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Last Chapter

Date: January 26th

Theaters: 2,851

Genre: Drama/Romance

Rating: PG-13

Runtime: 109min (1hr, 49min)

Director: Lee Toland Krieger

Cast: Olivia Wilde (Michelle), John Krasinski (Jamie), Leslie Odom Jr. (Kyle)

Budget: $15 million


Michelle is a writer trying to come up with an ending to her next novel, a mystery inspired by old noire films. She is currently leading a happy life on her own, and she has published two other successful novels. She develops a great idea for the novel, but all of that changes in a heartbeat. A bus accident puts Michelle in the hospital.


Although she should be able to physically recover, she has suffered from amnesia. As a result, she forgot everything about the book that she was writing. She looks at the book one more time, but she doesn't believe that she wrote this, let alone that she can find the novel's ideal ending.


A barista at her favorite coffee shop and aspiring pianist, Kyle, brings her coffee, trying to help her as she recollects her memories. He had been pretty shy to her, but she had always been very kind to him.


She soon meets a man, Jamie, who says that he is a big fan of her past two novels and an aspiring novelist himself. She had forgotten about these novels, and she feels that the man is bothering her. Jamie is saddened by the impact of the accident on her. He knew about it from a news report, but he didn't expect her to forget that she was even a writer.


Jamie soon takes it upon himself to help Michelle try to remember who she was, and try to help her redevelop an idea for her novel. As her memories return, she finds out that Jamie had stolen her writers notes, which contained information on her stories, to take for himself. After a major fight, realizing that Jamie had just been using her.


At the end, she exposes Jamie at a book convention, and she develops a story based on her experiences, also falling in love with Kyle.

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Bounty Hunters From Heaven

Genre: Fantasy/Action/Comedy

Date: April 20th

Theaters: 3,204

Director: Ruben Fleischer

Runtime: 110min (1hr, 50min)

Rating: R for pervasive language and bloody violence, crude sexual content including brief nudity, and use of alcohol

Budget: $50 million

Cast: Donald Glover (Jack), Woody Harrelson (St. Alexander), Jonah Hill (Lucas), Genesis Rodriguez (Maya), Danny McBride (Lucifer), Zach Galifinankis (God)


Plot: After a man dies, he joins an elite group of angels who go down to Earth and kill its scum.



Jack is a single video game critic, who works for a gaming magazine. His best friend, Lucas, is much like him, trying to just enjoy life and have fun with what they do. All of that changes when one day, when Jack has to take a car trip to meet with a gaming company executive. On the way, he gets into a fatal car crash, which kills him. However, Jack soon wakes up in a mysterious white space, which soon turns into a wondrous garden after his vision clears up. A man in a white robe, with a belt of weapons, comes up to Jack, and the man asks him, "Enjoy your trip to heaven?" His name was St. Alexander.It turns out that Jack was indeed killed by the car accident, and he is now in heaven. However, Heaven appeared to be a livid place, where people partied and had a good time all day and night long. The people here lived good lives, and they were now free to do whatever they wanted up in Heaven. However, there was an extra side of heaven, one that people may not know about. St. Alexander introduces him to this aspect.


There is a secret organization, Bounty Hunters from Heaven, where angels descend from the heavens to help kill bad people. Lucifer then comes in and brings their souls to hell.While it may not be widely known, they did a lot to make the world better. For example, an angel snuck into Hitler's mind and convinced him to kill himself, and another group of angels gave heavenly advice to the Navy Seals Six team to help kill Osama Bin Laden. Given that Jack was a pro at video game shooters and strategy games, he might be able to be a valuable asset to the organization. Jack willingly accepts this offer. How awesome would it be to kill bad people in the world!That night, Jack meets Maya, a fellow bounty hunter, and Lucifer, who came up with the idea for the organization. Maya is a quirky, headstrong girl whom Jack begins to fall for at first sight, and Lucifer is a bit of a tool, but he finds enjoyment in torturing people who deserve it. Soon, the four go down to Earth to take out a cruel warlord in Africa. Jack learns that he will have to occupy the body of one of his soldiers to take him out.


The four go down and carry out the mission successfully, albeit with a few humorous glitches. The gang returns to heaven, where they party hard that night, and Jack gets closer to Maya.To recognize the work of the four, they take Jack to meet God for the first time. God is the king of parties, and while he is supposed to keep the world running straight, he is lazy and irresponsible. He greets Jack to his awesome realm, and he decides to give him a supreme weapon from the heavens, one that will allow him to kill people out of cold air. It's a giant gun that...you definitely don't want to get in the way of. His best men were working on this for so long, and Jack has proven that he can handle the weapon.Soon, Jack and Maya are killing bad people left and right with their ultimate powers. Everything is going extremely well, until Lucifer starts to make him an offer. Lucifer is jealous of God's ability to be in this everlasting party in the sky, and how Lucifer is tired of torturing the damned. If Jack were to kill him now, then Lucifer would bring him and Maya back to life. While both missed their old lives, Jack is not sure that he would be able to do this. Lucifer returns to hell, leaving him his business card.


Soon, Jack tells God about Lucifer's plan. He knew that he was always a dangerous guy, and this is not very surprising to him. Lucifer finds out about this though his magical orb of vision, and he is enraged. He summons his army of demons to go to heaven and attack. God is also looking at this very scene through another orb of vision, and he mobilizes his own troops of angel warriors. Note the infinite loop that this might cause. Soon, the angels and demons fight in Heaven, but they realize that they cannot kill each other, since they're technically already dead. How awkward.Lucifer is soon confronted by Jack and Maya, who tell him to stop this attack. Lucifer refuses, saying that he is too strong to stop. While the angels cannot be killed, the demons are beating and capturing them.


Jack gets the idea of using his heavenly weapon against him, but he is distracted by getting into a fight with the devil himself. Maya soon finds the gun, and tosses it to Jack. He uses it against Lucifer, and it turns him into dust. It turns out that with this weapon, you can kill people in heaven and hell.God honors Jack and Maya, and everyone cheers for them. Lucifer is replaced by someone else who actually hates parties, and wouldn't be jealous of God anyways. For the first time ever, with St. Alexander's assistance, he tries to bring Maya and Jack back to life. He succeeds, but the two become zombies, and they scare everyone who sees them. God soon brings them back, realizing that this was a horrible mistake. After an awkward silence, St. Alexander yells, "Let's party!" And they do.

