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The Creator

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Everything posted by The Creator

  1. I would have voted for you. ...except I already know who's going to win, and that's why I voted for that person instead.
  2. Season 4 started out rough because it occurred during a very busy time in my life. For that reason, I'm skeptical about when to start Season 5...as Season 4 will wrap up within the next 2 weeks, and a week after that I move into college and start the busiest and most exciting yet different phase of my life. Any delays in Season 5 will be due to that. ...but I can promise that Season 5 will be great regardless. One for the records, perhaps the one to break all records. I'm going to see if we can get 40 players...so I can eliminate 15 in one game. Oh yes, that serious.
  3. 4.15 "The Equation is Complete" (intro) Jim Shorts versus CEDAR. This is a match that has been weeks in the making. Jim Shorts is the Avenger, plotting to get a chance at CEDAR. He hopes to remove CEDAR from the game in a one-on-one challenge. CEDAR is the most dominant player left standing, a Legend who has done more damage than all the others combined this season. Jim has felt CEDAR's wrath slightly, and he does not like the power CEDAR has displayed this season. His treatment of Goffe and his thievery of Numbers has made Jim disgruntled, and now he's going to fight back. Numbers versus Acsc1312. CEDAR has a battle of his own, and it's going to be quite a challenge. But Jim has a partner again in Numbers, and "The Equation Sensation" is complete and whole once more, albeit without Goffe and Schumacher. But Numbers and Jim were always the two most loyal members of the team, and if Jim is going to go into a fight, Numbers is going in after him. Numbers may have been partnered to CEDAR for a few weeks, but that won't stop him from standing up for his most loyal of all partners. Nor does it cast aside Numbers' feelings for CEDAR, who wiped his point slate clear and tried to have him eliminated via the Elimination Chip. But CEDAR has a protector of his own, both intentionally and unintentionally. Acsc1312 was the original "Shadowkiller" and CEDAR's truest, most loyal and devoted partner. A legendary figure, Acsc possesses traits few can overcome. And this week, he squares off against Numbers. This is an intentional move as Acsc himself has been a "Shadowkiller"...yet it is also uninentional for Acsc is not allied to CEDAR at the moment (unless a covert alliance exists). Instead, Acsc will work for CEDAR for the time being until the duo can overcome "The Equation Sensation." And Chasmmi. Chasmmi versus...well that fun little bit shall be revealed. Perhaps the greatest match of all, especially as it's the most unexpected...and the most unpredictable. Here's a run down of how things will go this week. Each of the members of "Equation Sensation" will square off against their Shadowkiller nemesis. These are not Challenges, but they will lead to a Challenge. The winner of each battle will send the loser to a Challenge. If both the "Shadowkillers" end up in the Challenge, then they will fight each other to the death. Likewise, if both of "Equation Sensation" lose, then Jim and Numbers will fight each other to the death. ...but Chasmmi has a different fate. Win or lose, live or die, his is not the same fate set for each of the four other members. Does this exempt him from the Challenge? Absolutely not. Stay tuned for more.
  4. The Final Five Games Season 4 There are only five contestants left...Season 4's Final Five Champions. One will be crowned the highest champion, but all five are champions. It has been yet again another trying season, and now we are at the epitome of Box Office Alliance's greatness. The Final Five games are always diverse, competitive, and exciting, and this season...there will be no letting up. We are joined by only two Legends. This is the first season ever where the majority of those in the Final Five are rookie players. The two Legends, however, are high caliber...the two most prominent players of the series, the two "Shadowkillers." CEDAR won Season 2. Acsc has made it to two finales. Both are present in more episodes than any other star or recurring character of Box Office Alliance. Either one of them can take the top spot. For CEDAR, that would mark his second win. For Acsc, it would be his first, and it would be a long awaited win, after coming so close two seasons in a row. Both of these Legends lucked out last season, when fate intervened, but now they're back on their a-game and ready to enter the Finale. If the duo make it there again, they will compete against each other for the second time. The first face-off they had was legendary, marking the Season 2 Finale, where CEDAR wiped the floor with Acsc. But Acsc has something CEDAR doesn't have. And it shall be revealed. 4815162342. Numbers. A legend of his own. The strongest new player to emerge this season. Declared an early frontrunner, Numbers has been consistently the most powerful player of the season, trumping even CEDAR and Acsc in skill. While a member of "The Equation Sensation", he bested Jim (a fellow rookie) and Goffe, a Legend of incredible skill. Numbers was "The Equation"'s most powerful weapon, and Goffe knew it. That's why his shield was so important, to help keep his alliance with Numbers and to keep Numbers, the most powerful weapon, locked away from those who would try to manipulate him. Then again, the most powerful player to grace "The Earth Shakers"...more powerful even than the Legend who whipped him there: DoctorWho. Doc wouldn't dare face Numbers in a personal Challenge, and he could never put a firm hold on Numbers. Because Numbers was always loyal to Jim above all others. Even CEDAR failed to recognize Numbers' loyalty to his former partner. As a "Shadowkiller", Numbers proved more competent and powerful than both the Legends CEDAR and Riczhang, each of whom had won a prior season. Numbers is the top dog of the season, no doubt, and he is the formidable frontrunner once again. Here's where things may get mucked up. His biggest threat: CEDAR. Now that they're enemies again, CEDAR will do anything to destroy Numbers. And it will be a Challenge...a Challenge indeed. Chasmmi - the underdog. No one would have expected Chasmmi would oust a Legend. But he did. Chasmmi finally removed DoctorWho from the equation. Chasmmi picked out a piece of the puzzle, one that had been irking "The Shadowkillers" for far too long. On top of that, he outlived his own Legend ally Alfred. As a "Destroyer", Chasmmi has proven to be the longest lasting, the most enduring of all. Compared to the other Final Five Champions, he is weakest in skill, but he is well placed as the lowest of threats, which will keep him out of both CEDAR's and Jim's separate vengeance paths. If it comes to one-on-one combat, he likely won't prevail against CEDAR...but then again, he will put up a fight. His skill in the Challenge is mighty, and his endurance proves he is a strong and worthy warrior. Jim Shorts. Nothing needs to be said that hasn't been mentioned. Jim thinks he will take on CEDAR and defeat the Legend. Jim expects it will be a mighty big task (oh, it will be), but he envisions CEDAR falling victim just as Alfred and DoctorWho had. But there's a difference. Jim never had to face Alfred or Doc in direct combat. He set them up against others who overtook them. With CEDAR, as with Acsc, it will be different. Jim will have to face them himself...and while a strong and highly skilled predictor, he hasn't quite matched CEDAR just yet. However, he has his luck, and that may definitely carry him here. He is the Avenger, and that will come in handy when it is time to strike against CEDAR. ...and that moment is now. This week, Jim Shorts versus CEDAR. It will happen.
