's hate of TASM it seems is almost never about the actual movie, but more just on predetermined dislike cause of the Raimi movies or they shouldn't of rebooted it too soon, etc. It's like kids hating dad's new girlfriend a few years after a divorce. That new woman could be amazing and better in many ways, but screw that bitch just because.
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