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The Encounter... Airport 2018

Release Date: November 21st, Y2

Studio: Gold Crescent Pictures

Genre: Sci-Fi/Thriller/Drama

Director: Daniel Espinosa

Theater Count: 2,898

Premium Formats: Dolby Cinema

Shooting Format: 6.5K Digital (Arri Alexa 65)
Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1

Release Image Formats: 2K DCP, 4K DCP, 4K Dolby Vision DCP

Release Audio Formats: 5.1, 7.1, Dolby Atmos
Production Budget: $45 million

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for language, frightening situations, some violence, and suggestive content

Running Time: 101 minutes

Major Cast: Ron Perlman (Captain Hynek), Alec Baldwin (Dr. Petroni), Nicolas Cage (Frank), Salma Hayek (Cristina), Keanu Reeves (Lance), Paul Giamatti (Professor Greene), Emma Thompson (Gale), Helena Bonham Carter (Estelle)

Plot Summary: A revival of the 1970s airplane-based thriller franchise, originally based on a novel by Arthur Hailey.



In the late evening, an Airbus A320 passenger jet departs from Las Vegas en route to Seattle. Piloting is Captain Hynek (Ron Perlman), who is having an affair with Cristina (Salma Hayek), a Las Vegas lounge singer also on the flight. Her husband and manager, Lance (Keanu Reeves), is flying her up to Seattle for an interview with an indie record label. Other passengers include Seattle-based science teacher Gale (Emma Thompson), flying back home after vacation, and the reclusive artist Estelle (Helena Bonham Carter), who acts shifty and suspicious. Finally, there's Dr. Petroni (Alec Baldwin), son of the late Joe Patroni, who had a long career in airplane-related business and was directly involved in no fewer than four major air catastrophes (i.e., the events of the original four films; Joe Petroni was the sole recurring character in the series). Dr. Petroni is flying to Seattle for a medical conference, and is very nervous because it's his first time on a plane since the 1970s, when the airliner he was on collided with a privately-owned plane and was briefly flown by a stewardess after the crew all died or were badly injured (the events of the film Airport 1975).


Dr. Petroni is very wary of Estelle, who spends a lot of time on a laptop, hiding her screen from others. He notices some of the electronics aboard the plane are acting strangely - video screens, help buttons, et cetera. He suspects she is a hacker, perhaps even a terrorist. In the cockpit, Captain Hynek realizes his autopilot and GPS have been acting up, and the plane is several dozen miles off-course - flying right by Area 51 in the Nevada desert. Suddenly all of the plane's electronics shut down, and Hynek loses control of the craft. At first he is worried they will crash, but he realizes some other force appears to be flying the plane.


Dr. Petroni confronts Estelle but she explains she is a famous artist trying to keep a low profile, who was doing editing work on her computer and didn't want anyone to see her unfinished piece. Other passengers, who recognize her, confirm her story. On the ground, air traffic controllers realize they've lost all contact with the flight and can no longer detect it on radar. However, the military refuses to allow a search and rescue operation so close to Area 51. Instead, a military scientist working out of Area 51, Professor Greene (Paul Giamatti), is assigned to investigate and cover up the incident.


A huge UFO appears hovering over the plane in the night sky, its blinding colored lights illuminating the entire cabin through the windows. It becomes so bright the crew and passengers can no longer see their surroundings, seeming to have been swallowed into some void of energy. The bulk of the film deals with the drama on board the plane, trapped by the UFO, as simmering tensions between people erupt, odd, tiny alien robots are found to be entering the plane, people (notably Gale) fall ill from exposure to a strange radiation and need to be treated by Dr. Petroni, and so forth. On the ground, Professor Greene handles the media, spinning a story about a military test gone wrong, as he and his superiors search for but fail to find the missing plane.


Eventually the plane is released by the UFO, all its systems back to normal working order - however, it doesn't seem to have flown any distance at all from where it disappeared in the first place, despite being in the air for hours. The alien machines remain on board, and seem to be trying to communicate with the passengers. The military detects the jet and sends up a fighter to intercept it. The passengers are grateful at first, thinking they will be rescued. However, as part of the cover-up, the fighter plane launches a missile and blows a hole in the plane. Captain Hynek tries to make an emergency landing in the desert, and the alien machines actually help him by tapping into the plane's systems and doing repairs. Ultimately the plane is able to set down with only a few deaths.


In the end, the military arrives and rounds up the survivors, placing them in quarantine to be interrogated. Evidence is planted at the crash site to support the military's narrative. The alien machines are captured for study, except for one, which buries itself under the desert sands intact, lying in wait for something...




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On the Beach


Studio: Cookie Pictures

Genre: Post-Apocalypse/Drama

Director: John Hillcoat

Producers: Sebastian Peters, Nick Wechsler

Budget: $50 million

Release Date: March 16th

Theater Count: 3,020

Rating: R

Composer: Max Richter

Running Time: 127 minutes (2 hours, 7 minutes)

Cast: Viggo Mortensen, Chris Hemsworth, Joel Edgerton, Naomi Watts, Abbie Cornish, Said Taghmaoul


Synopsis: An adaptation of the 1957 book of the same name by Nevil Shute, previously adapted into a 1959 film starring Gregory Peck.




"In this last of meeting places
We grope together
And avoid speech
Gathered on this beach of the tumid river."

- T.S Elliot, The Hollow Men (1925)

The story is set primarily in and around Melbourne, Australia, in the near future. World War III has devastated most of the populated world, polluting the atmosphere with nuclear fallout and killing all human and animal life in the Northern Hemisphere. The war began with a nuclear attack by North Korea on Japan over an escalating dispute between North and South Korea where Japan got caught in the crossfires. This resulted in retaliatory strikes from the United States and the United Kingdom on North Korea. Because the aircraft used in these attacks were smuggled into North Korea from Russia, Russia took a brunt of the blame, triggering a retaliatory strike on Moscow by NATO. 

In response, Russia launches an attack on the People's Republic of China, which may in turn have been a response to a Chinese attack aimed at occupying Russian industrial areas near the Chinese border. Most, if not all, of the bombs included cobalt to enhance their radioactive properties.

