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The Panda

The Panda's Top 250 Movies of All Time Countdown (FINISHED)

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I might do something like this later this year.


I found it worth doing personally, if just so I could have an official list for myself to go off of.



The Mark of Zorro (1940)

This is (Arguably) the best Zorro film that has been made, and Tyrone Power does an excellent job playing this classic character.  The swashbuckling sword fights are a lot of fun, especially for a movie from the 40s, with one of the best sword fights that has been put to film.  The Mark of Zorro is honestly just a lot of fun and worth being on the list.

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For Whom the Bell Tolls


One of the many films to cover the Spanish Civil War and one of the ones that fulfills its duty in doing so so capably.  The movie does honor to its well written source material and is able remain engaging the entire way through.  The film is moving and very well-made.

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Dracula (1931)

An eerie, suspenseful classic that is really one of the foundations for the horror genre.  The main difference here though is Dracula doesn't rely on jump scares, gore, or genre cliches, and is very well-acted, and well-made.  While it might not seem as scary now that we have movies like The Conjuring, it sure did scare me as a kid and can still give me shivers at certain scenes.

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One of the prominent films from the 90s Disney Renaissance, maybe I am going a bit overboard with how much Disney Animation is making this list, but I am being honest and Aladdin is one of Disney's most entertaining and fun films to watch. 

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This is Sylvester Stallone at his best and it's also the Rocky franchise at it's best (and to be honest, it's the only Rocky film I actually like). Stallone actually pulls out a strong performance in this, and it really is one of the best sports movies out there.

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2


One of the definitive movies of the Harry Potter series, it is exhilarating and an epic conclusion to the series that spurred on the young adult adaption craze.  It also really showed the final evolution of the series that started out almost as a children's fantasy and ended as a gritty, dark, and grand-scale climatic event.

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Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

One of Russel Crowe's better movies (surprisingly its another historical epic that he succeeds in) and it boasts a very broad scope, with a fantastic sense of style.  It is a great adaption of the source material, with thrilling action sequences and a group of characters you can get behind.

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Dumbo has some of the saddest yet also some of the most uplifting scenes and elements compared to most Disney films.  I also found it to be much more politically and thematically relevant than many of them, it simple yet quite elegantly impactful.

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The Bells of St Mary's

This is one of the rare cases where a sequel surpasses its predecessor, but what is rare in this case is that it exceeded its predecessor by leaps and bounds.  Okay, that may be a subjective opinion there (Given that Going My Way was more successful) but I found Bells succeeded in giving that dramedy feel much better and so this is the one of the two that makes the list.

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James Cameron is pretty much one of the kings of sci-fi, and Aliens is one of his most liked efforts.  However I think it was Jeremy Jahns who said you are either an Alien or Aliens type of guy, and he is absolutely right in my case.  While Aliens is definitely an awesome watch, I much prefer the predecessor which is why I ranked Aliens so low on this list.

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Return of the Jedi

While it is pretty much universally agreed to be the weakest of the original trilogy, that doesn't mean it's weak.  In actuality the ending fight is one of the highlights of the original trilogy, it's just the random WTF moments leading up to the battle that stop this from being up there with the first two.

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The Incredibles

Incredibly funny (heh heh, pun pun) and a blast of a Pixar movie.  The animation still looks really sleek, and the storyline still works, as well as one for comic book movies to marvel at (pun pun) and model themselves after.  A great outing by Pixar.

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Rain Man


Rain Man is phenomenally well acted, and what's surprising after looking back is just how great Tom Cruise is in his role, who actually outshines Dustin Hoffman as a brother put through the dilemma of his newly found brother.  Rain Man is moving, funny, and engaging the entire way through.

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The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

This sci-fi classic is not what you would consider a typical, fun sci-fi movie compared to how most sci-fi happens today.  The Day the Earth Stood Still was a movie with a message, a warning, that looked to the future (As a good sci-fi movie should) and was painstakingly accurate in what it was trying to warn against.

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This is the End

I'll be honest, I actually edited my list just now to put this in (I took out Chariots of Fire, which I was just going to put in for some filler), because this was hysterical the first time I watched it, and after a good number of more viewings it kept making me laugh and I liked it more and more with each viewing.  This will probably be a movie that keeps climbing up my list as I watch it more because it's just to damn watchable and hilarious.


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