  5. The Challenge - Week 14 Riczhang withdraws. The news is deafening to all. Riczhang, the Lone Legend, bows out before the start of the Final Five game. Present now for three seasons, Riczhang has proven to be one of the most legendary players of all...thus his title of the Lone Legend, a title bequeathed to him upon winning last season. Riczhang bows out in the same manner his partner Baumer did earlier this season. Baumer, who was runner-up last season and was crowned Player of the Season his first season playing, withdrew due to time constraints. Riczhang, too, faced similar restraints and had to withdraw, unfortunately just before the start of the Final Five games. So Jim Shorts has eliminated...albeit not directly...his second Legend in a row. Jim is on a path of bloodletting, and his main target remains CEDAR. But CEDAR skimps by again, sending Riczhang in his stead. Still a worthy victim for Jim, who has finally been reunited with his partner Numbers. Now "The Equation Sensation" will try to dominate in the Final Five games. They face CEDAR, Acsc...and one other. DoctorWho and Chasmmi. One a Legend, one a rookie. A battle to the death. DoctorWho has the upper hand. Skilled, strategic, experienced: he is a Legend, and he has slain some of the finest players. His skill is hard to top, and few can outmaster him. Can Chasmmi, a rookie player who has survived this long, manage to survive just a little longer? Box Office Alliance is a game of unpredictability, and sometimes the underdog comes out on top. Let's check the results. Chasmmi: DoctorWho: And now, the Final Five games...begin.
  6. To everyone talking of how this game is dead and blah blah blah...it can't die yet. Not until after Obliteration is released and has at least 10 years to appreciate in value. So in Year 18, you guys can call it quits. Understand? Because if you don't, well, I may not know who you are, and I don't what you want, but I will find you...and I will make you appreciate it for 10 CAYOM years. Ok. Good.
  7. No, if Acsc hadn't bought immunities you wouldn't go in. Or if Jim hadn't rescued Numbers. Or if CEDAR hadn't sacrificed Riczhang. But all three of those things happened, so unfortunately, yes, you do go in and against two highly esteemed competitors. Live or die, you did excellent this season. I think you're an even match for these Legends and the candidates in the Final Five. You've proven you can outlast other Legends, including one of your partners.
  8. Welcome, welcome. To the Final Five games for Season 4. We are almost complete with our season, which is set now to be the longest of the four Box Office Alliance seasons. There will be only five players in this episode. And these games will be the hardest, most trying, and most exciting of the season. You will find many changes in these episodes, and all the conflicts, all the competitions, all the friends and enemies that have been made...will count for nothing in the turmoil that is about to be unleashed. Welcome to hell. 4.15 "The Equation is Complete" Deadline: Friday, July 26 at 8:00 P.M. Eastern (7:00 P.M. Central) 1. X-Men Origins: Wolverine made 34.43 million dollars on its opening day on May 1, 2009. Follow these instructions carefully to provide your answer: Predict the difference in X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Wolverine (2013)'s opening day grosses as a percent of Wolverine (2013)'s opening day gross. (e.g. If the difference between their grosses is 1.5 million and Wolverine makes 35.93 million, then find the percent that 1.5 million is of 35.93 million) 2. Through Wednesday, The Conjuring has made 57.51 million, which is 95.06% of Paranormal Activity 3's gross through its first six days of release, according to Box Office Mojo. Predict the difference between The Conjuring's first ten days (that is, its total through Sunday) as a percent of Paranormal Activty 3's first ten day gross (80.92 million) and its percent of PA3's gross as of Wednesday (95.06%). (Confusing, perhaps, but here's clarification through example: If Conjuring makes 80.92 million in its first ten days, then it is at 100% of PA3's 10-day gross. So take 100 and subtract the 95.06% from its first 6 days as a percent of PA3's gross, and your answer would be 4.94%) 3. Predict Blue Jasmine's opening weekend per theater average 4. Predict The Way, Way Back's opening weekend gross 5. Predict the combined PERCENT DROPS of Turbo, Red 2, and RIPD
  9. 4.14 "As We Fade Into The Night" (concluded) The Challenge This is a crucial Challenge, as it determines who will be moving on to the Final Five games. The first player in is Jim Shorts as he won this week. Jim ranked all players for The Challenge, and as points vanish after this week, all players chose to purcahse as many immunities as they can afford. This means that because Acsc1312 has the highest number of points and can afford 5 or more immunities, he is safe. Acsc joins Jim Shorts in the Final Five games. There are three remaining seats, divided between five players. As DoctorWho cannot afford any immunities, he is the first to go into The Challenge. Jim Shorts ranked all the players, and his rankings can be seen above. CEDAR placed highest on the rankings. He has only accumulated 40 points and can afford a maximum of 2 immunities (he will have 10 points left over, but those dissolve after this week). He purchased two immunities, but as Riczhang, Chasmmi, and Numbers each purchased two immunities also, CEDAR will be the next candidate for the Challenge.* At this moment, Jim must be teeming with excitement and anticipation. The chance to oust the biggest foe of the season, the one with the greatest potential for winning. It's a chance Jim will probably not get again. This could prove to be a fine moment for Jim Shorts indeed: he may eliminate more than one Legend this week. ...both Riczhang and Chasmmi can afford 3 immunities a piece. Numbers can afford only 2. Which would make Numbers the third and final candidate in this Challenge. Right? Wrong. Jim Shorts possesses a token, and now that token has been cast. Together, Jim and Numbers were perhaps the greatest allies of the season. "The Equation Sensation" had dominated, and with Goffe's help too, it was an unstoppable force. Until DoctorWho intervened and broke Numbers from the group. "The Shadowkillers" eventually acquired Numbers, who proved to be a key asset on the team. Jim vowed that he would see Numbers returned to him. And now he has seized his opportunity. Goffe's token, passed on to Jim, allows for the user to pull Numbers back to "The Equation Sensation". Jim has chosen to do so, and now Numbers is free from The Challenge. Numbers will be joining Jim Shorts on "The Equation Sensation" once again, and the team will work together to win the Final Five games. Which leaves Riczhang and Chasmmi. Riczhang is ranked first on the rankings, above Chasmmi that is, so he would be the first to go in. It is an unavoidable fate. And two "Shadowkillers" pitted against each other in this Challenge. Scratch that! Three LEGENDS in one Challenge: DoctorWho, CEDAR, and Riczhang. An unsurmountable Challenge indeed. And to think, two of those going in won in two previous seasons. How will they fare against each other? Today, we will not be finding out. CEDAR too possesses a token. And no, it does not exempt him from The Challenge...but because of its workings, it will make him exempt this week. Oh this is a most diabolical ploy, and one that will shake things up incredibly. We all know CEDAR is highly competitive, so naturally he'll want to save his own skin any chance he can take. So here, CEDAR cashes in on his token. By doing so, CEDAR chooses one player from his team to go into The Challenge in his stead. He would have chosen Numbers as Numbers was his least loyal ally (for they had been together only a brief time), but Numbers got placed back on "The Equation Sensation." So that leaves only Riczhang. CEDAR's token trumps them all, and as it is the most powerful, his overrides whatever effects Riczhang's can do. Which means, CEDAR chooses to send Riczhang into The Challenge in his stead, and CEDAR advances on to the Final Five games with Numbers, Jim, and Acsc1312. As Riczhang has already gone into The Challenge, he cannot go in a second time. This means the third and final candidate in this week's Challenge is Chasmmi. Bet no one saw that coming. PREDICT THE FOLLOWING: 1. The Conjuring's Thursday gross 2. Turbo's Thursday per theater average 3. Despicable Me 2's Thursday percent drop from last Thursday DEADLINE: Friday, July 26 at 5:00 A.M. Eastern (4:00 A.M. Central) This just got interesting.
