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Edgy Reviews by YourMother

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Mostly Human - The definition of a January B movie but has some spectacle and occasionally delivers C-

Bloody Mary - More like not so scary, okay no, fine (heads to the corner wearing a dunce hat) D

Two Lonely Zookeepers - :hahaha:almost

Level D-

January Gem- Although very flawed, Like it’s title itself, this mockumentary with Stiller, is a truly funny gem in a month with few good movies. B

Timmy’s Winter Vacation - Dear God No 


Last Chapter - Not my personal cup of tea but it works and the target audience will like it 

Sasquatch - Cute but simple family movie C+

Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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Night Light - Although by the numbers for a horror movie, I liked it a lot more than expected, and didn’t want to turn off Night Light. C+

The Human Revolution - Leitch delivers a pretty solid action flick B-

Truth Is - This is garbage 


The Twenty One Ballons - This is a solid kids film but a bit more effort could make this great. B-

Danger Calling - This film’s best strength is that it is carefree and creates a tolerable although a tad bit forgettable action movie. C+

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1 hour ago, Hiccup23 said:

Garbage you say?

If it’s any consolation, I liked Illusino.


Truth is, the character development was really poor imo and the ending was cheesy.

Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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The Call Of The Revenant: Pretty Fun for a slasher. B-


Illusiono: This movie I should on paper hate but it’s a fun guilty pleasure. C+


Torrential: It’s aight C+


Academy: Should go back to training school D+


On The Beach: One of the few great remakes, with fantastic writing and acting to spare, and possibly one of the best movies of the year. Giving it the coveted: db3.jpg&key=aae3de3b5f983f47de90c35dc0c3 A


The Knight: With jaw dropping battles and a solid script, this action movie is a pretty cool relic. My only complaint is the third act. B+



Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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32 minutes ago, Hiccup23 said:

Academy looks like it is gonna be a polarizing film as I expected. It definitely isn't for everybody.

TBH if you had just gotten the rights to Scream Queens and made it an official film adaptation/spinoff I'd have loved it. I only scored it as I did because it breaks the rules.

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1 hour ago, Xillix said:

TBH if you had just gotten the rights to Scream Queens and made it an official film adaptation/spinoff I'd have loved it. I only scored it as I did because it breaks the rules.

I thought I had reserved it but apparently I didn't. Oops. 

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10 minutes ago, Hiccup23 said:

Also @Xillix techniquallly nobody reserved the rights before me so I don't think it breaks any rules. It was simply a property up for grabs. I thought I had reserved it (I know have reserved it). 

The rule is that you have to reserve it before you can use it though :P 

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