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Ethan Hunt

top 50 films for the half decade; Kalo's list begins! (pg. 45)

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Shutter Island




Because of the fact that (at least where I leave) Shutter Island wasn't nearly the cultural phenomena that Inception was, I was thankfully able to stay in the dark about this one. So the twist ending was actually a surprise for me. This film gets so many things right; the creepy atmosphere, the tension, the suspense that always feels like its building up to something, and the payoff at the end is worth the wait. I personally was not disappointed by the end at all, and found the whole thing to be really intriguing. Out of the (few) Scorsese movies I've seen so far, I like what I'm seeing, and DiCaprio proves again and again that he is a fantastic actor.

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Chronicle is the reason I'm not nervous for Fan4stic (god that title). I have full trust in Josh Trank, as his work on this movie is amazing. This movie took the found-footage genre and made me hate is less, as I didn't find the found footage to bother me in this film (Chronicle is also one of the reasons I saw Project Almanac, which I enjoyed). Dane Dehaan really stands out as being a great actor in this movie; and despite whatever people think of Amazing Spider-Man 2, I think if this guy makes the right choices, he's got the talent to become a Hollywood A-lister. The effects are great, especially for a 12 million dollar film, and the story and the characters are all so relateable. Come on, who of us, if given superpowers, would not go around messing with people (and then probably have a meltdown and destroy half the city)? With all the talk of a Chronicle 2, I admit that I don't want it to happen. Considering the ending of this movie, there really isn't anywhere this story could go that would satisfy me. 

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Pacific Rim




Plot, acting, story and character development aside, Pacific Rim is freaking awesome!!!!!! Seriously; giant robots punching giant monsters!!! While I'm still only 15, part of me is younger still at 8 years old; and that part of me exploded when I saw this movie! Sadly, when it first released, it didn't make its way to my theatre (no, that award went to Grown Ups 2) so I had to go out of town and see it in a really bad, old theatre with a small screen and uncomfortable seats, so that hindered the theatre experience a bit. But whatever, as I've said before, GIANT ROBOTS PUNCHING GIANT MONSTERS! The score was great, the action was spectacular, and I thought Charlie Day was hilarious! Pacific Rim is basically the Edge of Tomorrow of 2013 (thankfully Universal is going ahead with Pacific Rim 2, which I just realized is coming out right before GOTG 2... man that is going to be an awesome time at the movies!).

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1




Not sure if having this movie this high on this list is going to be a popular opinion or not. I still love this movie, but it is definitely the weakest of the franchise (Harry Potter, Star Wars, and BONE are my 3 favourite "stories that are franchises" ever), still, I love it. The characters in Harry Potter are so well written, fleshed out, and the story goes in so many complicated directions, that it is more than just a boy wizard now. I still ave a few complaints about the "action-less-ness" of the movie, but it was still great to see some awesome scenes from the book adapted to film. What this film does so well is tease. It teases throughout the whole thing of what is to come, and sometimes it was infuriating, just because I was so anxious to see Part 2. The Harry Potter franchise is one that will always stay close with me, and for better ow worse, they are all great movies.

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This film is special, as it was the one that got me into box office (you could argue it was Avengers, but when I think about it, it really wasn't). I remember the first time I clicked on Box Office Mojo, I was reading the weekend report "Ralph Wrecks It, Flight Cruises". I was admittedly skeptical going in to see this, but as I was invited by a few friends who used to love all these video game characters, I went. And I was so glad I did, because Wreck It Ralph is amazing. Before killing it with Frozen at the box office, it was great to see Disney do another non Fairy-Princess type movie. And the movie ended up being really good! It was packed with emotional heart that I wasn't expecting, a few really cool action scenes, great animation, and a villain I remember actually creeping me out (although I will never admit it). The only thing I fear for this franchise is that it ends up being another one of those "sequels that never end up happening", because this could make for a great trilogy, or more.