  10. Team Player Points The Shadowkillers 4815162342 +32 +121 CEDAR +40 Riczhang +49 The Gold Seekers Acsc1312 +84 +86 DoctorWho +2 The Destroyers of Evil Chasmmi +51 +51 The Equation Sensation Jim Shorts +45 +45 Updated as of Game 4.14 (Final Update)
  11. Classic stuff here guys. I mean, classy stuff. Oh and Chasmmi, you've done great so far. The Final Five games, however, are a whole different ballgame.
  12. Ok. Well because of your kind of maybe attitude here, I'm going to ensure that you're eliminated in BOA. New rule.
  13. 4.14 "As We Fade Into The Night" (cont) But why oh why are there three golden names on the board? It is a mystery to most, but it's really quite obvious. In last week's episode, as Goffe died, he passed on a token to Jim, his last remaining partner. Jim felt a tugging, as if the token was pulling him somewhere...or toward someone. What he actually felt was his token (formerly Goffe's) interacting with two other such tokens, two in possession of two of his biggest enemies. They were also Goffe's enemies, and Jim would bear similar hatred toward them for the damage they've inflicted this season. Those other two tokens lay in the hands of CEDAR and Riczhang, both "Shadowkillers." They've both held their tokens for the same length of time as Goffe held his (longer, now). Although both CEDAR and Riczhang cashed in on their own Legend chips, they still retain one power each. A power that Goffe too had, and now passes on to Jim. Four weeks ago, in the last Legend Challenge, The Creator intervened. He set the stakes as follows: those who scored lower than him would receive certain punishments; those who scored higher, certain benefits. Only Alfred scored lower, and his punishment was a point reduction that he owed to each of the winners, splitting half of his point count between Goffe, CEDAR, and Riczhang. Each of those three Legends won that Challenge. The degree to which they won will determine the magnitude of their token's power. As Goffe just barely won over The Creator, his token possesses the weakest power. Contrarily, CEDAR's possesses the greatest power as he finished first of the three Legends in the last Legend Challenge. But even though Goffe's token (now possessed by Jim) is weaker than the other two, it will still have a heavy bearing in this and the weeks to come. Now all three tokens are glowing, and there is a heavy tugging as each of the three players are drawn closer to each other. Jim Shorts is on a craze for redemption, and he hopes to target The Shadowkillers now that they are down. But a huge barrier may stand in his way. The revelation of these tokens is soon to be made, but for now, know that they are a force of constant struggle between the three holders. Now a Challenge must be set. Immunities will cost 15 points a piece. Those who cannot afford this, should not bother buying. This will be the last week immunities can be purchased...as next week will be the start of the Final Five games. Oh...and two players will die this week once again. Brace yourselves. The tokens shall be unleashed.
  14. 4.14 "As We Fade Into The Night" Acsc lay defeated. DoctorWho was stunned by his victory, surprised he could defeat someone as powerful as Acsc. But he tried not to let the vanity go to his head. He could see a mad look in CEDAR's eyes. Fortunately, CEDAR could not touch him as CEDAR's attentions lay elsewhere, focusing on breaking Goffe's power shield. Goffe was putting up an incredible fight. Doc had broken through and stolen Numbers, who now stood behind DoctorWho observing the damage but saying nothing. Did his loyalties truly lie with the Legend who had stolen him from Jim Shorts? Did he truly wish to betray his former allies and join alliances with this new Legend? DoctorWho had just won a terrible battle, but now CEDAR was coming for him. The walls came down. CEDAR turned his chip on "The Earth Shakers." DoctorWho barely had time to revel in his victory over the defeated Shadowkiller Acsc1312. For now, CEDAR unleashed hell, and "The Earth Shakers" could barely put up a fight. Although Doc could match CEDAR in combat this one time, Numbers hindered him. Was this an intentional blow? Did Numbers secretly want CEDAR to win so that DoctorWho could see the error of his ways? Probably not. Or so Doc would assume. The shuddering sound of a wiped point slate was deafening. DoctorWho had known no greater weakness. This could be his end. But another Legend got involved...and DoctorWho would not allow his weakness to let him lose. Instead, he lashed out, taking Alfred by the heart, and DoctorWho snatched his Legend Power Chip. Fearing for himself, DoctorWho cashed the chip...and went into weeks long hiding. Numbers, abandoned by his most recent "ally." Numbers, whose own partner left him to fend against the wolves. Outrage. Madness. But CEDAR had a plot. Dispose of DoctorWho the moment he came back alive. And so, what better way than to retrieve Doc's own "ally". Numbers summoned to "The Shadowkillers"...and the team would be unstoppable. DoctorWho would have a fight to survive should he come back. ...an unexpected twist. Acsc's rebirth at the hands of Riczhang, who casts Baumer's Power Chip. And then, Acsc turns. Fate places him elsewhere, and "The Shadowkillers" are not truly reunited. Instead, Acsc finds himself joining forces with Jay Salahi on "The Gold Seekers." They had their Legend truly, and Acsc was the last of the line. Jay slaughtered, Acsc left alone...but not truly alone, never alone. Someone watching, someone haunting him. DoctorWho, brought back, and Acsc must come to terms with his enemy, the very former Legend who eliminated him in a Challenge six weeks prior. DoctorWho, humbled by his absence; Acsc, scorned by his. A twist of fate. ...and fate played elsewhere. Jim Shorts, observing everything. The many gains and losses of the Legends. Oh yes, Jim knew their weakness. They were all vain; they all thought themselves better than the others. And that opened them up, allowed unexpected players to get in the mix. Although it could crush those players, it could also crush the Legends. Jim Shorts only favored one Legend...and he was gone: Goffe had died, and "The Equation Sensation" seemed no more. But for Jim, another goal lies in mind: eliminating all of the top dogs, all of the Legends. Alfred slain by his hand, well because of his hand...as Chasmmi did the real slaying. CEDAR is his real threat. But Jim knows it will be a struggle to get to him. But a newly revived enemy may lie in his wake. DoctorWho broke up Jim and his glorious partner Numbers. Now Jim has the ability to make DoctorWho pay. The Destroyers of Evil Chasmmi: 85.99% +13 (+2 85%+, +1 highest Question 3, +10 won Challenge 13) The Equation Sensation Jim Shorts: 92.66% +13 (+5 highest individual, +3 1st team, +3 90%+, +1 highest Question 1, +1 highest Question 2) The Gold Lords Acsc1312: 90.61% +6 (+2 2nd individual, +1 3rd team, +3 90%+) DoctorWho: 83.32% +2 (+1 3rd team, +1 80%+) AVG: 86.97% +8 The Shadowkillers 4815162342: 87.46% +5 (+2 2nd team, +2 85%+, +1 highest Question 5) CEDAR: 86.14% +5 (+2 2nd team, +2 85%+, +1 highest Question 4) Riczhang: 89.25% +5 (+1 3rd individual, +2 2nd team, +2 85%+) AVG: 87.62% +15 So Jim Shorts has come out on top this round. Now fate shall lie with him. Find out next what lies in store.
