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Everything posted by Sam

  1. 38M is great. Back on the 100M track! Rth descend to drop the number and ascend again in true Asgardian style lol.
  2. I can't even listen to the mainstream radio stations anymore. They all sounds the same and blend into one big empty noise. Once in a while, you would hear some good vocals and melody and it fooled you into thinking that maybe this song will be good. But nope, mere seconds later, the song either stop dead and descend with the crap DJ beat drop or shitty rap lyrics got inserted that have nothing much to do with the song content /rant
  3. By the way, @aabattery the Ragnarok trailer got good reactions from my WW screening yesterday. Granted, it's a showing most likely consisted of fanboys/girls; but I'm still pleased. Will it be the best Waititi's? I'm beyond excite.
  4. I like you well enough but you're a walking (flying? crawling? rolling? whatever it is that you do) giant curse. It's a bit early to say still but if the 33M figure comes true, then another movie will have fall victim to your touch of death. So yeah, keep away!
  5. Late reply but it's still gotta be said. Go away evil ancient creature!
  6. I see that people still don't understand the meaning of the word "lock" after all this time
  7. Prayer circle is just that sacred. But its also also real sad and painful. Exhibit A: the Star Trek Beyond prayer circle. It's basically a support group.
  8. But enough about Tele's silliness. That was a really good preview number to me. And I hope it'll hit the 100M mark for OW.
  9. You see the quote in his signature? That's my reply from him threatening to taint and jinx BP. Wouldn't put it pass him.
  10. If you're diehard DCEU fans though, his club is like the touch of death. If he dare making some silly club for Black Panther, I'm gonna be protesting and leading the revolution against the tyranny.
  11. I think Tele has some kinds of weird fetish over his DC movies, what's with the 400M for MOS and WW and all. Not sure what is his goal exactly
  12. You will love it! It's definitely worth your anticipation I would say.
  13. Sat numbers/bump will give good indication on the family appeal factor I suppose Female driven definitely will keep it front loaded on OW since we tend to reserve tickets early and in groups. I already know like 3 separate groups of my girlfriends doing so for Friday showing tonight.
  14. Too lazy to write more detailed review so just copy/paste from the main spoiler thread I liked it. Remind me quite a lot of the first Captain America. Guess I'm just a sucker for the heroic, passionate, old fashioned good-hearted characters. Characterizations for Diana was pretty great. So was Steve Trevor and their relationship. But I thought the supporting cast weren't up to par, none were memorable for me (or at least none was memorable in good/non-ironic way) I only watched BvS once so I didn't really had much of an opinion on Gadot's limited appearance one way or another then. But I thought she was real neat in the role here. Acting/line delivering was spotty in parts but she really made up for it with the heart and sincerity that shined through. I looked forward to her character evolving and her getting more and more comfortable in the role. Actions were a bit dodgy, some very good, some pretty boring/repetitive. I used to be annoyed over the abusive use of slow-mo in action movies, but lately, such thing just made me numbed and bored. The set designs and staging was good though. Funnily enough, Wonder Woman was also similar to Captain America in how their origin movies were brought down by the third acts. Although, in completely different ways: Cap's 3rd act was too subdued and feel unfinished/cut abruptly short; while Wondy's 3rd act was excessive and noisy. However, on the plus side, the 3rd act both contained some genuinely emotional high points of their respective movies. Loved the underlying theme of hope and optimism (not so much 'underlying' since it's consistently presented for everyone to see but you get the point) Overall, for me, it's easily the most enjoyable offering of the DCEU. I'll definitely watch it one more time in theater. And looking forward to the sequel. B+
  15. Life support? Based on historical data, you can easily assume that 98% of Tele's clubs would be DOA. The 2% that succeed is like the rare one where he desperately go for the reverse jinxing but it painfully backfired. Aka that Interstellar club (Pink knows the pain best)
  16. So the $182M projection is base off of the Ghost Rider multiplier of almost 150? Sounds about right.
  17. Not too fond about the trailer as I thought I would be. But it's still pretty ok. Branagh delivered with the accent, the ham, and the 'stache though. That's what most important I suppose. So, still excite.
  18. Wow, didn't know about the blacklist issue. The former SK president sure was one with lots of issues. Happy that it got resolved for Bong Joon Ho though. One of my favorite directors. I've been waiting for Okja to premiere on Netflix. Still a whole month left but very excited. It got a good cast (except for Lilly Collins but I digress)
  19. It's amazing what ancient creature found funny these days
  20. Welcome back, Boner! I have always liked you better than "the other guy"
  21. I need to rewatch Sunshine. Still one of my most favorite favorite sci-fi
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