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1




Not sure if having this movie this high on this list is going to be a popular opinion or not. I still love this movie, but it is definitely the weakest of the franchise (Harry Potter, Star Wars, and BONE are my 3 favourite "stories that are franchises" ever), still, I love it. The characters in Harry Potter are so well written, fleshed out, and the story goes in so many complicated directions, that it is more than just a boy wizard now. I still ave a few complaints about the "action-less-ness" of the movie, but it was still great to see some awesome scenes from the book adapted to film. What this film does so well is tease. It teases throughout the whole thing of what is to come, and sometimes it was infuriating, just because I was so anxious to see Part 2. The Harry Potter franchise is one that will always stay close with me, and for better ow worse, they are all great movies.


it's actually my favorite Potter film, even like it more then DH part 2. :P 

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1


Not sure if having this movie this high on this list is going to be a popular opinion or not. I still love this movie, but it is definitely the weakest of the franchise (Harry Potter, Star Wars, and BONE are my 3 favourite "stories that are franchises" ever), still, I love it. The characters in Harry Potter are so well written, fleshed out, and the story goes in so many complicated directions, that it is more than just a boy wizard now. I still ave a few complaints about the "action-less-ness" of the movie, but it was still great to see some awesome scenes from the book adapted to film. What this film does so well is tease. It teases throughout the whole thing of what is to come, and sometimes it was infuriating, just because I was so anxious to see Part 2. The Harry Potter franchise is one that will always stay close with me, and for better ow worse, they are all great movies.

Deathly Hallows 1 is my favorite Potter movie.

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Wow, I'm actually surprised. In my opinion, DH2, and Prisoner of Azkaban are the best, and DH1 and Philospiher (Sorcerer's) Stone are the weakest.

DH2 and Azkaban are next in line, then Goblet, kind of gets "muggled" after that. :P

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I love 4 of the Potter movies: DH1, CoS , PoA, and GoF

I like 2: SS and DH2

I think one us OK: OotP

And I hare one: HPB

I like all of them, but OotP, and HBP are the weakest.

Edited by Kalo
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The Muppets




This movie isn't just for kids; doesn't matter how old you are, don't be ashamed to say that you love it, because this Muppets film is amazing. It is so incredibly charming, and features some fantastic musical numbers (who hasn't had the opening theme stuck in their head at one point or another). While the 2014 sequel disappointed me in a major way, this installment of The Muppets franchise is awesome. The movie has humor, heart and wit, something that all kids movies (and all movies in general) should have. I love Jason Segel from How I Met Your Mother, and now I love him in this, and I also really liked the Jim Parsons cameo.

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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty




While The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is a flawed movie, and its messages and themes overshadow the script in a big way at times, it says something that I have always thought to be true; while having an imagination is great and all (having an imagination, watching movies, reading books etc.), the only way you can really live life is to go out and live it. And once that is accomplished, you won't be so reliant on this imagination and the stories of others because now you have your own stories to tell. This movie honestly had me smiling the whole way through (and made me set a goal to someday visit Iceland). Critics were so overly harsh on this movie, as it does NOT deserve the rotten score it got.

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X-Men: Days of Future Past




While I didn't think the X-Men franchise needed "saving" (I didn't hate X-3, and Origins Wolverine was really good in my opinion, minus the whole Deadpool thing) it certainly saved it at the box office! 700M+ worldwide... wow! Anyways, Days of Future Past was able to do what (ahem) Spider-Man 3 was not, and that is to take a giant slate of characters, and make them all relevant in a story. The movie is not just entertaining brain candy, but its script is an achievement, effects and storytelling (it also made the awful-looking Quicksilver cool! He had the best scene in the movie!!!). Days of Future Past is my third favourite X-Men film (which is a compliment), behind X2 and (spoiler for later in the list) First Class.

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Edge of Tomorrow




Coming so very close to the top 10 is a movie that certainly surprised me. I remember watching the first trailer the day it debuted at lunch one day at school, and I was so underwhelmed I thought "man this looks boring! Am I really going to end up seeing this?" Edge of Tomorrow honestly looked so boring, bland, and extremely un-fun, but it is exactly the opposite! It was one of the coolest movies of 2014, its concept was so intriguing (I'm not saying it hasn't been done before but it's still cool!), the action and effects were spectacular, Tom Cruise was great, Emily Blunt is beautiful, the movie is funny, and is was just SO MUCH FUN! I'm becoming a fan of Doug Liman, and I am liking most of his stuff (I even enjoyed Jumper for what it was).

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I had only seen one James Bond film before seeing Skyfall (Casino Royale) and while I still prefer Casino, Skyfall did nothing but solidify that I am a fan of Bond. I saw this with a friend from England, and I think his excitement sort of wore off on me. There isn't much I can say about Skyfall that I haven't already said about other films; it's fun, exciting, and re watchable. Skyfall (the song) is one of my favourite Bond themes, if not the best. I am over the moon excited for Spectre, and Skyfall is the main reason.

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