After only a year of nuclear strikes being brought back and forth, global air currents are slowly carrying the lethal nuclear fallout across the Intertropical Convergence Zone to the Southern Hemisphere. The only parts of the planet still habitable are Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the southern parts of South America, although they are slowly succumbing to radiation poisoning as well. Life in Melbourne continues reasonably normally though the near-complete lack of motor fuels makes travel difficult.

People in Australia detect a mysterious and incomprehensible Morse code radio signal originating from the American city of Seattle, Washington. With hope that someone has survived in the contaminated regions, one of the last American nuclear submarines, USS Scorpion, placed by its captain, Commander Dwight Towers (Mortensen), under Australian naval command, is ordered to sail north from its port of refuge in Melbourne (Australia's southernmost major mainland city) to contact whoever is sending the signal. In preparation for this journey, the submarine makes a shorter trip to port cities in northern Australia, including Cairns, Queensland and Darwin, Northern Territory; unfortunately with the radiation spread taking its toll Darwin is already near abandoned by the time they arrive. Two Australians sail with the American crew: Lieutenant Commander Peter Holmes (Hemsworth), naval liaison officer to the Americans, and a scientist, Professor John Osborne (Edgerton). Commander Towers has become attached to a young Australian woman distantly related to Osborne named Moira Davidson (Watts), who tries to cope with the impending end of human life through heavy drinking. Despite his attraction to Davidson, Towers remains loyal to his wife and children in the United States. He buys his children gifts and imagines their growing older. At one point, however, he makes it clear to Moira that he knows his family is almost certainly dead, and he asks her if she thinks he is insane for acting as if they were still alive. She replies that she does not think he is crazy, just that he's still willing to have faith.

As the radiation continues to spread, the Australian government provides citizens with free suicide pills and injections so they can avoid prolonged suffering from radiation poisoning. Periodic reports show the steady southward progression of the deadly radiation. As communications are lost with a city, it is referred to as being "out." During all of this, we flash back to before the submarine's departure where Peter is seen talking to his wife Mary (Cornish), who is in denial about the impending disaster. Because he has been assigned to travel north with the Americans, Peter tries to explain, to Mary's fury and disbelief, how to kill their baby and herself should the radiation get to them: to take the suicide pill should he not return from his mission in time to help. A second flash back shows the bachelor Osborne spending much of his time restoring and subsequently racing a Ferrari racing car that he had purchased (along with a fuel supply) for a nominal amount following the outbreak of the war.

The submarine travels to the Gulf of Alaska in the northern Pacific Ocean, where the crew determines that radiation levels are not decreasing. This finding discredits the "Jorgensen Effect", a scientific theory positing that radiation levels will decrease at a much greater rate then previously thought, aided by the weather effects and potentially allow for human life to continue in southern Australia or at least Antarctica. The submarine approaches San Francisco, observing through the periscope and the lack of available contact that the city had been devastated and the Golden Gate Bridge has fallen. In contrast, the Puget Sound area, from which the strange radio signals come, is found to have avoided destruction because of missile defenses. One crew member, who is from Edmonds, Washington, which the expedition visits, jumps ship to spend his last days in his home town.

The expedition members then sail to an abandoned navy communications school south of Seattle. A crewman (Taghmaoul) sent ashore with oxygen tanks and protective gear discovers that although the city's residents have long since perished, some of the region's hydroelectric power is still working due to primitive automation technology. He finds that the mysterious radio signal is the result of a broken window sash swinging in the breeze and occasionally hitting a telegraph key. Realizing there is no life left in America and after receiving the news from Australia that the radiation has spread so fast that there's nothing they can do to stop it, Towers comes to the conclusion that there's it's useless trying to fight against the inevitable, and he orders the expedition to be turned back around. After a brief stop at Pearl Harbor, the remaining submariners return to Australia to live out what little time they have left.

Osborne takes his suicide pill while sitting in his beloved racing car. When Mary Holmes becomes very ill, Peter administers a lethal injection to their daughter. Even though he still feels relatively well, he and Mary take their pills simultaneously so they can die as a family. Towers and his remaining crew choose to scuttle the Scorpion in the open ocean, fulfilling a naval duty not to leave the unmanned vessel "floating about in a foreign port" after her crew succumbs to suicide or radiation poisoning. Moira watches the departure of the submarine in her car from an adjacent hilltop as she takes her suicide pill, imagining herself together with Towers as she dies.

Like some printings of the book, the movie ends with the last stanza of Elliot's poem:

"This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but with a whimper."


Edited by cookie
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Crash Bandicoot

Studio: Endless Entertainment (under the Endless Animation division)/Animation by Sony Pictures Imageworks

Release Date: September 14th

Genre: Animation/Action/Comedy

Format: 3D and IMAX (2D)

Budget: $70M

Rating: PG for mild action, some peril and rude humor

Theatre Count: 3,925

Runtime: 90 minutes

Director: Chris Buck and Rich Moore


Chris Hemsworth as Crash Bandicoot 

Jack Black as Doctor Cortex

Trey Parker as Doctor Brio

Karen Gillan as Tanwa

Morgan Freeman as Aku Aku 

Aziz Ansari as Ripper Roo 

Jim Carrey as Pinstripe 

Keegan Michael Key as Bull Bill

Dee Bradley Baker as Koala Kong

Summary: The Crash Bandicoot saga is bought back to life onto the big screen. In a new rendition of the story, Crash, a loud yet lovable bandicoot (a weasel/marsupial thing-y) is an outcast for not conforming to his society by being the exact opposite of elusive. However thanks to your run of the mill mad scientists, he and his kind are kidnapped and he and his only friend/secret crush Tanwa are selected to be mutated into evil, powerful weapons gaining superhuman strength. Luckily the experiment failed in terms of evilness but Crash is casted into the ocean and washes up on N. Sanity Island meeting an ornery witch doctor with a smooth as butter voice trapped inside of a mask. Together, the two team up to free his kind, save Tanwa and maybe have some fun along the way.