  15. Well no, I'm going to win it because I will be in the finale against whoever wins, and I won't let them win. They rarely ever do.
  16. You all suck and you shall all fail. Mwuahahahaha.
  17. I enlisted as a co-host of this game but didn't have much time to run it alongside BOA, so to make up for my absence, I did a crossover game play. It's no rule, just something I did out of generosity and connectivity between this game and BOA.
  18. An oldie but a goldie. AVATARFAN SEASON 1 SEASON 2 SEASON 3 Number of episodes: 2 Number of episodes: 7 Number of episodes: 2 Seasonal rank: 22nd place Seasonal rank: 13th place Seasonal rank: 18th place Average score: 88.00% Average score: 55.53% Average score: 78.72% Box Office Obliteration Appearance Avatarfan earned most of his fame prior to the start of “Box Office Alliance.” On the preceding Box Office Obliteration mini-series, which spanned 8 episodes a summer prior to the launch of Box Office Alliance, Avatarfan participated actively and was declared the winner of that game show, which died off after one season. Although there were no major benefits from that show, it gave Avatarfan noticeable status when he first began to play Box Office Alliance. He was naturally deemed a threat to the other players, which often contributed to his low standing in seasonal rankings. Box Office Alliance Appearances Although Avatarfan hit it big with Box Office Obliteration, he never made a lasting impression in Box Office Alliance. His appearances each season were brief and often muddied. In the first season, XenoZodiac saw him as a threat, and Xeno's feelings toward Avatarfan provoked similar sentiments in other players, who encouraged the elimination of Avatarfan early on. Afterwards, however, Avatarfan's small appearances each season were less prolific as he became increasingly forgotten in light of the changing circumstances. Season 1 Avatarfan was allied to Mattrek on Team Avatrek at the start of the first season of Box Office Alliance. Both had had similar experience in box office predicting contests, but Avatarfan was seen as the greater of two evils. Thus, he was given little room to exploit his skills like he managed in Box Office Obliteration. He was a known top dog, and so the other players sought to kick him when he was down. In the second episode of the season, Avatarfan went into The Challenge against his own partner. Team Avatrek shattered in a moment of weakness, and Mattrek took the upset, eliminating Avatarfan. The elimination was profound as it was the first elimination of the series. Ironically, Avatarfan was the only player not to be eliminated in Box Office Obliteration but the first player to be eliminated in Box Office Alliance. His elimination distanced his status from the other players. By the start of the second season, his accomplishments were largely forgotten, or deemed irrelevant in light of new circumstances. Season 2 Avatarfan's lengthiest season on Box Office Alliance was season two, where he had a recurring appearance for seven consecutive episodes in the first half of the season. He debuted weakly here, having grown inexperienced since his prior elimination a season earlier. But when he came back around after suffering his first blow, he slowly started to make some kind of splash. However, with “The Crimson Knights” doing their dance, Avatarfan couldn't harness his fullest ability and was overlooked. The eyes had shifted to Acsc1312, Alfred, Townzy89, and CEDAR as the new elite of the series. Avatarfan was nothing compared to them, his win on Box Office Obliteration long forgotten. If this phased Avatarfan, he didn't show it. He continued to chug along as a member of “Team Incredibles”, where he was allied to Sims and later JackO. Perhaps as a show of his strength, Avatarfan entered the Challenge in the third episode of the season. This being a double elimination Challenge, the stakes were higher. Avatarfan competed against Tawasal, InFamous and even his own partner JackO. Both JackO and Avatarfan posted the highest scores and were able to move on from that Challenge, remaining allied for the next few weeks. The Challenge proved that Avatarfan still had at least some measure of his former strength as he won one Challenge and was recovering from his losses. But the same would not hold true for his next entry into The Challenge. In the episode “The Dark Knight Rises Special” (Season 2, episode 7), Avatarfan was cast into a darker Challenge against a much more powerful foe: Totem. Totem had already been making a name for himself this season as a member of “The Crimson Knights”, and he had made it to the Top Ten games before leaving the season prior. Avatarfan was definitely considered the underdog of this race. And when the results came in, despite Avatarfan's skill, he was crushed. Totem had won, and Avatarfan was eliminated. His brief stay did little to remind the other contestants of his skill he had displayed in Box Office Obliteration. Season 3 Briefly, Avatarfan made a final appearance at the start of Season 3. He started off mildly, placing fifth in the first week, yet he never earned a spot on a team. In the second episode of the season, Avatarfan squared off once more against Totem in a Challenge. This time, it was about Avatarfan's revenge. He had a second chance to strike against Totem and bring him down. But unfortunately, Avatarfan could not manage success a second time either. Totem beat him down once more, and Avatarfan was eliminated again, finishing in second-to-last place for the season. Avatarfan's brief run each season has had a tragic effect on the player. Once deemed one of the strongest, a Legend in the making, Avatarfan quickly became cast aside, portrayed as dried up. In most cases, Avatarfan is generally ignored by the top dogs, until he becomes a threat. But Avatarfan's persistence shows the true devotion of some players who, even when beaten once or twice, continue to pop up for a chance at redeeming glory.
