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Everything posted by blackspider

  1. Agreed. We can't just say that it's going to have a terrible drop because the fanboys/fangirls had already rushed out to see it when the fanbase could still be expanding. There is no telling what this films potential is. We just have to wait and see. There is no recent film like this. Only two comparable films are SM1 and HP1 and those are were released in 2001/2002. Completely different era.
  2. Decent Wednesday for THG. I'm still seeing a mid to high 60's for its 2nd weekend especially if it remains flat today or a slight decrease.
  3. I got to head off to my next class soon. I had an hour break in between my previous class so I was hoping to see some numbers during that time. Oh well.
  4. Thanks. Things just seem to be taking awhile today.
  5. Anyone know what site usually gives out numbers first?
  6. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask
  7. 35mScary Movie 5 (They waited too long to make this)
  8. 100m (Had no idea what this was, had to imdb it)Piranha 3DD
  9. Maybe that is my OW prediction for it. ;)23m (Really looking foward to this one.)Neighborhood Watch
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