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Everything posted by eddyxx

  1. Imagine if we had a movie with Captain Marvel, Shang Chi, Hulk, and Wong. It’s right there in the SC post credit scene.
  2. people on most of the internet blame Whedon for this but his shows never did this. When some one died, you felt it. Even in The Avengers movie, the characters mourned and avenged Coulson. It wasn’t a joke after the beat.
  3. Relatable loveable characters with good chemistry with each other. Watching avengers was like hanging out with old friends.
  4. They really wasted the 90s setting big time. Most we got was a No Doubt song, a NIN shirt, and a blockbuster.
  5. True but when the GA doesn’t know your product and the fan base is immediately turned off because it’s Thunderbolts In Name Only then you better turn out one hell of a trailer and final product..,and based on recent marvel offerings? That’s not looking good. If Marvels only opens to 50m then TB will open to 30m.
  6. These are all in continuity as MCU and only werewolf by night doesn’t stick to MCU’s visual palette and tone. Eternals might be more serious but it still has references to the wider MCU and it’s intended that it’s in the same universe where the snap happened. Moon Knight has no references to the wider MCU but it is expected he will cross over with the other characters down the line. Werewolf By Night is the only one of those 4 you could argue may not be in the same continuity as mainline MCU but if blade or ghost rider ever actually get rebooted then he would just be in that corner of the MCU and cross over with them. You have cosmic MCU corner, street level MCU corner, supernatural corner, the mutants corner, and big world saving MCU corner aka most of the avengers and characters like F4. Marvel comics has always been like that and just because the movies are doing that too doesn’t mean that those movies are “elseworlds”/stand alone. What I want is marvel to give a director free reign to do whatever they want with one of their characters whether that be the content rating, the visual style and tone of the film or whatever they please without it having to be part of the MCU. Just imagine if marvel had hired Sam Raimi to make Marvel Zombies instead of Dr. strange and let him do whatever he wanted cause it wasn’t part of the MCU continuity and just a one off horror film! I have no doubt it would have been amazing. Instead they’re making a cartoon for Disney plus? Or are they since I haven’t heard a peep since the initial announcement. One more for the chopping board.
  8. I honestly wish they would do some stand alone projects, elseworlds if you will, and let directors experiment with their characters such as Blade or The Punisher like DC did with Joker and The Batman.
  9. I guess you could say Daredevil is going to be…born again. ba dum tsk
  10. Well they did a shitty job of it considering since her movie(4 years ago) she’s had a extended cameo in Endgame lol, and actual cameos in after credit scenes in Shang Chi and Ms. Marvel. Also does anyone think it’s been a horrible idea to not have any of the new characters cross over with each other in phase4. Kang Dynasty will have no time to set up a new team and we still don’t know who they are.
  11. I think we're headed back to what super hero movies did during the 2000's. When a 50m ow was a success and 90m was bonkers. We might get a few more real huge openings: deadpool3, secret wars if a certain 2 actors return for it , joker 2 might even be a dark horse and maybe the first x-men reboot if they pull it off but the days of super hero movies dominating are behind us.
  12. the first trailer wasn't but any marketing after that is probably because most people don't know who the other 2 are. I really do believe this will miss 300m domestic.
  13. I'm really disappointed this isn't releasing til March because every time I watch the trailer it is amazing and it looked like the best film releasing for the remainder of this year. Oh well.
  14. I didn't see this before. sorry. did yall move posts? i just found myself in a different thread and wasn't sure how I got there lol. I'm not sure how to move that post or quote chipderby but moving it there?
  15. https://twitter.com/sej_singh/status/1706137309920252169?s=46&t=GJfztKY_tUgaFujcYsKLgA
  16. In order to do that they’d have to tell their stock holders just how unsuccessful all the other shows they spend millions on are.
  17. My former room mate went to high school with her here in Charlotte, nc. I have nothing to add, I just like pointing out when I know some one who knows a b list celebrity.
  18. Trump’s RICO trial in Georgia is going to be televised I think so expect a media circus to ensue.
  19. Do the youth even use Twitter anymore? I only see boomers and older millennials on there now. How’s the movie trending on tiktok? Instagram?
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