  19. ALFRED SEASON 1 SEASON 2 SEASON 3 Main team: 'The Firerisers” Main team: “Team Destiny” Main team: “The FireEaters” Main ally: Townzy89 Main ally: Townzy89, JackO Main ally: XenoZodiac Primary enemy: CEDAR Primary enemy: Totem Primary enemy: None # of episodes: 16 (out of 16) # of episodes 7 (out of 15) # of episodes: 13 (out of 15) First appearance: 1.1 “The Pilot” 1st appearance: 2.1 “Igniting the Sparks” 1st appearance: 3.1 “The First Shadows” Last appearance: 1.16 “Reflections” Last appearance: 2.14 “The Dying Fire” Last appearance: 3.13 “Champion Battleground” Seasonal Rank: #1 Seasonal Rank: #4 Seasonal Rank: #4 Player of the Season nominee Eliminated by: --- Eliminated by: Townzy89; CEDAR and Acsc1312 Eliminated by: JackO Average score: 81.92% Average score: 72.49% Average score: 71.85% Characterization Since his induction in the game in the series pilot episode, Alfred has often come off as either contrastedly standoffish and humble. He's often seen as humble given the gravity of the players he is matched with. For instance, his Season 1 partner Townzy was much more ambition-driven than Alfred and thus displayed a more aggressiveness to his campaign. This diminished the nature of Alfred's own competitiveness and made him appear humble in relativity to his partner. Yet Alfred is characterized as one of the most driven characters of the game. He always seeks competition and never runs from it, regardless of who he faces. Although he prefers to avoid The Challenge early on in a season, he often welcomes it as a chance to prove his strength in later episodes of a season. He's a fearless warrior, one unafraid to engage in combat, which sets him apart from Acsc, who seeks any option he can to avoid a Challenge, and makes him comparable to CEDAR, perhaps as he knows that, in most cases, there are no matches for him that will be hard to top. Alfred is also characterized by his skill, which is in the upper echelon. In pure skill alone, Alfred is only topped by CEDAR and Totem in known combat, although it is arguable that Townzy and Riczhang are also of higher skill than Alfred. In strategy, Alfred falls behind Totem and Riczhang but places similar to Acsc and DoctorWho. In competitiveness, Alfred places high alongisde Townzy and CEDAR. Season 1 Alfred appeared on the main cast of Season 1 as one of the primary stars of the season. Present for all sixteen episodes of the season, Alfred had the longest run of any player that season, aside from Acsc, who appeared in an equal number of episodes. Alfred first appeared in the pilot episode, where he was partnered to Townzy89 on “The Firerisers.” The team was ambitious, but as neither player had participated in the previous game show Box Office Obliteration, both Alfred and Townzy kept largely to themselves in the first few weeks of the season. “The Firerisers”, however, proved to be a potent team, consistently placing near the top, although it would be several weeks before they earned a first place victory. Alfred and Townzy were compatible in that both were driven but also sensible enough to keep out of the primary competition until the time was right. In that way, Alfred avoided major conflicts with other teams and could avoid forging enemies who would send him to The Challenge. However, early on, a dispute became evident between “The Firerisers” and “The Shadowlords” (XenoZodiac and Acsc1312) as both teams were constantly standing in each other's way for dominance in the early stage of the show. When “The Firerisers” finally consolidated their victory in the seventh week of the season (“Heating Up”), they sent one of “The Shadowlords” into The Challenge, albeit the weakest and least involved of “The Shadowlords.” The Challenge saw the elimination of Andrew the Alien and also spurned a bit of rivalry between “The Firerisers” and “The Shadowlords” as now it was evident to XenoZodiac that another team was threatening the members of his team...and that displeased him greatly. “The Shadowlords” would go on to consolidate their own dominance over the next two weeks, leaving “The Firerisers” to fend for themselves in the struggles that endured. Still, Alfred remained candid and was unphased by the struggle. He became an increasingly active participant and, like his partner Townzy, began to display his idealism for victory. Alfred and Townzy were joined by CEDAR. This new prawn on their team was welcomed aboard with warmth, the most warmth that could be borne from “the Firerisers.” And yet, a deeply embedded competitiveness within Townzy irked the placement of CEDAR on the team. Perhaps, in some way, a dissenting anger was borne of CEDAR's placement there. But if it was, Townzy did well to cover it up in those weeks CEDAR belonged to “The Firerisers”, and CEDAR certainly helped carry the team over the next few weeks, leading to their newfound dominance toward the start of the Top Ten games. Shortly thereafter, CEDAR was disbanded from the team to join Cjohn on “The Wild Cards”. Animosity grew, especially in Townzy, and a marvelous fight erupted between CEDAR and the members of “The Firerisers.” In it, Alfred and Townzy were charged with serious allegations of forgery and illegality in previous episodes of the show. The penalties for these charges would be elimination. Alfred was kept largely disclosed from this confrontation, but Townzy embraced it openly and created a riotous comotion that drew in outsiders from the other teams. Despite it all, Alfred maintained some measure of his cool and showed he could be a collected individual. The conflict with “The Shadowkillers” remained very much alive, for Alfred and Townzy won again and sent XenoZodiac himself into a massive derby Challenge, where XenoZodiac was eliminated. While Acsc lamented the loss of his partner, new alliances were in the making, and Alfred found himself separated from Townzy after thirteen long weeks together. Townzy was eliminated at the start of the Final Five games, and Alfred became allied to Acsc1312 on “The Icelords” while CEDAR captained a new “Firerisers” in opposition to Alfred and Acsc. Alfred led his team to victory in the semi-final, a victory that ensured CEDAR would be eliminated. In that move, Alfred avenged Townzy's death and saw the victory “The Firerisers” wanted over CEDAR. Then, Alfred had only one chip left to cash: the elimination of Acsc1312. In a brutally close finale, Alfred defeated Acsc by a mere fraction of a few points, thus winning the season. Alfred was crowned the winner and also recognized as a Player of the Season nominee, alongside other prestigious nominees, including former partner-turned-enemy CEDAR, who won the award. Season 2 Rebirthed after the end of the season, Townzy reunited with Alfred on “The Firerisers.” The team planned to once again dominate and find themselves making it to the Final Five games again. Together, they deemed themselves an unstoppable force, only thwarted once by a mistake and an enraged CEDAR. This time, CEDAR would not stand in their way, and “The Firerisers” would plot for first place. But they met their makers. “The Crimson Knights” emerged and sought to ensure Alfred would not win again. Totem had some built up tension from his withdrawal in the previous season, and Totem targeted the previous season's top dogs in an effort to annihilate them early on. The success of “The Crimson Knights” foiled “The Firerisers”, and in a moment of desparation, Alfred and Townzy were both cast into The Challenge. In one of the most critically acclaimed Challenges of the series, “The Firerisers” butted heads one-on-one in the episode “Gathering Storm” (Season 2, episode 2), where “The Knights” sent two of the series' finest against each other. Here, the true strength of the two “Firerisers” could be seen and, once and for all, it could be settled who was stronger between the two. Alfred may have won the previous season but he never engaged Townzy in combat. And here, he faltered, for Townzy won and Alfred was eliminated just two episodes into the season. The elimination was shocking, for Alfred had been the star of season 1, the winner of it all. And now, he was cast off after two episodes. Townzy in particular was displeased and had hoped that he and Alfred would endure throughout the season and once more finish in the Final Five together, perhaps even going all the way this time. In a desparate ploy, Townzy made a bargain with The Creator. In