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Chasmmi's top 250 films of all time - Because I honestly had this idea at the same time and it's not a Ripoff - :)

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160th - Nightmare on Elm Street 3

Image result for nightmare on elm street 3


The Best Elm Street Sequel and the film that probably gave birth to the Freddy Character as he is thought of now.


It has a really strong cast for the third film in a horror franchise. It is also damn imaginative in both the way kills come together and also the way everyone comes together for the third act is kind of great. This is my favourite horror franchise for a reason, and within that franchise, this is very close to the top. It will never be the original, but there are things here that it does better, and it add to lore as opposed to butcher it like a lot of sequels do.  




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159th - Lilo and Stitch



Image result for lilo and stitch


This was a gem of a film that came out during my Disney blackout period. 


I only saw this for the first time about 4 years ago and by god, this has the best little girl character ever. Stitch is funny and cute et all, but this is a Lilo film for me, everything about her is gold. 


This is such a lovely film, every character gets their moments and one of Disney's more underrated classics in my opinion. 


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158th - Interview with the Vampire

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I love the cast in this. Such a cool vampire film and still maybe my favourite thing that Pitt has done. 


The vampire who doesn't want to be a monster story has been done many times, but it is something that can produce some great stories, be it a TV series like Angel, a film that comes later in this list, or this. It is stylish, captivating and overall a cool vampire film that I have watched countless times and likely will watch again one day soon. 








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157th - Begin Again

Image result for begin again


I never saw Once, really liked Sing Street, but I love this film. 


I think this may be the first time I have found Knightley likable in a film. She has been good before, and of course pretty before, but this film I straight up liked the character she was playing. Ruffalo also proves that he can pretty much do anything and be great too.


The songs are also pretty damn good from start to finish and even that guy from Maroon Five turns out to not be awful in front of a camera. A charming, smaller film that Korea went nuts for. I can't recommend this enough. 



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156th - Edge of Tomorrow

Image result for edge of tomorrow


The best film to have a nuclear-level bad advertisement campaign.


This film was made to look so bad that I think it took about 15 people on this site to all rave about how good this actually was for me to break down and give it a chance. And it turned out to be one of the best action Sci-fis in years. Great idea, executed brilliantly, with only a pissy ending stopping it from ranking higher. 


I always love to see something new and different done well and this was exactly that.





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155th - Beauty and the Beast (animated)

Image result for beauty and the beast


A classic, but still a beautiful film even by modern standards. 


This was Disney at the height of its best ever period and that shows in how good this film is. Even though this was Disney's 'girls' movie', I could still find so much to enjoy here and it seems to get better as I get older. 


I didn't hate the remake, but when you are trying to improve on this, that's pretty damn hard because this has very little room for improvement. A wonderful animation classic. 




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154th - Eurotrip

Image result for Eurotrip


Best Matt Damon Cameo ever.


And after trying to pick the right films for a little stretch we are back to something which is here just because I think it is just that goddamn funny. I laugh so much at this film and it doesn't seem to get old. Scotty Doesn't Know is a legendary cinematic song and just everything this does is stupid, silly, wrong, and great. 





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153rd - X Men days of Future Past

Image result for days of future past


I never thought that we would get an X Men Film close to X2 again, but I was wrong. 


This was such a good film. The action is cool (some of it is scene of the year great, and you know what I am talking about), and the film is stacked with a great cast both in past and present.


MaCavoy And Fassbender are posterboys for giving any film no matter how beloved the chance to be remade and recast, because they took on the giant shoes of McKellen and Stewart and completely nailed it. Good job lads.  



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152nd - The Kingsman

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Taron Egerton may just be the most exciting young actor I have come across in many a year. 


5 minutes into this film, I worried I was not going to like his character at all, but in one scene that completely changed and I found myself watching one of my favourite films of 2015 (14?). This film is funny, damn cool and one of the best surprises in the action genre I could have hoped for. 


This film makes Colin Firth look like he should be James Bond, that's how good it is. 



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151st - The Big Short

Image result for big short


The only complaint I have about this film is that Carrell was the Oscar performance here, not Bale. 


But overall this film achieved something great in turning an important but dull sounding true life event into a clever, quirky and fascinating film. I'd never have dreamed i could have found banking so engaging. 


This film has such clever ways of explaining plot, dealing with clunky exposition and just anything where the avoidance of boredom was required. It's a seriously good film that surprised me greatly as to just how good it was. 



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2 hours ago, aabattery said:

These pages are too long they are hurting my scrolling finger please use spoiler tags.


This is a pretty agreeable stretch so far. When are we getting back to the weird ones? :P


Give it time :)


Also as we get higher, I think the ratio of stuff people would expect/hope/not be surprised by seeing goes up exponentially. 

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I wouldn't say I'd expect a lot of these recent movies to be on a list, but they're certainly not as odd of choices as some earlier ones.


Pretty sure Deadpool or La La Land were the most eye-opening on mine.  Maybe Rocky Horror?

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4 hours ago, The Panda said:

I wouldn't say I'd expect a lot of these recent movies to be on a list, but they're certainly not as odd of choices as some earlier ones.


Pretty sure Deadpool or La La Land were the most eye-opening on mine.  Maybe Rocky Horror?


I already know for a fact that @Tele Came Back will not approve of 150th :) 


But I think there are about 7 more films on the list which are less than 1 year or so old. 

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150th - Flight of the Navigator

Image result for flight of the navigator


A million points of joyous childhood nostalgia right here. 


10 year old me would likely have this in in top 20. It is a wonderful adventure story that has everything you could ever want from a kids film: spaceships, aliens, robots, memory loss. What else could you ask for?


To not like this @Tele Came Back means that you must @Tele Came Back have a heart of pure cold stone @Tele Came Back. I don't understand how anybody @Tele Came Back with a soul could ever hate this. It is a classic classic film. 




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149th - Lion

Image result for lion movie


This film is about 60 minutes one of the best films ever and 60 minutes very strong film. 


The ending alone is possibly the strong ending to any film from 2016, and the little kid that opens the film is also just amazing all the way through. This is a true story tale that completely nails how to tell a story to pack an emotional punch without feeling like it is reaching for Mr Oscar. Dev Patel has it in him to do something really astounding in the next few years. 


Or he could do 14 more Chappies, we'll never know till it happens. 



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148th - Creed

Image result for creed


Is this the best that Rocky has ever been as a character?


Stallone was so good in this, but on top of that you have a cast around him which is also really top notch. This is one of those films that fills you with joy when it turns out to not be a soulless cash in on a property name. 


The fighting in this is great, the character developement here is great, and well just everything here is just damn great. If you haven't seen it... why are you here? :p   



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147th - Hotel Transylvania 2

Image result for hotel transylvania 2


The best thing Sandler is doing right now by a mile. 


This franchise is quietly going about its duty producing some great animated entertainment. These films have heart, laughs and in the zombies we also get minion style silliness too. This film is also surprisingly mature given the source involved and having chanced upon this franchise a couple years back, I find myself really looking forward to new installments.







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146th - Edge of Seventeen

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Another definitely criminally overlooked film from last year.


This film is a comedy that doesn't come along very often. It is both funny and comes from a place that is painfully understandable to a lot of people. Harrelsson (sp?) is the MVP here as the teacher that doesn't want to give a shit, but the lead actress also is brilliant at portraying a teenager who thinks the universe is against her and unfortunately for her, there is enough evidence for her to feel justified in that thought which in turn skews her outlook and life view in an unhealthy way. 


More people should see this. 









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