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Chasmmi's top 250 films of all time - Because I honestly had this idea at the same time and it's not a Ripoff - :)

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145th - Lagaan



Back to Bollywood after a fair while away with the best cricket film of all time.


Lagaan I think was one of Bollywood's early attempted mainstream films. It has a large (and largely unknown), Western cast alongside the main Hindi cast members. The story of British landowners who partake in a bet with the locals that they will forego taxation on the land if they can win a game of cricket (a sport unknown to them at the time).


It's a cool sports film, one of the best sports films in fact and is worth a watch if you want to expand your Bollywood repertoire.  



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144th - Frozen

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The phenomenon that we may look back on as being the film that along with Ironman, founded the Disney Mega-empire as it has become.


Frozen is great. That is my opinion and by now, everyone in the world knows whether they agree or disagree with me on that. It is not the greatest Disney animation ever, or even in the top 5, but it is a really strong film with really strong songs and characters. It will be the Lion King/Aladdin/BOTB for a lot of kids aged 7-11 years old right now.   


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143rd - Notting Hill

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I'm British and this is peak Grant and Roberts right here.


I am a sucker for a good Rom Com and I am a sucker for the quirky Britishness that Curtis almost turned into a genre. This is a lovely little comedy that does everything you hope a film with that poster, cast and writer to come up with.






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142nd - Terminator 2: Judgement Day

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Is this the first time people will be angry at a film being too low?


Spoiler btw: This is the only time you will see Terminator on this list. Obviously Terminator is a great film in a great franchise (that I still maintain has 3 high quality films in it). The effects are also incredible for the time and you just can see how Cameron became the biggest director in the world as this film rarely puts a step wrong. 


The main thing is that at this point, I feel that all the films left do not put many feet wrong in their execution. 

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141st - Gravity

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I have only seen T2 on a TV at home, I have only seen this in a fancy cinema in 3D (for a rare film where that means something). 


So my only exposure to this film was in the perfect conditions for this film to wow me and that is what it did. It's a beautiful, frenetic, heart attack of a film that grips you from minute 1 to minute 91 (minus a little Clooney silliness). The film is in many ways a masterpiece and one of my best pure cinema experiences.  

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9 hours ago, chasmmi said:

143rd - Notting Hill

Image result for notting hill


I'm British and this is peak Grant and Roberts right here.


I am a sucker for a good Rom Com and I am a sucker for the quirky Britishness that Curtis almost turned into a genre. This is a lovely little comedy that does everything you hope a film with that poster, cast and writer to come up with.







One of my faves too.


That's not yogurt!


Image result for rhys ifans that's not yogurt

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140th  - Scrooged

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The second best Christmas Carol interpretation out there. 


If you've not seen Scrooged then you really should change that. It is a really cool and funny adaption of Christmas Carol that also ranks among the very top of pile for Bill Murray vehicles. 


I would even argue that this does not require waiting to Christmas to feel like the mood is right to watch it. Obviously the season helps, but funny is funny 365.248 days a year. 



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139th - Thor

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The film that introduced Loki and still has by far the best Villain ark of any Marvel Film. 


I know there are some that see this as the poor cousin of the Avengers Gang, but to me, this was the best origin film of phase one. It had depth and development on both signs of the morality coin and put a world onto screen that was arguably the hardest Marvel property to make work either as a film or part of a shared universe. 


I think this film is great fun and with 138 films to go, we are already running low on MCU films left to be revealed.  






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138th - The Full Monty

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And we are back with the Brit-coms. 


The Full Monty is the best male stripper film of all time and @Tele Came Back can fight me on that. :) This film has heart, style, comedy for days and pulled off a miracle of making audiences both male and female, line up to watch overweight, past their prime guys take their clothes off. 


Every now and again a British comedy takes the world by storm, and this was one of those said comedies. 



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137th - The Avengers

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MCU coming think and fast now...


I loved this film, its a joyride from start to finish and gave the viewing audiences pair ups and scenarios that they probably never expected to see on screen. I liked Ultron, really liked Civil War and am very hopeful for Infinity War. But even if that disappoints, I'll always have this little behemoth. 