the episode 2.4 “Rising from the Ashes”, Townzy performed a Creator's Challenge, the first ever done. The stakes were high. If Townzy would win, Alfred would be resurrected. But should Townzy lose, Townzy would be eliminated. In the end, Townzy was eliminated and Alfred remain unable to be resurrected. But the Challenge showed the true meaning of loyalty that the game can forge and ultimately proved the spirit of “The Firerisers.” Alfred did finally have his chance at re-entry in the Second Chance Challenge. Alfred competed in a three-round Challenge alongside other competitors who had been eliminated in Season 2 up until that point. Alfred emerged victorious and was one of the two contestants resurrected from the Second Chance Challenge. Alfred had hoped the other contestant resurrected would be Townzy89, but Townzy did not participate in the Second Chance Challenge, and thus “The Firerisers” would not come back together. But Alfred found a new strong ally in JackO, with whom he banded to form “Team Destiny.” The team was poised to avenge their losses, as Totem was still alive and without his Knight partner Riczhang to back him up anymore. Alfred's main goal at this point was to see Totem eliminated to avenge Townzy, as Townzy had tried to avenge Alfred. Alfred succeeded. After winning in the episode 2.11 “Destiny”, and causing the eliminations of Goffe and XenoZodiac, Alfred turned his attention on outlasting and outperforming Totem. At this point, as “The Shadowkillers” were blazing through victory and were disgruntled over the loss of their partner Goffe, Alfred ignored all else, focusing only on making it to the Final Five games, where he would hope to outmatch Totem. Alfred earned his moment in the first episode of the Final Five games, where Alfred went into The Challenge against Totem. Alfred slaughtered Totem, avenging Townzy89 and bringing a final peace to “The Firerisers” - who would never again band together. Although Alfred was eliminated a week later alongisde his partner JackO, he left the season in a state of bliss, having accomplished one of “The Firerisers'” goals that season. Season 3 Saddened to find that Townzy had not been resurrected for the third season, Alfred began the season as a loner, alongside the other individual players of the season. The competitive drive to find a partner cast Alfred quickly into XenoZodiac's hands. It was an unexpected pairing, but one that helped rekindle the spirit of Box Office Alliance's ultimate feud: the one between “The Shadowlords” and “The Firerisers.” Now the last of both teams banded together to form “The FireEaters”, and any hostility between their teams had to be cast aside so that Alfred and Xeno could work together to achieve victory. It was a trying season, but Alfred managed to skim by large, and with Xeno's help, “The FireEaters” proved their skill and endurance. Midway through the season, they earned their first victory, and they sent “Ice Ice Baumy” into The Challenge. One of the first teams to form that season, “Ice Ice Baumy” was composed entirely of rookie players, but that didn't stop Alfred from perceiving them as a threat. The elimination of Iceroll followed, but it also helped awaken the beast within Baumer, although he was a humble player who never lashed back out at his enemies, not even Alfred who caused Iceroll's demise. Alfred suffered tremendous losses in the Special Hosts session of two weeks. Down from first placement to nearly last, Alfred was placed on a chopping block. By Guest Host Goffe's call, Alfred was to be eliminated. The upset this caused called for an intervention, and by it, Alfred was allowed to stay alive and fight for his survival in a Mega Challenge. Competiting with his own partner XenoZodiac and also going up against rival Acsc1312 and rookie player ChD, Alfred emerged in first place in The Challenge and moved on to join the Top Ten games for the season. Ironically, Alfred joined forces with Acsc, the other of the two “Shadowlords”, on “The A-Team.” In one season, Alfred became allied to both of his original enemies from Season 1. However, his alliance to Acsc was cut short when the duo were sent into a Challenge in “The Crossroads of Dawn” (3.11). There, Alfred trumped Acsc again, eliminating him just shy of the Final Five games. In the week that followed, a technicality in the Challenge nearly cost Alfred and Baumer their shots at the Final Five. The uncertainty that formed from it would have caused Alfred's elimination but instead, both Alfred and Baumer were allowed to pass on to the Final Five games on probationary status. In the first round of the Final Five games, Alfred confronted his boss antagonist Sims. Sims crushed Alfred in their match-up as Alfred was a no-show for the week. Thus, Alfred was sent into The Challenge. He ultimately lost The Challenge to JackO, formerly his partner on “Team Destiny” a season prior. Alfred was eliminated in fourth place, but he accomplished one goal: he became the first player to make it into the Final Five games three seasons in a row. Alfred's performance in the first three seasons earned him the status of Legend, which would bear certain effects on future seasons. Other Statistics Teams by Season Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 “The Firerisers” (Episodes 1-14) with Townzy89 and CEDAR (episodes 6-10) “The Firerisers” (Episodes 1-2) with Townzy89 “The FireEaters” (Episodes 3-7) with XenoZodiac “The Icelords” (Episode 14) with Acsc1312 “Team Destiny” (Episodes 10-14) with JackO “The A-Team” (Episodes 10-11) with Acsc1312 Reception Alfred is usually well-received by other players. Although he does ocassionally form some strong enemies, his mild temper usually allows for little antagonism between him and other members of the game. He has received several awards throughout the show, including being recognized as a Player of the Season nominee in Season 1. Among other awards, he has been recognized for teamwork and sportsmanship and was awarded the Most Respected Player Award in Season 3, signifying that he is a well-respected player whom the other members can look up to.
  20. 4.13 "Rejuvenation" (concluded) Alfred is gone. But a legacy of him still remains. A legacy borne of his good skill and strategy, manipulation and sportsmanship, competiveness and ambition: his Legend status. Alfred has performed well for 3, now 4, consecutive seasons, always placing high on the rankings and always leaving his mark on the season in some way. Now he leaves us again, but his Legend chip is still in play. The Sacrifice Chip expires today, with Alfred's demise. Although the chip passed on to another when Alfred lost it in the Legend Challenge, it's true spirit lies with Alfred, and dies with him. So now, DoctorWho must return to us, defenseless as he lacks any points. DoctorWho always lacks any partners, as 24Lost was eliminated and Numbers has shipped over to another team. Indeed, no one knows for certain that Numbers' loyalities ever lay with Doc as Doc caused him more grief than was worth. So DoctorWho is allyless, pointless, and still the primary opponent of Shadowkiller CEDAR and perhaps Numbers, too. So who better to pair him to than Acsc1312. "The Gold Seekers" lives on, as DoctorWho joins forces with a former Shadowkiller himself...the very Shadowkiller whom Doc eliminated earlier this season. What a truly ironic pairing. We shall see how this alliance works for the duo. Acsc bears the highest point count of all eight remaining players; DoctorWho bears the lowest. Yet both are equal in skill, so this shall be a truly splendid match up. And how will "The Shadowkillers" react now as one of their own is banded to their biggest enemy? But the gold that was sought has finally been found, and so "The Gold Seekers" are no longer the "Seekers." The team shall now be called "The Gold Lords". Yes, yes this shall be good.
  21. 4.13 "Rejuvenation" - Challenge 13 It's a three-way Challenge, and two are on the chopping block. An entire team at stake, and the nature of uncertainty stays in the mix. Let's see how each of the contestants did on a question-by-question basis. Question 1 Alfred: Chasmmi: Jay Salahi: Question 2 Alfred: Chasmmi: Jay Salahi: Question 3 Alfred: Chasmmi: Jay Salahi: . A sad loss. And now, leaving in 9th place with a score of 88.37%...a score that cost him another placement in the Final Five, is . And moving on to join the other 8 is...
