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Everything posted by eddyxx

  1. I thought latinos liked movies about a diverse group of former thieves turned super duper govt agents who are FAMILY.
  2. It’s a inverse of the MCU phase 3. Like bizarro MCU. Too bad MCU is falling into the same trap as DCEU but I still have hope for the X-Men reboot.
  3. Yup. Barbie is the perfect role for her. Like RDJ as Iron Man who hasn’t had any hits other than MCU and Sherlock til Oppenheimer.
  4. They literally filmed the after credit scene for The Avengers after the hollywood premiere.
  5. 22 episodes was perfect for Buffy but awful for Lost(which actually had 24 episodes before they went to shortened seasons) and 10 episodes was perfect for game of thrones and the 5 episode seasons were rushed and hated. Every show has different needs.
  6. but but but Agents of SHIELD is better than 90 percent of the marvel d plus shows.
  7. Wow. Considering he got praise for black characters on watchmen I’m shocked yet not shocked cause isn’t it always the liberals who virtue signal the loudest who are the monsters they preach against. Shades of Joss Whedon.
  8. 6th film post covid to gross a billion… am I missing something? no way home top gun 2 avatar 2 mario what else made a billion since 2020?
  9. Barbie is like Oppenheimer creating a chain reaction to change cinema forever but for good or evil we don’t know yet
  10. Captain Marvel is like a pre-cursor to all the bad scripts they would green light in phase 4 and now phase 5. It should've been a warning sign to us that the better days of the MCU were behind us. Now we'll be lucky if they put out one good film every few years instead of the hit after hit they were doing before.
  11. the words of some one who got reverse unoed.
  12. Is there a single person on this forum that predicted overseas would be this crazy? i don't think theres one person that anticipated 1.5 billion happening, holy shit. what a box office monster.
  13. RIP, he died too young. HIs father died last week and they said he was heart broken and was battling his mental health issues.
  14. Looks so much better than every Disney plus marvel series that came after it. Just cancel the rest and make new Loki seasons every 2 years or so.
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