Somewhere southeast of Australia rest three little islands, teeming with wildlife, including the rare bandicoot, a weasel/marsupial like creature known be elusive, which is also home to Crash, a peaceful and wisecracking bandicoot; who is deemed an outcast for his outgoing and loud nature, his only friend being Tanwa, a female bandicoot who is as wise as Crash is wisecracking. Due to a mishap with hunting for fruit, he accidentally leads humans to his pack, attracting the attention of two mad scientists who have been kidnapping and experimenting with the local furry creatures in order to form a destructive and evil army of mutants. Doctor Brio creates a machine called the Evolvo-Ray, an invention capable of turning animals anthropomorphic, but his ever pushy employer, Doctor Cortex takes the credit. One night, Crash takes Tanwa on a journey to free their kidnapped animals while hoping to reavel his true feelings along the way, only to be ambushed and captured by Cortex. They are both put under the Evolvo-Ray and both work successfully. Dr. Cortex plans to make the male the leader of his Cortex Commandos for world domination and inserts Crash into his patented Cortex Vortex, a mind-controlling device designed to brainwash mammals and turn them into evil henchmen, even though Dr. Brio warns Cortex that the Vortex is not ready. Crash turns out to be an utter failure and is rejected by the Vortex, causing it to shut down and crash landing into the Evolvo Ray breaking it. He is then chased by Cortex throughout the lab, who is attempting to catch him, but the marsupial accidentally breaks through a window and falls into the sea, but Tawna fails to escape and is in Cortex's clutches. Crash, having survived the fall, swims to the nearest island and sets out to save Tawna and his fellow bandicoots before Cortex can do anything terrible to them. Knowing full aware that Crash will come back for Tawna, Cortex sends out his best henchmen to stop him.


Crash washes ashore on the beach of N. Sanity Island, meeting Aku Aku, a witch doctor whose soul is trapped inside a wooden tribal mask due to a curse by a great evil and whose powers have been long dormant. Suddenly, one of Cortex’s henchmen Bull Bill arrives to kill Crash. In a panicked frenzy, Crash puts on Aku Aku, giving him a temporary invincibility shield along with allowing Aku Aku to gain his magical abilities back for periods at a time, defeating him. Aku Aku strike up a conversation with Crash on how he got there, realizing that he and Crash are linked together explaining the new powers and that Cortex and Brio may have the technology to give him a new body, deciding to team up with Crash to save the animals. The duo then make their way through the nearby jungle and scale the wall of a giant wooden fortress, which is inhabited by the native tribe. They enter the hut of tribe leader Papu Papu and is forced to defeat him in self-defense after inadvertently waking him from his nap. Crash and Aku Aku subsequently escapes the pursuing villagers and climbs over the opposite fortress wall by poorly disguising themselves as an angry god.


From there, he crosses to the second of Cortex's islands. Wumpa Island, hosting a large tree, has been long abandoned and there is nothing more than a jungle, a lizard-infested city, dilapidated bridges high in the mountains, and the ruins of an ancient temple, where the two get separated learning new information. Crash, after fighting some henchmen finds out Cortex has the Evolvo Ray combined with the Cortex Vortex and is almost fully operational and Aku Aku finds out that the Evolvo Ray has the potential to restore his body but can cause unintentional consequences, giving him some second thoughts. However, having discovered that Crash is making his way across the islands, Cortex dispatches the deranged bounty hunter, Ripper Roo on the island in a temple at the start of a creek just as the two. Crash and Aku Aku manages to cross the river and, after avoiding contact with his razor-sharp toenails, knocks Ripper Roo out cold beside a waterfall, and successfully makes their way through the city and the temples. Crash and Aku Aku head to a volcanic cave mine, also defeats another of Cortex's mutants, the muscular yet very dim witted Koala Kong, only to be physically outmatched. However the two defeat him by using both magic and fire to create a magic show to distract and injure Kong, causing the cave to erupt in the process and Crash saves Aku Aku from falling into the lava, causing the two’s bond to strengthen.


Crash and Aku Aku finally reaches Cortex Island and head to his toxic waste factory and shuts it down when battling the C.E.O. and Cortex's ancient bodyguard, Pinstripe. Pinstripe, out of fear for his life, gives Crash an ID card to get into the castle but reveals that although Aku Aku used his magic for good, he was a very selfish witch doctor of a tribe, defending and healing but for fame and fortune only, whose greed and vanity turned him into a mask as punishment by the gods instead of the “great evil” he told Crash. Betrayed and angry at Aku Aku, Crash ends their partnership and friendship, enters Cortex's sinister castle, alone. However Crash gets ambushed and confronted N. Brio in his lab room, where the mad doctor drinks a potion and turns into a hulking monster pounding the ground, Aku Aku arrives the last second to save Crash, apologizing to Crash, and the two reconcile. Crash fights the monster and Aku Aku destroys the revitalized ray by using a powerful spell which causes the castle to go up in flames. 


With his plans ruined, Cortex faces Crash atop his airship. After a long fight, Crash watches in awe as the rocket platform that Cortex stands on explodes, and Cortex apparently falls to his death. Crash is finally reunited with his beloved Tawna and frees his fellow bandicoots and other captured animals. The bandicoots and other captured animals take the airship and fly into the sunset. Crash is acclaimed as a hero among the animals, Crash and Tanwa share a kiss and start a relationship and Crash builds Aku Aku, a makeshift wooden body for him to use.


Don’t Let The Pigeon Cook

Studio: Endless Entertainment (through the Endless Animation division)/Animated by Endless Animation using the Worldmender technique

Release Date: September 14th

Genre: Animation/Comedy

Format: 3D and IMAX 2D 

Runtime: 5 Minutes, attached to Crash Bandicoot giving it a total 95 minute runtime.

Rating: G


Steve Carell as Pigeon 

Tom Kenny as The Chef



One day in the spring and bored, Pigeon decides to work. Finding a local restaurant, Pigeon tries to help and flies unnoticed into the kitchen. Thinking it’s a birdbath, Pigeon hopes into the sink and takes a bath. Noticed by a chef, the chef decides to chase the Pigeon around the kitchen. Pigeon outsmarts the Chef and dodges numerous objects around the kitchen but the Chef gets hit by pots, pans, knives and burning his hand on the stove. Cornered in the freezer, the Chef grabs in a pair of tongs, ready to get the Pigeon out of his kitchen but the Pigeon manages to lower the temperature and trap the chef, freezing him into a block of ice. Finally, Pigeon decides to help cook and grabs some spices only to notice his dish is a chicken. Terrified, Pigeon flies out of the kitchen into the dinner room, making a mess and lands ontop of a birthday cake, and the customers flee due to the Pigeon in the building. Coated in cake, Pigeon licks some of the cake off of him, commenting on how the restaurant is a mess and he’s not surprised the customers left.


Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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Treasure Planet

Release Date: November 2nd

Genre: Action/Adventure/Sci-fi/Comedy

Director: Taika Waititi

Format: 3D and IMAX 3D 

Budget: $145M 

Runtime: 130 Minutes (plus a 5 minute preview of Spyro: Dragonheart, so 135 minutes)

Rating: PG-13 for sci-fi adventure action, some language and brief suggestive comments

Theater Count: 4,069


Logan Lerman as Jim

Josh Brolin as John Silver

Taika Waititi as Dr. Doppler 

Brie Larson as Captain Amelia

Will Ferrell as B.E.N. 

Channing Tatum as Mr. Arrow 

Andy Serkis as Scroop

Sandra Bullock as Sarah




On the planet Montressor, a young Jim Hawkins is enchanted by stories of the legendary pirate Captain Nathaniel Flint and his ability to appear from nowhere, raid passing ships, and disappear in order to hide the loot on the mysterious "Treasure Planet".


Twelve years later, Jim has grown into an aloof, street smart, and isolated teenager. He reluctantly helps his mother Sarah run the family's Benbow Inn, and only derives amusement from competing in "Alponian solar cruising" races, skysurfing atop a tricked out, rocket-powered sailboard, often secretly betting on his own races under an alias gaining small bits of money along the way.


One day, a spaceship crashes near the inn. The dying pilot, Billy Bones, gives Jim a sphere and tells him to "beware the cyborg". After this, a gang of pirates raid and burn the inn. Jim, his mother, and their dog-like friend Dr. Delbert Doppler flee. At Doppler's study, Jim finds that the sphere is a holographic projector, showing a star map that leads to the location of Treasure Planet. Hoping to fix the inn, Jim seeks out to find Treasure Planet, despite his mother’s protests. Doppler, in hopes of scientific research and fame goes along as well, promises Sarah to make sure Jim is safe. Doppler commissions a ship called the RLS Legacy, on a mission to find Treasure Planet. The ship is commanded by the feline Captain Amelia along with her stone-skinned and disciplined first mate, Mr. Arrow. The crew is a motley bunch, secretly led by the half-robot cook John Silver, whom Jim suspects is the cyborg he was warned about. Jim is sent down to work in the galley, where he is supervised by Silver and his shape-shifting pet, Morph. Despite Jim's mistrust of Silver, they soon form a tenuous father-son relationship. Flashbacks are shown in Jim's youth when his father abandoned him.


During the voyage, the ship encounters a supernova. Jim, while securing lifelines of all crew members, saves Silver from falling just in time. The supernova then devolves into a black hole and Mr. Arrow is shortly sucked into it. The burst of shock waves and maximum engine power enable Amelia to pilot the ship to safety. Amelia mourns the loss of Arrow, and suspects Jim of failing to secure the lifelines, while in fact Arrow's line was cut by a ruthless insectoid crew member named Scroop, senses a weakness in Silver. Jim feeling immense guilt, blames himself for Arrow's death, until Silver comforts him before sending him to bed, while worrying that his crew might think he's gone soft. As the ship reaches Treasure Planet, Jim overhears that the crew and soon discovers they are indeed pirates led by Silver. Silver offers Jim a chance to join his crew, however Jim refuses and mutiny erupts. Jim, Doppler, Amelia and Morph abandon the ship, but Morph has left the map behind. Thinking Jim has the map, Silver target to blast Jim, but hesitates, allowing them to escape. The fugitives are shot down by a mutineer during their escape, badly injuring Amelia. 


While exploring Treasure Planet's forests, encounter a monstrous dinosaur like creature, but the fugitives meet B.E.N., an abandoned robot, who used to work with Captain Flint, who has literally lost his primary memory, who helps them escape to his place for shelter, where Doppler cares for the wounded captain and they stay for the night. In the morning, the pirates corner the group here; using a back-door, Jim, B.E.N. and Morph return to the ship in an attempt to recover the map, while a partially healed Amelia and Doppler hold them off, bonding while fighting the pirate horde. Scroop attacks the trio but gets drifted into space. They obtain the map, however, on return, they are caught by Silver, who already captured Doppler and Amelia.


Silver forces Jim to use the map, directing them to a portal that opens on any location in the universe, which Jim realizes is how Flint conducted his raids. They open the portal to the center of Treasure Planet, discovering that the planet is really a space stationbuilt eons ago that Flint commandeered to stow his treasure. As the pirates prepare to collect the loot, Jim finds the skeletal remains of Flint, holding the missing component to B.E.N.'s cognitive computer. He reinserts it, and B.E.N. immediately recalls that Flint had rigged the planet to explode upon the treasure's discovery. The planet soon begins to fall apart. Not wanting to go empty handed, Silver attempts to escape on a boat loaded with treasure, but eventually lets it go to save Jim. The survivors escape to the Legacy, but gets damaged and unable to leave the planet in time. Jim, remembering the portal, convinces the crew to turn towards it so he can shift their course. Although mostly healed, Amelia is still unable to fly, reluctantly Amelia instructs Dr. Doppler to follow Jim's orders and, making a makeshift solar surfer from scrap metal and a spare rocket thruster with Silver's help, Jim races towards the portal. However, the thruster loses power seconds before he can reach. In a desperate attempt, Jim manages to release the last bit of energy from it and changes the portal's destination to the Montressor Spaceport, causing both he and the Legacy safely clear the destruction.


Jim finds Silver has snuck below decks to escape in fear of being hung or incarcerated. He allows him to go, and Silver asks him to keep Morph, as well as providing him some part of the treasure to rebuild the Benbow Inn, believing Jim will "rattle the stars" and the two embrace before Silver leaves. Amelia offers Jim a recommendation to Interstellar Academy before he returns to the spaceport to reunite with his mother. Sometime later, a party is hosted at the rebuilt inn, B.E.N. now works and lives at the inn, Doppler and Amelia are married, and have children of their own, and Jim becomes a military cadet. Jim looks into the skies and sees an image of Silver in the clouds.


Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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The Call of the Revenant


Genre: Horror/Slasher 

Directed by Franck Khalfoun

Date: March 2nd, Y2

Studio: Lager Pictures

Runtime: 92 minutes

Theaters: 2,838

Rating: R for Graphic Violence and Language

Budget: $20 million

Tagline: Some things are better off buried

Cast: Corey Stoll, Wes Bentley, Toby Kebbell, Elijah Wood, Cameron Monaghan, Matthias Schoenarts, Bruno Ganz, etc.



Following the defeat of Germany in 1945 during the Second World War, a group of American soldiers interrogates a German officer who has connections with Adolf Hitler to try and uncover top secret information. The officer reveals that Hitler had taken an interest and dabbled in demonic rituals, thus accidentally reviving something that should've been left alone. Now unleashed into the world, the unknown creature tries to track down those who revived him to satisfy its thirst for blood in the process ultimately crossing paths with the soldiers.

Edited by Rorschach
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Release Date: Moved to Y3

Genre: Action/Superhero/Sci-Fi

Format: 3D and IMAX 3D

Director: Joss Whedon

Budget: $105M

Runtime: 135 Minutes

Rating: PG-13 for strong sci-fi action violence




The streets of Harlem are quiet at a cold dark night. Nothing is heard but the sound of a TV on. Young Don Weathers, his pregnant mother and his little sister are about to go to bed. In his room, Don looks out the window to see his dad speeding down the road. Don’s dad car blazes down the street on his way home avoiding an opposing gang member. Bullets blast and skid marks checker the pavement. A single bullet hits the wheel of Don’s Dad car causing it to spin out of control into an alleyway. Don sneaks out of the house to follow his dad. Before his dad could stumble out, Don’s Dad is shot dead. Witnessing this, Don is heartbroken and runs home, unnoticed.


10 years later, Don Weathers, is a young African American/Indian teen from Harlem, motivated by the loss of his father, becoming a gifted child prodigy who goes to Techno High, the most wealthy and science advanced school in New York but is looked down on by the majority of his classmates for being poor. On top of that, he lives a secret double life as a cat burglar in order to help provide for his single, struggling mother and younger siblings. Don gets selected by his principal for a competition to make a new invention. The winner of said competition gets $1,000,000 and a full ride scholarship to Harvard. Don is ecstatic at the opportunity and gets to work, going to the local junkyard to use and buy scraps from cars, video games, phones, laptops and other electronic items and metals like iron. However his gauntlets don’t work and lacks the ability to hold together. Don later on his way to the junkyard finds a mysterious black box and brings it home with him, intending to use it as a design element. After running some more tests, Sneaking out late at night

In 2015, a young Don Weathers, a street smart but insanely gifted African-American/Indian teen from Harlem, enrolls into Techno High, a school for childhood prodigies. Throughout, his Junior year, he becomes the top student and popular. However one night while waiting for his dad to come home, he witnesses his murder by opposing gang members from his dad’s rival gang.


Flash foward to 2017, Don becomes somewhat depressed, still mourning for the loss of his father. He becomes socially isolated and his grades are barely passable. His home life is even worse, his mom can barely pay the bills and Don’s tuition. The principal of Techno High offers to enroll him in a robotics competition that can give him both a full ride scholarship and enough money to keep his family a

Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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Taking Names


Genre: Action/Comedy

Date: July 13th

Theaters: 3,358

Cast: Andy Samberg, Alec Baldwin, Danny McBride, Hannibal, Woody Harrelson, Melissa McCarthy, Bill Hader, Viola Davis

Director: Akiva Schaffer

Rating: R

Budget: $45 million

Runtime: 89min (1hr, 29min)


*The film is edited and shot like a cheesy 90s action movie.*



Jake Gunn (Samberg) is one of the most successful and attractive movie stars working in current Hollywood. Even the internet respects him for his humanitarian efforts. However, his dream is to win an Oscar, something he's never done in the 5 years that he's been a major star, probably because he started out in movies like "Action Jeans," and "Let's Dance In Super 3D!!" However, Jake finds his chance when a greedy producer, Mr. Korinski (Baldwin) wants him to be in a WWII movie, a genre that's prone to Oscar success, and the presence of Gunn in the movie could also make it a big financial success. Eventually, the film stars filming and Gunn's acting skills in a serious role aren't quite as effective as he had hoped, and early screenings for the film recieved mixed reviews. On top of that, pretty much no one praised Gunn's performance. As a result, the film is forced to be delayed a year in order to fix it up.


However, some unfortunate circumstances come into play during the film making process. It turns out that Mr. Korinski has some unpaid debts with some of the gangs in the bad neighborhoods in LA, and now, they're finally getting their revenge on the shady producers, by attempting to destroy the film he's been working on. The budget has gotten so high that it greatly exceeds what he's taken from them, and that if this fails, Korinski won't only lose the money he put into the film, but become a joke of Hollywood. They carry out their plans by sneaking into the studio and destroying set pieces, and killing crew members. These incidents soon appear in the news, but the press is unaware of the gang that's causing these incidents. Meanwhile, the police department is either chasing extremely false leads or is simply grossly incompetent. (They are called The Hollywood Cops - McCarthy and Hader)


Gunn eventually catches on to the gang's evil plan, but he comes up with his own plan to fight the gang and its charismatic leader, Rock (McBride). He convinces his geeky friend, Tom (Buress) to take the prop weapons from the movie and mod them to become real and lethal killing machines. Later on, he does just that, but he doesn't tell Gunn that the props are the same as they always were, and he just bought all of the weapons. Gunn must have came up with a far too complicated plan. Gunn teams up with his gruff costar and veteran actor, Ron McClean (Harrelson) and they take on the gangs. Their spree of violence includes shootouts, rescuing hostages, and a car chase down Hollywood Boulevard, which becomes awkward at one point due to the traffic causing the cars to be at standstill, and the gansters dress up in cheap costumes. (At one point, we see Queen Elsa violently fighting Spider-Man - "Disney owns you now, motherfucker!") Tom helps the two out with their plan throughout the movie, through a headset from his house.