  22. Season finale Here's this week's big episode! Oh, did I mention Final Five will be starting with these! 4.14 "As We Fade Into The Night" DEADLINE: Friday, July 19 at 8:00 P.M. Eastern (7:00 P.M. Central) 1. Predict the combined opening weekend grosses (Fri-Sun) of Turbo, Red 2, and RIPD 2. Predict the difference in opening weekend grosses between The Conjuring and RIPD 3. Predict Red 2's gross as a percent of The Conjuring's gross (e.g. 5 million is 50% of 10 million) 4.Predict the combined second weekend grosses of Grown Ups 2 and Pacific Rim 5. Predict Despicable Me 2's gross and weekend rank
  23. ACSC1312 SEASON 1 SEASON 2 SEASON 3 Main team: 'The Shadowlords” Main team: “The Shadowkillers” Main team: “The Shadowkillers” Main ally: XenoZodiac Main ally: CEDAR Main ally: CEDAR Primary enemy: Alfred Primary enemy: Totem Primary enemy: None # of episodes: 16 (out of 16) # of episodes 15 (out of 15) # of episodes: 11 (out of 15) First appearance: 1.1 “The Pilot” 1st appearance: 2.1 “Igniting the Sparks” 1st appearance: 3.1 “The First Shadows” Last appearance: 1.16 “Reflections” Last appearance: 2.15 “The Last Embers” Last appearance: 3.11 “The Crossroads of Dawn” Seasonal Rank: #2 Seasonal Rank: #2 Seasonal Rank: #8 Player of the Season nominee Player of the Season nominee Eliminated by: Alfred Eliminated by: CEDAR Eliminated by: Alfred Average score: 83.10% Average score: 75.13% Average score: 78.14% Box Office Obliteration Acsc had first gained experience in the game show Box Office Obliteration, which debuted and ended after one brief 8-episode season in the summer of 2011. Acsc, like a few of his fellow contestants in the first season of Box Office Alliance, had participated in the game, which featured similar questions and format to Box Office Alliance and was a foundation for the successful game series. Season 1 Acsc first appeared in the series pilot episode. He had scored well enough in the pre-game to choose (or rather to be chosen by) XenoZodiac as his partner. The latter had been a huge participant in Box Office Obliteration and had also chosen to venture over to the new and improved model of the old game show. The duo quickly hit it off and formed the soon-to-be-legendary “Shadowlords”. The name derived from XenoZodiac, who fancied them as fighting off the other teams, which were like shadows...darkness kept at bay by the light that was “The Shadowlords.” The team professed to be greatness incarnate, and the duo would propel themselves to seeking victory at every turn. Xeno's emphasis and idealism definitely wore off on Acsc, who was molded in the early stage by his more experienced, albeit less humble, partner. There was an ironic twist of fate in the series premiere when Acsc was chosen for the very first Challenge. In it, Acsc squared off against Electric and lost. On traditional standing, Acsc would have been eliminated, but because of a technicality in the definition of points, a newly added element in the series, Acsc's elimination was stripped, but so were his points, and he was allowed to remain an active player, mostly thanks to XenoZodiac's insistent pushing. Ironically, Acsc is seen as one of the series' biggest star players and, as of the first three seasons, he has appeared in more episodes than any other cast member, yet he would have been eliminated in the very first episode of the show were it not for XenoZodiac. After that harrowing call, Acsc and Xeno took center stage. The team tried their best to gain top marks, although they usually fell short. However, they placed in the top 3 four weeks in a row and earned special immunities as a result. Early on, this started tension with the other teams...one above all others: “The Firelrisers.” It wasn't so evident at first that Alfred and Townzy were in strict opposition to the two Shadowlords, but as time progressed, it became increasingly clear that the two teams were at separate extremes. As the tension mounted between the two, Acsc continued to avoid Challenges, fearing what his fate would be the second time around. Midway through the season, “The Shadowlords” were joined by Andrew the Alien, formerly of “Team Hunger.” Andrew had been placed on probation, but for showing up, he was moved to “The Shadowlords.” Acsc and Xeno's comfortable balance was shifting as a new element was introduced into the mix, and it brought out the more competitive spirit of the duo, especially Xeno who wanted to see that Andrew not hinder his team's performance. But Andrew was quickly eliminated when “The Firerisers” gained their first win and targeted the members of “The Shadowlords.” Acsc and Xeno remained exempt, but Andrew was in harm's way and was eliminated. A week later, “The Shadowlords” had their first win and made bold purchases to increase their scores the following week. In many ways, this displayed both their greed – for they sought to boost their scores – and also their strategy, for the duo contrived away to remain in the top spot longer, thus gaining the benefits. Indeed, “The Shadowlords” won again in “The Hunger Games Special” the following week, thanks to Xeno's impressive score. Around that time, the team gained a prominent new ally in RichWS, who like Xeno and Acsc, would prove to have a significant role in this and future seasons of the show. Expectedly, Acsc made it to the Top Ten along with his two partners on “The Shadowlords” - and the tension between “The Shadowlords” and “The Firerisers” was about to come out in the open in full force. Acsc and his teammates won in the first round of the Top Ten games, the first of a very highly competitive series of games. In that round, they contributed to Totem's withdrawal from the season, as Totem was sent to his first Challenge of the season, and he decided he did not wish to continue playing that season. The following week, “The Firerisers” took to the top, and they targeted “The Shadowlords” - picking out their weakest link: RichWS. Rich was eliminated, and a week later, Acsc faced the most difficult moment of the season as his partner of thirteen episodes, XenoZodiac, was sent to the Elimination Derby Challenge, where he was eliminated. “The Shadowlords” were disbanded after thirteen long weeks together, the second longest lasting team of the season. Acsc remained alone to go on to the Final Five games against “The Firerisers” - who had taken Xeno from him. Ironically, “The Firerisers” broke up a week later when the Final Five games kicked off, and Acsc found himself briefly on a team with one of them – Alfred, who was at the time his biggest nemesis. Alfred was so identical to Acsc in scores and strategy that separate they would harm each other but together they'd be almost unstoppable. However, the animosity between them existed from their teams' hatred of each other, and so the odd pairing on “The Icelords” made for an uncomfortable situation for both parties, but it started a path that would mend the rift between them...a rift that would eventually fade in later seasons. “The Icelords” made it to the season finale “Reflections”, where Acsc and Alfred faced each other in the first grueling conclusion. In a close blow, Alfred defeated Acsc, who wound up as runner-up. However, Acsc was among those nominated for Player of the Season, and he received various other awards at the awards ceremony that was held that episode. Acsc was one of only two players to appear in all 16 episodes of the pilot season. Season 2 Acsc, spurned by his loss in the Season 1 finale, looked for a new ally, someone to give him strength against his nemesis Alfred. He turned to “The Firerisers'” biggest foe: CEDAR. Banded together, Acsc and CEDAR formed “The Shadowkillers”, a hybridized version of Season 1's “Shadowlords.” This new alliance forged a newfound energy in Acsc, and in CEDAR, and guaranteed a strong wall against “The Firerisers” - who were resurrected onto the same team of Season 1, with Alfred and Townzy taking the helm once more. But Acsc, like his enemies and his new ally, faced a much larger threat in “The Crimson Knights.” The power-hungry team emerged out of nowhere and instantly became the most malignant force of the season, taking down veteran after veteran after veteran. Packing a mighty punch, “The Crimson Knights” far outshined Acsc and robbed him of his victory over Alfred when, in the second episode of the season, they cast Alfred into a Challenge where he was eliminated. Acsc and CEDAR remained banded together throughout those turbulent times and finally managed to cast “The Crimson Knights” aside in the fifth episode of the season (“Salvation”) where “The Shadowkillers” came out on top. This victory over “The Crimson Knights” was a huge changing point in the season as it marked an end to their dominance and