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136th - Life of Brian

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And that is the end of Monty Python for this list...


The Marvel -> Brit, 1 -2 punch hits twice in a row as we have a film that like a lot of python for me, has mountainous highs, interspersed with periods of down that did not work for me. The end song is amazing, most of the classic scenes/lines are brilliant, but somethings the bits that connect said scenes together could have been stronger. 


But when it's funny, it's iconically funny. 



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135th - Castaway on the Moon (Korea)



This is one of my favourite concepts ever.


The idea of a guy being stranded on a deserted island on a river in the middle of a city is just wonderful in my opinion. Add to that, the only person who notices him is an agoraphobe who notices him through a telescope. It is a great little film, and one of those rare foreign films that i would be open to seeing Hollywood have a stab at as a concept. 


It's a hard film to track down, but @Wrath will tell you that it is possible to find :). And it is lovely.  


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134th - The Ring (USA)

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Speaking of US remakes better than the foreign original...


This film nailed the Ring. The better focus of the story, blended with a strong cast and the great original story left us with a  horror film that if it isn't iconic yet, it will be as soon as it is old enough to qualify.


The big famous scene in this is as scary and as well done as anything in the history of cinema and that is not hyperbole. Possibly the best pure horror film of the 21st century. 



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133rd - Simpsons Movie

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A film that was not only funny, but seem to spark a rebirth in the quality of the TV show too. 


This could have been a lazy shameless cash in, but instead we got a genuinely funny, different and larger scale Simpsons adventure. This is one of my favourite animations ever and things like Spider Pig and President Schwarzenegger are comedy gold.


One of the better film adaptions of a TV cast and show. 



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132nd - The Neverending Story

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Nostalgia O'clock is back people. 


Fun story, about 6 months ago I showed this film to my class of 7 year olds and half f the class now tell me still that it is their favourite film. That made me very happy that such as old film can still work its magic on kids accustomed to mega CGI events (I then showed them Neverending story 2 and 40 minutes in, one of the kids told me: "Teacher, you do not need to show us any more of this, it is okay." )


But still, this was a mega highlight of my childhood and I think it still stood up watching it less than a year ago. 



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131st - Sing Street

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I think Begin Again was the better film, but I also kind of think that I like this one more. 


Sing Street gets better for me every time i think about it. The songs are brilliant, the evolution of the music is great and it is a wonderful raw drama wrapped with music. I still do not understand how this missed out on a Best Song Oscar Nom (even though the field was crazy strong last year), but Drive it Like you Stole it is still street ahead of anything La La Land could put together. 





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From 130th-121st, you can expect...


1 film you probably haven't watched

1 film sequel that will boggle your mind it made even a top 500

2 sporting biopics from different era set at the same time that are both awesome

1 cult classic

1 Franchise starter that likely will never start a franchise and I like more than anybody else

All the animations.  

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25 minutes ago, chasmmi said:

135th - Castaway on the Moon (Korea)



This is one of my favourite concepts ever.


The idea of a guy being stranded on a deserted island on a river in the middle of a city is just wonderful in my opinion. Add to that, the only person who notices him is an agoraphobe who notices him through a telescope. It is a great little film, and one of those rare foreign films that i would be open to seeing Hollywood have a stab at as a concept. 


It's a hard film to track down, but @Wrath will tell you that it is possible to find :). And it is lovely.  


I've got a copy in my basement!


I'll admit that I haven't seen this one yet, but I did like 3-Iron (which I finished watching the other day. I hadn't realized it only had like 10 minutes left). I can't recall if we talked about it, but 



I do think the hero was real, but I think he died in prison (probably from one of the guard beatings) and she was imagining him at the end.


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21 hours ago, chasmmi said:

134th - The Ring (USA)

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Speaking of US remakes better than the foreign original...


This film nailed the Ring. The better focus of the story, blended with a strong cast and the great original story left us with a  horror film that if it isn't iconic yet, it will be as soon as it is old enough to qualify.


The big famous scene in this is as scary and as well done as anything in the history of cinema and that is not hyperbole. Possibly the best pure horror film of the 21st century. 




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