The news catches wind of the two actors turned vigilantes, and the law is at a complete standstill on what to do to them. He's killing bad people, but he's still killing people. Moreover, Gunn and McClean have gone completely undercover, being unrecognizable in daily life. The situation has caused many people to protest, "Don't Arrest Jakie!" "Gunn Is A Hero!" Gunn decides that since the gang is still at large, he has bigger problems to worry about. However, the leader offers Gunn a proposition at the soundstage where the movie is filming. He would be willing to pay back the damages for the movie if Gunn kills Mr. Korinski. Korinski was kind of an ass while they were filming, so he was wickedly tempted. However, the public would be a lot less sympathetic of him if he took the deal, and he didn't trust the leader enough as to keep this matter in private. Gunn refuses, and a major shootout soon occurs at the soundstage between Gunn and McClean against the gang.


Gunn and McClean are struggling against the thugs, trying to avoid shots and shoot at the same time. Soon, some cops make it in, but they are unable to provide much help, still debating on whether or not what Gunn is doing is ethical. Soon, Rock shoots McClean in the arm, causing him great pain. He is about to shoot McClean, but a car soon comes crashing into the studio, knocking over a spotlight that crashes on top of Rock, killing him instantly. The car actually belonged to Tom, who was able to tap into the connection with Gunn using his computer and track where they were, also inferring that there was trouble due to his hearing several gunshots.


The police guess that they should probably give them a trial because of all the destruction that the three has caused. On the courtroom, however, Gunn finally uncovers his true acting potential. He gives an epic speech in defense of himself, causing everyone in the courtroom to get misty eyed. The Judge, currently in tears, decides to drop all charges against Gunn, McClean, and Tom. However, Korinski is arrested later on. Soon, Gunn is approached by another producer, (Davis) who is planning on making a courtroom drama. This could be the oscar that Gunn has been searching for with the WWII movie. The two eventually do an epic high five jump in the air.

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On 1/8/2018 at 6:43 AM, YourMother the Edgelord said:

Crash Bandicoot

Studio: Endless Entertainment (under the Endless Animation division)/Animation by Sony Pictures Imageworks

Release Date: September 14th

Genre: Animation/Action/Comedy

Format: 3D and IMAX (2D)

Budget: $70M

Rating: PG for mild action, some peril and rude humor

Theatre Count: 3,925

Runtime: 90 minutes

Director: Chris Buck and Rich Moore


Erza Miller as Crash Bandicoot 

Jack Black as Doctor Cortex

Trey Parker as Doctor Brio

Karen Gillan as Tanwa

Morgan Freeman as Aku Aku 

Aziz Ansari as Ripper Roo 

Jim Carrey as Pinstripe 

Keegan Michael Key as Bull Bill

Dee Bradley Baker as Koala Kong


Plot Summary: The Crash Bandicoot saga is bought back to life onto the big screen. In a new retelling of the story, Crash, a loud yet lovable bandicoot (a weasel/marsupial thing-y) is an outcast for not conforming to his society by being the exact opposite of elusive. However thanks to your run of the mill mad scientists, he and his kind are kidnapped and he and his only friend/secret crush Tanwa are selected to be mutated into evil, powerful weapons gaining superhuman strength. Luckily the experiment failed in terms of evilness but Crash is casted into the ocean and washes up on N. Sanity Island meeting an ornery witch doctor with a smooth as butter voice trapped inside of a mask. Together, the two team up to free his kind, save Tanwa and maybe have some fun along the way.


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Chris Hemsworth has replaced Erza Miller for the role of Crash Bandicoot.

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On 1/8/2018 at 6:43 AM, YourMother the Edgelord said:

Crash Bandicoot

Studio: Endless Entertainment (under the Endless Animation division)/Animation by Sony Pictures Imageworks

Release Date: September 14th

Genre: Animation/Action/Comedy

Format: 3D and IMAX (2D)

Budget: $70M

Rating: PG for mild action, some peril and rude humor

Theatre Count: 3,925

Runtime: 90 minutes

Director: Chris Buck and Rich Moore


Chris Hemsworth as Crash Bandicoot 

Jack Black as Doctor Cortex

Trey Parker as Doctor Brio

Karen Gillan as Tanwa

Morgan Freeman as Aku Aku 

Aziz Ansari as Ripper Roo 

Jim Carrey as Pinstripe 

Keegan Michael Key as Bull Bill

Dee Bradley Baker as Koala Kong


Plot Summary: The Crash Bandicoot saga is bought back to life onto the big screen. In a new retelling of the story, Crash, a loud yet lovable bandicoot (a weasel/marsupial thing-y) is an outcast for not conforming to his society by being the exact opposite of elusive. However thanks to your run of the mill mad scientists, he and his kind are kidnapped and he and his only friend/secret crush Tanwa are selected to be mutated into evil, powerful weapons gaining superhuman strength. Luckily the experiment failed in terms of evilness but Crash is casted into the ocean and washes up on N. Sanity Island meeting an ornery witch doctor with a smooth as butter voice trapped inside of a mask. Together, the two team up to free his kind, save Tanwa and maybe have some fun along the way.


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Don’t Let The Pigeon Cook

Studio: Endless Entertainment (through the Endless Animation division)/Animated by Endless Animation using the Worldmender technique

Release Date: September 14th

Genre: Animation/Comedy

Format: 3D and IMAX 2D 

Runtime: 5 Minutes, attached to Crash Bandicoot giving it a total 95 minute runtime.

Rating: G


Steve Carell as Pigeon 

Tom Kenny as The Chef



One day in the spring and bored, Pigeon decides to work. Finding a local restaurant, Pigeon tries to help and flies unnoticed into the kitchen. Thinking it’s a birdbath, Pigeon hopes into the sink and takes a bath. Noticed by a chef, the chef decides to chase the Pigeon around the kitchen. Pigeon outsmarts the Chef and dodges numerous objects around the kitchen but the Chef gets hit by pots, pans, knives and burning his hand on the stove. Cornered in the freezer, the Chef grabs in a pair of tongs, ready to get the Pigeon out of his kitchen but the Pigeon manages to lower the temperature and trap the chef, freezing him into a block of ice. Finally, Pigeon decides to help cook and grabs some spices only to notice his dish is a chicken. Terrified, Pigeon flies out of the kitchen into the dinner room, making a mess and lands ontop of a birthday cake, and the customers flee due to the Pigeon in the building. Coated in cake, Pigeon licks some of the cake off of him, commenting on how the kitchen is a mess and he’s not surprised the customers left.


Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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Spyro: Dragonheart 

Release Date: December 14th

Studio: Endless Entertainment (under the Endless Animation division)/Animated by Sony Pictures Imageworks

Director: Lee Unkrich

Format: 3D and IMAX 3D 

Genre: Animation/Action/Adventure

Theater Count: 3,890 

Rating: PG for Adventure Action, Peril, mild rude humor, and some scary images

Budget: $75M

Runtime: 95 Minutes


Ezra Miller as Spyro

Emma Watson as Cynder 

Patrick Stewart as Ingitus

Johan Hill as Sparx

Zach Galifianakis as Volteer

Michael Fassbender as Cyril

Idris Elba as Terrador 





The story begins inside a temple, where a large red dragon named Ignitus is watching over an egg; it is the "Year of the Dragon", a time every twelve years when new dragon eggs are brought to the realm. A dragons' prophecy tells that every ten generations, a rare purple dragon will be born, who will direct the fate of that era; Ignitus is looking after such an egg.

The dragons are, however, at war with an enemy known as the "Dark Master", who also knows of the prophecy, and lays siege to the temple, intent on destroying the brood of eggs and are unfortunately outmatched and retreat. Ignitus escapes with the purple dragon's egg, leaving it to drift downriver into a swamp, hoping for the best. The egg is discovered by a family of dragonflies, and upon hatching, they name the dragon Spyro and adopt him into the family and raise him as one of their own, alongside Sparx, a dragonfly born the same day. 


One day, when Spyro and Sparx were playing hide-and-seek, they wandered too far from their playgrounds and were attacked by a group of Apes. They captured Sparx by trapping him in a cage, intending to use him as a lantern, and Spyro tried to rescue him. When the Ape Leader had had enough of Sparx's insults, he was about to stomp the dragonfly, but Spyro was able to stop him by unleashing his Fire attack, much to everyone's surprise. While the Ape Leader fled to report to a mysterious figure about the young dragon, Spyro defeated the remaining Apes and freed Sparx. Spyro is told that he is not a dragonfly himself but a stranger from a distant land; Spyro decides to leave the swamp in search of his true home, promises to return when he finds out who he is; Sparx, though reluctant at first, decides to tag along. Spyro is pursued by hostile forces, but eventually comes into contact with a distraught Ignitus, who although pleased that Spyro is alive, fears that with the Dragon Temple under occupation by their enemy, led by a female dragon named Cynder, and their numbers down, their war is already lost.


Spyro convinces Ignitus to lead him to the Temple, and is able to drive Cynder's forces out, after which Ignitus tells Spyro more about their war against the dark armies, offers Spyro some training in the art of the fire element, and then sends Spyro off to rescue three remaining dragon guardians, the most powerful dragons in the realm from Cynder's forces. One by one, Spyro clashes with Cynder's armies, rescues the three other dragons, Volteer, Cyril, and Terrador, while acquiring new skills and training along the way. It is learned that Cynder has been draining the dragons' power into crystals.


Cynder, however, starts fighting Spyro who shortly after rescues the final Dragon Guardian, Terrador; Ignitus intervenes to fight Cynder but is kidnapped. It is revealed that it was the four dragons who originally sealed away the Dark Master, and that Cynder is using the dragons' drained powers to open the seal. Ignitus's power is the final key in unsealing the Dark Master, so Spyro and Sparx are sent on a final, direct assault against Cynder's fortress. Spyro attempts to fight Cynder, but Cynder succeeds in draining Ignitus's power of fire into a crystal, and escapes to the sealed realm of the Dark Master.


During the fight, Spyro had noticed there was something familiar in Cynder's eyes. Ignitus then tells Spyro the rest of the story of what happened the night of the attack on the temple. After sending Spyro's egg down the river, Ignitus had returned to see that the Dark Master's forces had killed Spyro’s parents and destroyed the brood of eggs, except one - for only a dragon born in the Year of the Dragon can open the portal and release the Dark Master: Cynder, who had been transformed by the Dark Master's sinister powers. Ignitus fears that it is too late to stop her, but Spyro pursues Cynder and forces a final showdown. Meanwhile, the powerless dragons guardians, Sparx and a small amount of dragons, fight the remaining dark army. Spyro eventually using all of his power in a final attack which defeats her, purging her of the Dark Master's influence and returning her to her true form, a young dragon the same size as Spyro. The realm begins to collapse in on itself; Although retrieving the crystals, Spyro refuses to leave Cynder behind with the Dark Master. Though barely, Spyro is able to grab both  Cynder and the crystals and escape safely.


Though victorious, the dragons powers restored, and acclaimed as a hero, the battle cost Spyro much of his own strength and powers, and Spyro returns to his swamp and accepts his adopted parents as his true parents. Spyro is enrolled in a newly created task force for the Dragon Realm. Cynder is pardoned for her crimes due to the Dark Master’s corruption. But both Spyro and Cynder suspect that the Dark Master is still alive somewhere; and although the battle was won, the war is still far from over.



Pigeon: The Flight Before Migration

Rating: G

Format: 3D and IMAX 3D 

Runtime: 7 minutes (attached to Spyro giving it Spyro a 102 minute runtime)


Steve Carell as Pigeon

Kevin Hart as Fluffles


As winter approaches, Pigeon preps for migration to reach his family in their vacation nest in Florida. Grabbing his suitcase, Pigeon flies off. However, the smell of freshly baked cookies, distracts him, causing him to fly into a nearby mansion, locking himself inside. The owner’s cat, Fluffles, finds him and tries to help him leave, only for it to be a plot to eat Pigeon. Fluffles gives Pigeon a boost to the kitchen window. Attempt to bite him, Fluffles tail accidentally knocks down a frying pan causing it to fall right onto his head just as Pigeon avoids it. The two then try the side door, where Fluffles attempts to snatch Pigeon gets his claws stuck into the door, and while attempting to break free causes the door to crash down on him, triggering the house’s security system, causing him to be beaten and maced. Fluffles’s final plot was to trap Pigeon into the oven by telling him there’s a secret door inside. But before Pigeon enters, Pigeon gives Fluffles, a homemade Christmas gift, causing the housecat to have a change of heart, instead inviting him to spend the night, and that his owners leaving to Florida in the morning and he can sneak him into his luxury pet cage. In the morning, the two get into his cage and fly to Florida. Arriving in Florida, Pigeon invites Fluffles for his family feast and the two along with his family spend Christmas together. And Pigeon wishes the audience Happy Holidays.


Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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