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Should Disney buy Ghibli?

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Considering that Ghibli is currently not making any films right now and is possibly in financial peril (although I am not sure about that bit), I think that it may be a good move for to buy the studio. They already have distribution rights and do the American dubbing so why not reap the Japanese box office income too. 


I can see this concept scaring anime purists that this could cause a disnification of the films, but the way that Marvel, Pixar (for the most part) and (seemingly) Star Wars are being handled suggests that Ghibli would be free to produce the films they want to but with more financial security behind the projects.



Do you think this would be a mutually beneficial deal for both companies or the worst thing to happen ever?


Considering that Ghibli is currently not making any films right now and is possibly in financial peril (although I am not sure about that bit), I think that it may be a good move for to buy the studio. They already have distribution rights and do the American dubbing so why not reap the Japanese box office income too. 


I can see this concept scaring anime purists that this could cause a disnification of the films, but the way that Marvel, Pixar (for the most part) and (seemingly) Star Wars are being handled suggests that Ghibli would be free to produce the films they want to but with more financial security behind the projects.



Do you think this would be a mutually beneficial deal for both companies or the worst thing to happen ever?


With loads of unnecessary sequels? No, thanks. 

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