ensured the team would never again reclaim first place. “The Shadowkillers” attemped to break the two Knights up into separate teams. But the efforts were a tragic failure. “The Crimson Knights”, in what was a hopeful blow against “The Shadowkillers”, sent Goffe to the winning team. Enraged and uncertain about this move, CEDAR lashed out in an attempt to evict Goffe from his team. Acsc, a bit more calm-minded than his aggressive partner, proposed a Challenge against The Creator. The terms: should they win, Goffe would be replaced and Acsc and CEDAR could then Challenge Totem of “The Crimson Knights.” But, should they lose, they'd lose half their points each. The results were dastardly, as The Creator won the Challenge. Goffe remained allied to “The Shadowkillers”, despite CEDAR's “better” interests, and “The Crimson Knights” remained unscathed. But little could Acsc and CEDAR have expected that Goffe would become a vital component in their success in the latter half of the season. Goffe quickly ascended to the forefront of their battle. Although “The Knights” were soon defeated, Totem lived on in infamy, and he was still to be feared despite Riczhang's defeat. Acsc still felt robbed of his limelight, and so he sought victory over Totem, as all the contestants did. Much of Acsc's success was enhanced by Goffe's performance. Quickly, “The Shadowkillers” became the new dominant team of the season, ascending to the top in the latter half of the season. Once they claimed the top spot, they refused to release it. Then an unexpected foe re-emerged. Alfred won the Resurrection Challenge and, now partnered to JackO on “Team Destiny”, quickly became a tool in Acsc's side once again. Unable to forget his narrow defeat a season prior, Acsc still sought victory over his arch nemesis (although the feud had largely ended, and the terms were less severe between the two). Acsc, hoping to champion “The Shadowkillers” to victory, wanted to see Alfred eliminated before he had a shot at the finale again. Shortly thereafter, however, Acsc's own partner Goffe was eliminated, and the blow was tragic. Acsc and CEDAR ironically mourned the loss of a partner they originally thought they'd despise (and in time would again), but the loss also stirred the beast. In particular, CEDAR became an avenging angel, sweeping the team to a surefire victory in the weeks to come. At the start of the Final Five games, Acsc was declared the new frontrunner. Although CEDAR was the stronger of the pair, the odds favored Acsc simply because of his greater self control and more generous ambition, factors that could make CEDAR falter in a Challenge. Acsc sent Alfred into a Challenge, hoping to see his elimination, and sure enough, Alfred lost the Challenge. In a minor way, Acsc had ensured Alfred's demise in Season 2, an end that put him offficially out of the remainder of the season. Acsc would continue on to the finale, where he had to turn against his partner CEDAR. In the Season 2 Finale (“The Last Embers”), CEDAR and Acsc, “The Shadowkillers”, turned on each other, albeit only because they had to, and dueled to the death. CEDAR emerged the victor in the race due to his superior box-office predicting skill, and once more Acsc was declared the runner-up. Remarkably, however, he was the only player to have appeared in all episodes of both Seasons 1 and 2. Season 3 Acsc made his third star appearance, now as the official lead of the series, at the start of Season 3. The game saw many significant changes, the most notable being the exclusion of teams at the start of the season. Thus, Acsc was cast without a partner, and all other players were potential allies or threats. Acsc, however, had his eyes on the prize, a prize he had been robbed of twice, and this time, he knew the best way to achieve it was with the strongest ally...which once more meant CEDAR. However, Acsc performed underwhelmingly in the first couple of weeks and was thus unable to achieve his dream team right away. Instead, he settled for remaining obscure so as to avoid The Challenge, but it was difficult considering that he had been runner up twice in a row. The loyalty he had shown Goffe last season, however, paid off in the second episode of the season when Acsc's name came up for consideration in the Challenge. Goffe held the reigns and chose not to send Acsc in, rather ranking him and CEDAR both low as a sign of good friendship and loyalty that had been forged on “The Shadowkillers” last season. Ironically, Acsc's original ally XenoZodiac from Season 1 became allied to Alfred, Acsc's original nemesis. Perhaps in a way this helped ease Acsc's dislike of Alfred, or perhaps it was the issue of time that helped cool the tension between them, for Season 3 saw relative restfulness between the two of them. In the third episode of the season (“A Light in the Shadow”), CEDAR chose Acsc for his partner, once more resurrecting “The Shadowkillers.” The team had dominated a season prior, and the intention was that they would see the same success this season. “The Shadowkillers” did get off to a good start their first week playing together, although they were outshined by “The FireEaters” (Alfred and Xeno) that week. Season 3 quickly showed it would be the harshest of them all. Acsc had always been good at avoiding Challenges (minus his incident in the series pilot episode). He could go an entire season without entering The Challenge until the very end. But Season 3 changed that and proved how trying everything would become very quickly, as in the fifth episode of the season (“The Road to Glory”), Acsc bowed into The Challenge early on after “The Shadowkillers” lost to “Dracula's Minions”. Acsc went up against a Season 1 veteran and a tough player to compete against...CJohn. The Challenge received some of the highest ratings of any Challenge in Box Office Alliance history, as it was a brutal Challenge. Cjohn made a critical mistake that cost him, and Acsc won by a large margin because of it. But, had Cjohn not made the mistake, his score would have trumped Acsc's, thus sending Acsc to his doom. But Acsc persevered. The Challenge and its harshness showed him this would not be an easy season. The worst was yet to come. “The Shadowkillers” disbanded under the special guest host weeks. After just a few short weeks together, CEDAR and Acsc broke up as all players became individuals. The game proved challenging on a single basis, and almost everyone had a lot to lose from those games. Both Acsc and CEDAR wound up with large negative totals in point counts after the games. The devastation took its toll, and there was little chance of recovery. What followed was the most trying moment of all for Acsc. CEDAR, disgruntled by the losses of the Special Host session, withdrew from the game, leaving Acsc to fend for himself. Acsc was sent into a Mega Challenge the same week of CEDAR's withdrawal. In the Challenge, Acsc found himself going up against Alfred and Xeno together. Alfred emerged victorious and moved on, once more out-edging Acsc in a Challenge. But it all bottled down to Acsc versus XenoZodiac...a moment never thought imaginable. How could Acsc kill off his own original ally, the first to ever show him true loyalty? It was the most trying Challenge of Acsc's career, and he came out the victor. But his victory was hollow indeed, for it saw the elimination of the great XenoZodiac, who has yet to venture back into the game. Acsc found himself allied instead to Alfred on “The A-Team”. This was perhaps Acsc's strangest alliance ever, for Acsc and Alfred were initially bitter enemies. Their feud began in the Season 1 Finale when Alfred defeated Acsc, and it endured for a good portion of Season 2. Although it died down and perhaps ended altogether, it was still a bizarre pairing. But also a brief one. In “The Crossroads of Dawn” (episode 3.11), Acsc finally met his maker. “The A-Team” was sent to The Challenge against each other. Acsc had had some good luck to help him through the season so far, but his luck fell short here. Acsc lost his third Challenge against Alfred, perhaps ultimately verifying that Alfred is the superior player. The loss was critical, as it marked the first time ever that Acsc was eliminated from the game. The remainder of the season felt hollow without him, as he had been the only player to appear in all episodes of the show up until that point. Acsc's performance, however, marked him as a Legend, a status that would be exploited in later seasons.
  24. PS - Yes, it's been handed out. No, you haven't missed it because it hasn't been revealed...entirely. Not even to those involved. PSS - Dare I say it. Dare I say it. PSSS - I will say this is the right path to follow.
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